ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

Oct 14, 2024 at 5:40 PM Post #8,131 of 8,648
This album is truly divine on Caldera. :raised_hands: The crisp transient detail + warm ambience + that deep thumping sub-bass underpinning it all has never sounded better. :L3000:


When I try to put my finger on exactly what it is about Caldera that makes it MAGIC for me, I think it's that combination of crisp detail and precise resolution plus its bass presentation. It's like a TOTL planar with a subwoofer. The sub-bass is powerful and tactile, but it never impedes the mids & treble resolution. It's a trick I've not found any other headphone to pull off.
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Oct 15, 2024 at 4:32 AM Post #8,133 of 8,648
New Salire stand and Grand Silver Palladium cable have arrived.
With the cable I asked for a colour match to b&w ebony, I think the team did a fantastic job!
Also wasn't expecting the Salire to turn out so nice and matching the whole set.

The cable is probably the nicest one I have owned so far. Beautifully made. Great ergonomics, and despite the lot of metal (copper, silver, palladium) it is still light enough.
I love the diplomatic statement on ZMF's website: 'we are not cable believers, nor deniers'. :) So, deniers just scroll further please, believers carry on reading. :)
Of course cable differences are not as massive as DACs or amps for instance, but to my ears there are differences.
The GSP cable to me sounds very clean and clear with good detail, but rounded and smooth at the same time. Upper registers sound much clearer than on lower tier cables but not thin or harsh as they can be on some silver cables. Bass is clean, tight and controlled with good quantity. Not thin as it can be on some silver cables and not big and hazy as it can be on some copper cables. Overall a very balanced and pleasant sounding cable with good clarity. I am really enjoying it.
Thanks ZMF team! :)

Oct 15, 2024 at 8:24 AM Post #8,134 of 8,648
Hello guys, I received my stock Caldera with Suede and (supposedly) Stock lambskin pads. I ordered and just received Thick lambskin pads. The thing is that the pads that came in original ZMF packaging as "Thick" are exactly the same size as my original stock lambskin pads I got with the headphones. Can you please advise how do I distinguish the Thick pads? By size or by the count of perforation holes on the thickest place of the pads?
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Oct 15, 2024 at 8:30 AM Post #8,135 of 8,648
Hello guys, I received my stock Caldera with Suede and (supposedly) Stock lambskin pads. I ordered and just received Thick lambskin pads. The thing is that the pads that came in original ZMF packaging as "Thick" are exactly the same size as my original stock lambskin pads I got with the headphones. Can you please advise how do I distinguish the Thick pads? By size or by the count of perforation holes on the thickest place of the pads?
Put the pads on a flat surface. That's the easiest way to spot the thicker ones.
Oct 15, 2024 at 8:36 AM Post #8,136 of 8,648
Hello guys, I received my stock Caldera with Suede and (supposedly) Stock lambskin pads. I ordered and just received Thick lambskin pads. The thing is that the pads that came in original ZMF packaging as "Thick" are exactly the same size as my original stock lambskin pads I got with the headphones. Can you please advise how do I distinguish the Thick pads? By size or by the count of perforation holes on the thickest place of the pads?
Here are some comparisons of the two sets - original stock on the right and new "Thick" on the left. I think the sets are exactly the same size. And I also think they both seem to be the Stock Lambskin Pads wrongly packed by ZMF as Thick pads. What do you think?
IMG_4219 2.JPG
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Oct 15, 2024 at 8:46 AM Post #8,137 of 8,648
Here are some comparisons of the two sets - original stock on the right and new "Thick" on the left. I think the sets are exactly the same size. And I also think they both seem to be the Stock Lambskin Pads wrongly packed by ZMF as Thick pads. What do you think?IMG_4216.JPGIMG_4217.JPGIMG_4218.JPGIMG_4219 2.JPGIMG_4220.JPG
Those look identical and if I had to guess I would say all of them are stock pads. I can measure the thickness of the pads in the evening, but I am sure someone else will be quicker than me.
Oct 15, 2024 at 8:54 AM Post #8,138 of 8,648
If that is any worth I also counted the count of the perforation holes in the thickest point of the pads. On all of my pads here the count is max. 6 holes. On the ZMF Thick Caldera pads pictures I have found there seems to be 7 to 8 perforation holes. So the Thick pads must be about 6 mm thicker than the Stock pads.

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Oct 15, 2024 at 9:13 AM Post #8,139 of 8,648
If that is any worth I also counted the count of the perforation holes in the thickest point of the pads. On all of my pads here the count is max. 6 holes. On the ZMF Thick Caldera pads pictures I have found there seems to be 7 to 8 perforation holes. So the Thick pads must be about 6 mm thicker than the Stock pads.

