ZMF Aeolus Impressions thread
Feb 28, 2019 at 12:14 AM Post #706 of 6,760
Aeolus arrive Friday. Been waiting since dec 12.
Feb 28, 2019 at 10:23 AM Post #708 of 6,760
There's some pretty interesting measurements for the three different pad offerings on aeolus. Zach is adding measurements to his site sometime in the near ish future so I'm sure we will see very similar results there. Note: these are not my measurements and are taken from other forums.



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Feb 28, 2019 at 12:26 PM Post #709 of 6,760
"suade perforateed"? :thinking:
Feb 28, 2019 at 12:55 PM Post #710 of 6,760
"suade perforateed"? :thinking:
I ordered these on my pair of Aeolus’ that I should be getting fairly soon. Maybe even the first pair with suede perforated...? I didn’t catch if anyone before me ordered them.

I’ll have to give my thoughts here when I receive them for all the lovely Head-Fiers. :)
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Feb 28, 2019 at 3:27 PM Post #711 of 6,760
I am listening for the door bell.
Feb 28, 2019 at 4:41 PM Post #712 of 6,760
There's some pretty interesting measurements for the three different pad offerings on aeolus. Zach is adding measurements to his site sometime in the near ish future so I'm sure we will see very similar results there. Note: these are not my measurements and are taken from other forums.

Neat. I assume the graph titles should be as follows:
1) ZMF Universe Pads
2) Verite Pads
3) ZMF Suede Earpds

From the official names given here:
Feb 28, 2019 at 5:00 PM Post #713 of 6,760
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Feb 28, 2019 at 8:11 PM Post #716 of 6,760
Perforated Lambskin Universe Pads.
Mar 2, 2019 at 3:20 PM Post #718 of 6,760
I read "Perforated Lambskin Universe Pads" and all I can think of is "perforated universe." Besides being an excellent band title, it sounds like a scary Sci-Fi plot (SOLARIS meets PROMETHEUS).

Real reason I'm posting is that I have @jinxy245's Aeolus on loan. It now has Verite pads; 1st time I heard it IMS it had Aeolus pads, and my strong preference is the Verite pads.

Last night I listened to the Aeolus on a Woo WA22 w/all NOS tubes. Wow. I heard this headphone scale like crazy a couple times at CanJam, and now I heard it do the same in my system. Really epic sound...makes me wonder just how much more sonic goodness it has in the tank.

I've also gotten good results w/the WA3 OTL tube amp. Not a big/bad amp, as OTL's go, but very pleasing, erring on the side of purity & focus rather than gooey warmth, at least w/the tubes I'm using. Another excellent pairing.
Mar 2, 2019 at 5:49 PM Post #719 of 6,760
I read "Perforated Lambskin Universe Pads" and all I can think of is "perforated universe." Besides being an excellent band title, it sounds like a scary Sci-Fi plot (SOLARIS meets PROMETHEUS).

Real reason I'm posting is that I have @jinxy245's Aeolus on loan. It now has Verite pads; 1st time I heard it IMS it had Aeolus pads, and my strong preference is the Verite pads.

Last night I listened to the Aeolus on a Woo WA22 w/all NOS tubes. Wow. I heard this headphone scale like crazy a couple times at CanJam, and now I heard it do the same in my system. Really epic sound...makes me wonder just how much more sonic goodness it has in the tank.

I've also gotten good results w/the WA3 OTL tube amp. Not a big/bad amp, as OTL's go, but very pleasing, erring on the side of purity & focus rather than gooey warmth, at least w/the tubes I'm using. Another excellent pairing.
You got an opportunity to listen 2 headphones that are in most wanted list on same day at home set up,empyrean and Aeolus. Lucky you.
Which one you liked better? Or is it unfair comparison?
Mar 2, 2019 at 6:17 PM Post #720 of 6,760
You got an opportunity to listen 2 headphones that are in most wanted list on same day at home set up,empyrean and Aeolus. Lucky you.
Which one you liked better? Or is it unfair comparison?

These 2 headphones are not very similar. The Aeolus is a high impedance (300 ohm) dynamic, while the Empyrean is a low impedance, efficient planar. They also differ in physical build & design--both are quite handsome, with the high-level wood + metal craftsman look of ZMF vs the 20th century art & architecture aesthetic of the Empyrean. Then there's cost, which really makes this unfair: Empyrean is >double the cost of the Aeolus.

If forced to choose, my pick would be the Empyrean because it's an open-back planar (my favorite) and from what I heard at 2 CanJams, it does everything well & sounds terrific on just about every amp. IMO both earpad options sound very good, offering somewhat different sonic profiles. And it uses the easiest & simplest method of attaching/detaching earpads that I've ever seen.

The Aeolus, true to its Atticus origins, responds differently to each amp I've heard it on. It never sounds bad or even "just OK," but it can scale up strikingly well on top SS or tube amplification. And unlike the low impedance Empyrean, it responds in the usual intriguing ways (like other 300 ohm headphones I've tried) to high impedance/OTL tube amplification.

They're both terrific headphones, but they go about their business somewhat differently...

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