xDuoo X2 - small lossless player with microSD and OLED!
Apr 6, 2015 at 6:34 PM Post #616 of 2,087
Thanks for your honest response. This has definitely made me think twice about getting the xDuoo X2.  I would be using these headphones primarily with over the ear headphones (I have Grado SR80i, Koss Portapro, and Sennheiser HD439).  Any thoughts on how the xDuoo is like paired up with these, compared to a Clip+ and iPod Touch (2nd Gen).
Also, how is the xDuoo X2 compared to a non-Rockboxed Clip?
Apr 7, 2015 at 3:09 AM Post #617 of 2,087
Update on my situation: I e-mailed Penon, told them my problems I had with the X2, and they said go ahead and return it and they'll get another from the manufacturer to send me. Great customer service. $12 shipping back to Hong Kong, and I had to claim that the battery was removed (lithium battery rules), but I got it sent out no problem. Now just to see how long it takes to get there and for them to get one to send back.
Apr 7, 2015 at 3:53 PM Post #618 of 2,087
X2 sounds better than Clip+ - Sansa have bigger roll off on both ends (very anemic). Sound in xDuoo is definitely more detailed and spacious. And pretty natural on fw 5.0.

I was hoping that FW 5.0 would add "Play All" and allow for Random play of all files in all folders, but, alas, it is not to be. The only change I noticed with 5.0 is the volume control seems to act in a more predictable and linear fashion. If my above wishes were incorporated in a future update, I would be a happy camper, despite the erratic button behavior and the confusing, obtuse menu system.

I can say that there is excellent synergy with the Dunu Titan 1.
Apr 7, 2015 at 4:02 PM Post #619 of 2,087
I've come across a sale for the Sony NWZ-E384 for $39 CAD. Can anyone tell me what the sound quality of the Sony is like compared to the Clip+ and xDuoo X2? To me the Sony is like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. You know that it's a quality, reliable product from a quality manufacturer. The xDuoo is like a VW Golf or Mini Cooper. More expensive, more horsepower and nice solid build quality- but possible reliability issues.  Hence, I’m still reluctant to pull the trigger on the xDuoo.  I just don't want to risk spending $60 if there is a possiblity that it will not last more than a year.   It is so tempting though!
Apr 7, 2015 at 9:45 PM Post #620 of 2,087
I've come across a sale for the Sony NWZ-E384 for $39 CAD. Can anyone tell me what the sound quality of the Sony is like compared to the Clip+ and xDuoo X2? To me the Sony is like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. You know that it's a quality, reliable product from a quality manufacturer. The xDuoo is like a VW Golf or Mini Cooper. More expensive, more horsepower and nice solid build quality- but possible reliability issues.  Hence, I’m still reluctant to pull the trigger on the xDuoo.  I just don't want to risk spending $60 if there is a possiblity that it will not last more than a year.   It is so tempting though!

I have had a number of the NWZ series DAP's. They have an intuitive menu system, warmish, non-fatiguing sound, but there is no provision for use of external memory cards to increase the storage. You are stuck with the onboard memory. 8 GB is the most common.
Apr 7, 2015 at 11:41 PM Post #621 of 2,087
Just got mine!!!! Finally get to listen to it with my Havi B3 Pro 1s. Wow! This thing is really impressive!!!
I admit that the sound isn't very detailed or refined but my good is it wide open! It's warm and inviting; very pleasant. Soundstage is great in width and depth!
It only took like 2 months and the wait was worth it!
I take back what I said about detail. It seems to be slightly rolled off in treble, but not a huge amount. I can confirm that sparkle and air is present.
Apr 10, 2015 at 2:15 AM Post #622 of 2,087
Penon just emailed me to tell me that the xDuoo X2 is back in stock. But they only got 10 units. So get them quick. http://penonaudio.com/xDuoo-X2?search=x2
hi dear friend
I am glad to tell you that X2 has arrived , only 10 units arrived , the next batch will be arrive a week later , so you can purchase it now .
kind regards

Website: www.penonaudio.com
Ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com//bigbargainonline
Business days: from Monday to Saturday.
Business time: from 10.00AM to 7.00 PM(HongKong time)
Apr 11, 2015 at 3:24 AM Post #625 of 2,087
huyen Long My se tan dung the manh tu nhien de phat trien san xuat nong nghiep theo huong hang hoa, hieu qua, ben vung. Sau khi chia tach don vi hanh chinh moi, huyen Long My da tap trung vao nhung tiem nang va loi the lon de day nhanh phat trien kinh te - xa hoi theo huong chat luong, hieu qua va ben vung. Hien tren dia ban huyen co Du an Khu nong nghiep ung dung cong nghe cao Hau Giang (dien tich 5.200 ha) dau tien cua vung DBSCL.

