ZMF Atrium Closed
May 8, 2023 at 10:56 AM Post #871 of 3,265
Same. And also some more impressions from the people who already received it. It's been very quiet here all things considered. So far very strong likes and loves but relatively few in number. Would be great to see more reactions once people are comfortable that they've opened up the drivers sufficiently.
My advice is to buy it now. It is well worth it, especially with the sale. I have had the LTD Olivewood AC for a few days now. If it helps, I can give my impressions. Before buying, I looked at the reviews on youtube and head-fi. In my experience with other headphones, the reviews are usually pretty accurate, especially once you have several different reviews to average out. The reviews out now seem to be pretty accurate for the AC. I don't think you are going to learn much more by waiting for more reviews. The headphonics review that was just posted looks pretty accurate also. I think the best youtube review is the one by headkarma, since he does a good job describing the softwood versus the hardwood. I originally placed an order for a cherrywood AC, but then decided to change to an LTD because the sound signature from the hardwood was a better fit for me. These are some of the best headphones out right now, cherrywood or LTD, and the price is very good for what you are getting.

I have a Bifrost 2/64, a Jotunheim 2, and an Echo 2. I also have a AO, VO, VC, and HD800s. If I could only keep one of my headphones, I would keep my LTD AC. In my opinion, unless you are a bass head, or mostly listen to bass heavy genres (as headkarma said), I think the LTD version is an upgrade over the cherrywood. Unless you are a bass head, upgrading from the cherrywood to the LTD is almost like going from an Arya to an Arya Stealth. It is better in many ways, and probably better for more people, though there are exceptions. They are similar, but one comes off as more refined. The Arya was more of a specialist, while the Arya Stealth is more of a generalist. I think the analogy is similar for the AC softwood versus hardwood.

In wavetheory's youtube review of the AO, he mentions that the AO tends to get a bit crowded in the upper-mids when you are listening to rock with heavy electric guitar, and I agree. That is much of what I listen to. Reviews are suggesting a similar issue with the cherrywood AC. I detect none of that whatsoever with the LTD AC, and none of the reviewers do either. Zeos' review of the AO suggested using the Brainwavz pads. I tried that, but it made the AO extremely bass heavy, presumably like a cherrywood AC. I liked the bass heaviness for a bit, but soon it became fatiguing. The LTD AC produces the same amount of bass but makes it is much tighter and punchier. This turns the bass from something that harms rock music to something that adds to rock music. I am more easily fatigued by heavy bass than most, and I think the LTD AC does bass perfectly, without fatiguing me at all. I usually listen to rock/metal/alternative, and prefer more mid-forward sound. I used to have an Aeolus but didn't care for it since it was so warm and the detail wasn't at the level I wanted. The reviews make the Aeolus sound similar in some respects to the cherrywood AC (though most seem to love the Aeolus). I used to have an Eikon, and I agree that the LTD AC is more of a drastically improved Eikon (hybridized with a VC and an AO) than it is a closed back AO. The cherrywood AC is closer to being a closed back AO, only with more bass. For this reason, if you already have an AO, the LTD AC would make more sense. If you don't have a VC and are considering one, then you would be insane not to buy the LTD AC, since that would give you most of what the VC gives you, and so you would no longer need to get a VC at all. I also suspect that the LTD AC provides better sound isolation since the wood is harder.
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May 8, 2023 at 11:16 AM Post #872 of 3,265
Is it the case that a strong sub-bass can aggravate these type of hearing issues or hearing sensitivities? I don't have tinnitus, but I do have a high sensitivity to low frequency tube hum (more bothered by it than others, I think) for example.
May 8, 2023 at 11:19 AM Post #873 of 3,265
Is it the case that a strong sub-bass can aggravate these type of hearing issues or hearing sensitivities? I don't have tinnitus, but I do have a high sensitivity to low frequency tube hum (more bothered by it than others, I think) for example.
I'm not a doctor, but I would think that yes, strong bass (not just sub-bass) might aggravate me. Anything that pressurizes the inner ear and eardrum would set mine off. That's why open-backs are better in my case. Less pressure.
May 8, 2023 at 11:46 AM Post #874 of 3,265
My advice is to buy it now. It is well worth it, especially with the sale. I have had the LTD Olivewood AC for a few days now. If it helps, I can give my impressions. Before buying, I looked at the reviews on youtube and head-fi. In my experience with other headphones, the reviews are usually pretty accurate, especially once you have several different reviews to average out. The reviews out now seem to be pretty accurate for the AC. I don't think you are going to learn much more by waiting for more reviews. The headphonics review that was just posted looks pretty accurate also. I think the best youtube review is the one by headkarma, since he does a good job describing the softwood versus the hardwood. I originally placed an order for a cherrywood AC, but then decided to change to an LTD because the sound signature from the hardwood was a better fit for me. These are some of the best headphones out right now, cherrywood or LTD, and the price is very good for what you are getting.