I think you are correct and you received stock pads instead of the thick ones.
Oct 15, 2024 at 9:45 AM Post #8,140 of 8,648
Hello guys, I received my stock Caldera with Suede and (supposedly) Stock lambskin pads. I ordered and just received Thick lambskin pads. The thing is that the pads that came in original ZMF packaging as "Thick" are exactly the same size as my original stock lambskin pads I got with the headphones. Can you please advise how do I distinguish the Thick pads? By size or by the count of perforation holes on the thickest place of the pads?
I measured mine. The stock are 1 inch thick for me. I counted six holes at the thickest point. The thick pads measured at 1.25 inches thick. And I counted 8 holes at the thickest point.
Oct 15, 2024 at 9:51 AM Post #8,141 of 8,648
Thank you for confirming my thoughts... 🙂👍🏻
Oct 15, 2024 at 12:59 PM Post #8,142 of 8,648
Thanks ZMF team! :)

Damnnnnnn betula, that's a crazy beautiful set! 😍 matches amazing with the cable and the salire, I'd say one of prettiest calderas I've seen in pictures. Will also look stunning with the wood of the aegis and yellow vumeters, I envy you a lot right now 😝

What wood is your salire? The light touch in the base is much more powerful than one could think with your b&w.
Here is my red speckled maple Salire waiting my African cats are also waiting, nothing can join home without a full inspection test from my kittys
Oct 15, 2024 at 2:49 PM Post #8,144 of 8,648
New Salire stand and Grand Silver Palladium cable have arrived.
With the cable I asked for a colour match to b&w ebony, I think the team did a fantastic job!
Also wasn't expecting the Salire to turn out so nice and matching the whole set.

The cable is probably the nicest one I have owned so far. Beautifully made. Great ergonomics, and despite the lot of metal (copper, silver, palladium) it is still light enough.
I love the diplomatic statement on ZMF's website: 'we are not cable believers, nor deniers'. :) So, deniers just scroll further please, believers carry on reading. :)
Of course cable differences are not as massive as DACs or amps for instance, but to my ears there are differences.
The GSP cable to me sounds very clean and clear with good detail, but rounded and smooth at the same time. Upper registers sound much clearer than on lower tier cables but not thin or harsh as they can be on some silver cables. Bass is clean, tight and controlled with good quantity. Not thin as it can be on some silver cables and not big and hazy as it can be on some copper cables. Overall a very balanced and pleasant sounding cable with good clarity. I am really enjoying it.
Thanks ZMF team! :)


They look beautiful together!

I like Grand Palladium Silver so much, much more than any other ZMF cables. Biggest soundstage from all of ZMF cables, and at the same time also deliver very smooth and full body tone, but remain clean and rich of detail. I like it more than cables from other various famous brands too (even some of them are actually more expensive).

p.s: Not just with caldera, after tried several cables, now I also use Grand Palladium Silver for my Immanis "interconnect" cable from interface to amp.
Oct 15, 2024 at 3:19 PM Post #8,145 of 8,648
Biggest soundstage from all of ZMF cables, and at the same time also deliver very smooth and full body tone, but remain clean and rich of detail.
Exactly this. :point_up: The Grand Palladium Silver has the advantages of a good silver and a good copper cable, but without the usual drawbacks of both. Plus, all of this in a very smooth but super clean & clear, detailed presentation. Uniquely good.
I can't imagine anyone complaining about forward and too energetic upper mids/lower treble on the Caldera with this cable and the Aegis. The sound is still very dynamic and full of energy, but despite the high level of details it is super smooth and natural. Energetic, but absolutely inoffensive at the same time.
I get that the CO can be a bit too much on some SS amps and too soft/bloomy on some tubes, but not on the Aegis, not with this cable. :)
Damnnnnnn betula, that's a crazy beautiful set! 😍 matches amazing with the cable and the salire, I'd say one of prettiest calderas I've seen in pictures. Will also look stunning with the wood of the aegis and yellow vumeters, I envy you a lot right now 😝

What wood is your salire? The light touch in the base is much more powerful than one could think with your b&w.
Here is my red speckled maple Salire waiting my African cats are also waiting, nothing can join home without a full inspection test from my kittys
Thanks! I have been enjoying my Calderas for more than a year, they really deserved a decent stand and cable. I am sure, I will enjoy this set for a lot longer. The sound is absolutely wonderful: entertaining and engaging.
I rolled the dice with both the look of the cable and Salire (or shall I say, trusted the guys at ZMF?). The Salire is theoretically B stock, but we all know it is usually pretty hard to find fault with ZMF B stock items. My Salire is made of Katalox wood, which according to Google is basically Mexican ebony.
Hope to see some pictures once your black wood arrives. Those look stunning too!
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