Tren co so quy hoach duoc Chinh phu phe duyet, huyen se xay dung mot nen nong nghiep phat trien theo huong hien dai, thu hut von, quy tu cac nguon luc vao san xuat, gop phan chuyen doi nen nong nghiep truyen thong. Sau khi chia tach, co quan hanh chinh moi cua huyen doi ve xa Vinh Vien voi xuat phat diem hau nhu khong co gi, kinh te thuan nong, ha tang co so con yeu kem… Cung voi on dinh noi lam viec, co so vat chat trang thiet bi, phuong tien, huyen Long My tap trung moi nguon luc cho phat trien kinh te nong nghiep - nong thon nhu: khuyen khich trong trot, chan nuoi, thuy san phat trien theo chieu sau, chat luong va ben vung. Xay dung cac mo hinh kinh te lam an co hieu qua, xay dung nhieu hop tac xa, to hop tac nong nghiep dien hinh tien tien, nang chat luong mo hinh trang trai, cai tao vuon tap.

Long My ngay cang hoan thien va nang cao tieu chi xay dung nong thon moi, doi moi dien mao nong thon len mot buoc… Nho vay, nam qua, Long My tang truong dat 9,03%, gia tri tang them binh quan dau nguoi dat 28,59 trieu dong/nam, dat 102,11% so voi Nghi quyet de ra. Viec dau tu ket cau ha tang huyen Long My gan voi xay dung nong thon moi va phat trien do thi tiep tuc duoc quan tam va co nhung chuyen bien tich cuc, gop phan phat trien kinh te - xa hoi phuc vu thiet thuc doi song nguoi dan, nhat la linh vuc giao thong, thuy loi, truong hoc, y te, cho... Den nay, toan huyen thuc hien duoc 57.250 m2 duong giao thong, dat 221% chi tieu. Tong von dau tu toan xa hoi tren dia ban huyen nam qua dat 815 ty dong.

I. Dich Vu Internet FPT Long My.

Voi su co gang cua toan the nguoi dan va chinh quyen dia phuong da giup cho huyen Long My ngay mot phat trien hon. Nhu cau su dung dich vu lap mang fpt long my dang ngay mot tang.

Cong ty FPT Hau giang da co mot so goi cuoc internet fpt phuc vu cho ba con noi day. Ben canh do FPT telecom con gioi thieu bang gia cuoc cap quang FPT danh cho doanh nghiep khi dang ky trong nam 2016. Cac goi cuoc fpt Long Mỹ cho doanh nghiep va cong ty co toc do tu 45 - 80 Mbps dang sieu khuyen mai hap dan tren dia ban thi xa Long My de dap ung cho cac cong ty, doanh nghiep lon dang ky va su dung mang cap quang FTTH cua FPT toc do cao trong nam 2016.

II. lap Mang Internet FPT Long My.

Thi xa Long My la mot dia diem noi tieng cua Hau Giang voi cac khu dan cu mua ban sam uat va cac khu dan cu dong duc tren dia ban thi xa Long My. Khach hang tai day co the lua chon cac goi cuoc lắp mạng fpt phụng hiệp, internet cap quang FPT gia re chi tu 150.000d - 330.000d/thang voi toc do duong truyen tu 6 Mbps - 32 Mbps dap ung cho khach hang su dung. De dang ky lap mang internet fpt Long My khach hang co the goi ve duong day nong 0971.620.836.
website tham khảo: http://www.internetvietnam.net/
Last edited:
Apr 11, 2015 at 3:46 AM Post #626 of 2,087
  Just ordered one from Penon Audio as well. Hate using my phone for music, so this is a much needed device!
Penon Audio just mailed with confirmation of payment, they CC a whole bunch of customers in their emails by the look of things.
I'm not too concerned but I can see the email addresses their other customers in full. Not sure everyone would like that. 

Must've been a mistake. That's never happened with me.
Apr 11, 2015 at 4:08 AM Post #627 of 2,087
  Just ordered one from Penon Audio as well. Hate using my phone for music, so this is a much needed device!
Penon Audio just mailed with confirmation of payment, they CC a whole bunch of customers in their emails by the look of things.
I'm not too concerned but I can see the email addresses their other customers in full. Not sure everyone would like that. 

Read a same story some time ago from a fellow head-fi'er.....but it's a rare event and yeah the update email shouldn't contain all those but just only intended recipient.....
Apr 11, 2015 at 2:51 PM Post #628 of 2,087
I just ordered an X2.  Hope that I made the right decision and won't regret it.  I had a choice between that or:
1. Sony NWZ-E384 (The Sony was on sale for $39,99 CAD + taxes)
2. Used Fiio X1 for $80
I bought the X2 primarily to satisfy my curiousity of what the sound quality is like.
I didn't buy the Sony because I'm not sure if the sound quality will meet the SQ of the X2 (I've read in forums that the Sony has a warm sound).  But the FM would have been a nice feature to have though.
The Fiio was a used one that was purchased 2 months ago and only had 20 hours of running time.  This I think is the best of the three but I'm just a bit leery about purchasing a used item (who knows if it's been dropped before).
I just hope that the X2 turns out to be reliable/durable.  Nothing worse than spending $64 CAD (including 16 GB SD card)  if the reliability/durability is going to be iffy.  
Apr 11, 2015 at 9:08 PM Post #630 of 2,087
Also just received my X2 . Fantastic little device at this price. The Xduoo X2 are now available in Australia at
http://www.a1futureshop.com.au.  It's a little dearer here in Australia however still worth it. Comes with 12 months replacement warranty, as least no need to send back to US or China to claim warranty.

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