I have a Bifrost 2/64, a Jotunheim 2, and an Echo 2. I also have a AO, VO, VC, and HD800s. If I could only keep one of my headphones, I would keep my LTD AC. In my opinion, unless you are a bass head, or mostly listen to bass heavy genres (as headkarma said), I think the LTD version is an upgrade over the cherrywood. Unless you are a bass head, upgrading from the cherrywood to the LTD is almost like going from an Arya to an Arya Stealth. It is better in many ways, and probably better for more people, though there are exceptions. They are similar, but one comes off as more refined. The Arya was more of a specialist, while the Arya Stealth is more of a generalist. I think the analogy is similar for the AC softwood versus hardwood.

In wavetheory's youtube review of the AO, he mentions that the AO tends to get a bit crowded in the upper-mids when you are listening to rock with heavy electric guitar, and I agree. That is much of what I listen to. Reviews are suggesting a similar issue with the cherrywood AC. I detect none of that whatsoever with the LTD AC, and none of the reviewers do either. Zeos' review of the AO suggested using the Brainwavz pads. I tried that, but it made the AO extremely bass heavy, presumably like a cherrywood AC. I liked the bass heaviness for a bit, but soon it became fatiguing. The LTD AC produces the same amount of bass but makes it is much tighter and punchier. This turns the bass from something that harms rock music to something that adds to rock music. I am more easily fatigued by heavy bass than most, and I think the LTD AC does bass perfectly, without fatiguing me at all. I usually listen to rock/metal/alternative, and prefer more mid-forward sound. I used to have an Aeolus but didn't care for it since it was so warm and the detail wasn't at the level I wanted. The reviews make the Aeolus sound similar in some respects to the cherrywood AC (though most seem to love the Aeolus). I used to have an Eikon, and I agree that the LTD AC is more of a drastically improved Eikon (hybridized with a VC and an AO) than it is a closed back AO. The cherrywood AC is closer to being a closed back AO, only with more bass. For this reason, if you already have an AO, the LTD AC would make more sense. If you don't have a VC and are considering one, then you would be insane not to buy the LTD AC, since that would give you most of what the VC gives you, and so you would no longer need to get a VC at all. I also suspect that the LTD AC provides better sound isolation since the wood is harder.
The reviewers did a really good job before the release. They comforted me in my decision to buy them. This and combined with previous experiences with other ZMF cans (Aeolus, Auteur Classic and AO), it didn't make me feel it was an impulse buy. I knew what I was buying for the most part. Now that I have them, the more I listen to them, the more I'm grateful for these early reviews.
I therefore take the opportunity to thank all the early reviewers. I wouldn't have bought these heaphones on release day and probably would have missed the Olivewood. But with all the precious informations provided, I took the plunge.
Thanks guys.
May 8, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #875 of 3,265
Since I'm still waiting and determining if I made a mistake not going with Magnesium for my Olivewood AC's, how is the weight for folks with Aluminum Olivewood AC's? Not so bad with the typically awesome ZMF weight distribution? No complaints? :)
May 8, 2023 at 11:50 AM Post #877 of 3,265
I'm not a doctor, but I would think that yes, strong bass (not just sub-bass) might aggravate me. Anything that pressurizes the inner ear and eardrum would set mine off. That's why open-backs are better in my case. Less pressure.

I'd also note that bass is much more tolerable than treble. While I might enjoy listening no louder than 85 dB when the treble is hot, I could probably push that to 95 dB when it's just bass. IIRC this is part of the whole Harman target curve because of the perception of the sound vs the actual volume throughout the range. I'm probably not using the right terminology there...

Edit: removed duplicated statement
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May 8, 2023 at 12:03 PM Post #878 of 3,265
I'd also note that bass is much more tolerable than treble.
I'd also note that bass is much more tolerable than treble. While I might enjoy listening no louder than 85 dB when the treble is hot, I could probably push that to 95 dB when it's just bass. IIRC this is part of the whole Harman target curve because of the perception of the sound vs the actual volume throughout the range. I'm probably not using the right terminology there...
I agree entirely that while listening, my tinnitus makes me very treble-sensitive. Bass is no problem at all to listen to. I was referring to the after-effects and the volume of my ringing after the music has stopped (which will calm down after a while, but never go away completely).
May 8, 2023 at 1:03 PM Post #879 of 3,265
Very comfortable! Mine is 534g and I don't feel the weight at all. Coming from a HD660s for reference, and I prefer the AC

Oh nice!! If it's < 550g with Aluminum then that's exactly what I was hoping for :)
May 8, 2023 at 1:39 PM Post #880 of 3,265
My advice is to buy it now. It is well worth it, especially with the sale. I have had the LTD Olivewood AC for a few days now. If it helps, I can give my impressions. Before buying, I looked at the reviews on youtube and head-fi. In my experience with other headphones, the reviews are usually pretty accurate, especially once you have several different reviews to average out. The reviews out now seem to be pretty accurate for the AC. I don't think you are going to learn much more by waiting for more reviews. The headphonics review that was just posted looks pretty accurate also. I think the best youtube review is the one by headkarma, since he does a good job describing the softwood versus the hardwood. I originally placed an order for a cherrywood AC, but then decided to change to an LTD because the sound signature from the hardwood was a better fit for me. These are some of the best headphones out right now, cherrywood or LTD, and the price is very good for what you are getting.

I have a Bifrost 2/64, a Jotunheim 2, and an Echo 2. I also have a AO, VO, VC, and HD800s. If I could only keep one of my headphones, I would keep my LTD AC. In my opinion, unless you are a bass head, or mostly listen to bass heavy genres (as headkarma said), I think the LTD version is an upgrade over the cherrywood. Unless you are a bass head, upgrading from the cherrywood to the LTD is almost like going from an Arya to an Arya Stealth. It is better in many ways, and probably better for more people, though there are exceptions. They are similar, but one comes off as more refined. The Arya was more of a specialist, while the Arya Stealth is more of a generalist. I think the analogy is similar for the AC softwood versus hardwood.

In wavetheory's youtube review of the AO, he mentions that the AO tends to get a bit crowded in the upper-mids when you are listening to rock with heavy electric guitar, and I agree. That is much of what I listen to. Reviews are suggesting a similar issue with the cherrywood AC. I detect none of that whatsoever with the LTD AC, and none of the reviewers do either. Zeos' review of the AO suggested using the Brainwavz pads. I tried that, but it made the AO extremely bass heavy, presumably like a cherrywood AC. I liked the bass heaviness for a bit, but soon it became fatiguing. The LTD AC produces the same amount of bass but makes it is much tighter and punchier. This turns the bass from something that harms rock music to something that adds to rock music. I am more easily fatigued by heavy bass than most, and I think the LTD AC does bass perfectly, without fatiguing me at all. I usually listen to rock/metal/alternative, and prefer more mid-forward sound. I used to have an Aeolus but didn't care for it since it was so warm and the detail wasn't at the level I wanted. The reviews make the Aeolus sound similar in some respects to the cherrywood AC (though most seem to love the Aeolus). I used to have an Eikon, and I agree that the LTD AC is more of a drastically improved Eikon (hybridized with a VC and an AO) than it is a closed back AO. The cherrywood AC is closer to being a closed back AO, only with more bass. For this reason, if you already have an AO, the LTD AC would make more sense. If you don't have a VC and are considering one, then you would be insane not to buy the LTD AC, since that would give you most of what the VC gives you, and so you would no longer need to get a VC at all. I also suspect that the LTD AC provides better sound isolation since the wood is harder.
My advice is to buy it now. It is well worth it, especially with the sale. I have had the LTD Olivewood AC for a few days now. If it helps, I can give my impressions. Before buying, I looked at the reviews on youtube and head-fi. In my experience with other headphones, the reviews are usually pretty accurate, especially once you have several different reviews to average out. The reviews out now seem to be pretty accurate for the AC. I don't think you are going to learn much more by waiting for more reviews. The headphonics review that was just posted looks pretty accurate also. I think the best youtube review is the one by headkarma, since he does a good job describing the softwood versus the hardwood. I originally placed an order for a cherrywood AC, but then decided to change to an LTD because the sound signature from the hardwood was a better fit for me. These are some of the best headphones out right now, cherrywood or LTD, and the price is very good for what you are getting.

I have a Bifrost 2/64, a Jotunheim 2, and an Echo 2. I also have a AO, VO, VC, and HD800s. If I could only keep one of my headphones, I would keep my LTD AC. In my opinion, unless you are a bass head, or mostly listen to bass heavy genres (as headkarma said), I think the LTD version is an upgrade over the cherrywood. Unless you are a bass head, upgrading from the cherrywood to the LTD is almost like going from an Arya to an Arya Stealth. It is better in many ways, and probably better for more people, though there are exceptions. They are similar, but one comes off as more refined. The Arya was more of a specialist, while the Arya Stealth is more of a generalist. I think the analogy is similar for the AC softwood versus hardwood.

In wavetheory's youtube review of the AO, he mentions that the AO tends to get a bit crowded in the upper-mids when you are listening to rock with heavy electric guitar, and I agree. That is much of what I listen to. Reviews are suggesting a similar issue with the cherrywood AC. I detect none of that whatsoever with the LTD AC, and none of the reviewers do either. Zeos' review of the AO suggested using the Brainwavz pads. I tried that, but it made the AO extremely bass heavy, presumably like a cherrywood AC. I liked the bass heaviness for a bit, but soon it became fatiguing. The LTD AC produces the same amount of bass but makes it is much tighter and punchier. This turns the bass from something that harms rock music to something that adds to rock music. I am more easily fatigued by heavy bass than most, and I think the LTD AC does bass perfectly, without fatiguing me at all. I usually listen to rock/metal/alternative, and prefer more mid-forward sound. I used to have an Aeolus but didn't care for it since it was so warm and the detail wasn't at the level I wanted. The reviews make the Aeolus sound similar in some respects to the cherrywood AC (though most seem to love the Aeolus). I used to have an Eikon, and I agree that the LTD AC is more of a drastically improved Eikon (hybridized with a VC and an AO) than it is a closed back AO. The cherrywood AC is closer to being a closed back AO, only with more bass. For this reason, if you already have an AO, the LTD AC would make more sense. If you don't have a VC and are considering one, then you would be insane not to buy the LTD AC, since that would give you most of what the VC gives you, and so you would no longer need to get a VC at all. I also suspect that the LTD AC provides better sound isolation since the wood is harder.
I already regretted not LTD, but unfortunately I don't have the budget for it.
May 8, 2023 at 4:58 PM Post #881 of 3,265
I also have a AO, VO, VC, and HD800s. If I could only keep one of my headphones, I would keep my LTD AC.
Thanks for sharing your impressions. This was very helpful since I have the same collection (except I sold my VO when I obtained my Blackwood VCs).

buy the LTD AC, since that would give you most of what the VC gives you, and so you would no longer need to get a VC at all.
So, in your opinion, the LTD AC is actually closer to the VC than it is to the AO?

I was under the assumption that the AC might end up supplanting my AO as there would be more overlap in sound and use case, but now you've got me second-guessing.
May 8, 2023 at 4:59 PM Post #882 of 3,265
I caved and upgraded my Olivewood to Magnesium today lol....I know the weight difference isn't crazy but I do love a lighter headphone and, knowing Olivewood is heavier in general, just wanted the lightest I could get. Here's hoping this keeps it under 550g which would be ideal :wink:
May 8, 2023 at 5:06 PM Post #883 of 3,265
Mine is very high pitched. It reminds me of what I would hear as a kid when a CRT was on in an otherwise silent room. When I've tried to find it on my own by comparing to test tones, it's somewhere in the 12k-14k range. It's not very loud, but more so noticeable when it's otherwise very quiet (harder to be alone with my thoughts this way). With anything else going on, especially when listening to music, I don't notice it but it would certainly have an impact on my ability to pick out detail in the highs.
Yup, same here. Your description is spot on vs my symptoms as well.

Thankfully not too bothersome, but I try to encourage my son to preserve his hearing when he goes to shows and such.

Glad it’s not affecting your musical enjoyment much, if at all.
May 8, 2023 at 6:18 PM Post #884 of 3,265
Someone asked for pics of natural cherry? :wink: These just arrived today so I won't comment on sound impressions just yet. What I noticed immediately upon picking them up is how light they feel (I went for magnesium chassis)--they feel lighter than the scale suggests. Fit and finish is beautiful, as one expects from ZMF. I'm ruined now for how I want/expect a headphone to fit on my head.

Noise isolation with the installed Caldera lambskin Thin is ok. I can definitely hear the air vent above my desk but it easily fades to background noise when music is playing. But Mr. Jaebug is working from home today and his conference call isn't blocked much at all. My VC with the Auteur lambies is still best at that.

AC1 - Copy.jpg
AC2 - Copy (2).jpg

AC3 - Copy.jpg
ZMF Trio1 - Copy.jpg

Closed-back example of three finishes: At. Closed is hand-wiped wax oil (satin-like finish), VC is Tru Oil varnish (glossy), and the Eikon is sprayed lacquer (glossy).
May 8, 2023 at 6:20 PM Post #885 of 3,265
I can't say that for me, although my tinnitus is present on some days and I still listen to music, I am lucky that it is always better afterwards.
For whatever reason.
Of course I'm also happy about that.
I am much more relaxed afterwards than before.

My last closed ones were years ago in 2019 or thereabouts.
I'm a bit annoyed that I can't go to the Hifi trade fair in Munich to try it out.
It would also have been nice to see Zach live and to get to know him and to philosophise a bit.

I guess I'll give it a try if I annoy my wife again with the AC or VC. That would be bad luck in the worst case if it didn't work with closed versions.

But I also think that Zmf pays a bit of attention that the heights don't run hot.
Even the Auteur Og doesn't worry me at all and I've been listening to it for a year.
It is much brighter and forward and a bit more extended in the upper range than the smooth Atrium.
The only thing is that sometimes I need a short break of a few minutes because it can be a bit tiring, but it rarely happens.

I think for people who really have tinnitus, depending on the magnitude, the Ac might be the slightly more accommodating listener than the VC probably.
But I could be wrong and both are good.

Amazing reports where shared there by the way.
Thank you for that.

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