Would you introduce yourself to a stranger you saw wearing hi-fi headphones?
Feb 4, 2010 at 7:41 AM Post #61 of 73
Only if he had phones, amp, and source. Otherwise I'd know he's a rookie and probably not a headfier.
Feb 4, 2010 at 11:36 AM Post #62 of 73
Would miss quite a few head fiers then
Feb 4, 2010 at 1:10 PM Post #63 of 73
There is a Shure SE530 owner at my gym, and I saw another on the train once although it might be the same person now that I think about it.
I did ask a guy about his PX100s once, and I was asked about my iPod/iBasso P3+/HD650 once in a fast food place.
Feb 7, 2010 at 3:07 PM Post #66 of 73

Originally Posted by chadbang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Only if he had phones, amp, and source. Otherwise I'd know he's a rookie and probably not a headfier.

Feb 7, 2010 at 11:00 PM Post #67 of 73

Originally Posted by lumanogin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I saw a guy on campus wearing HD580s. Went up to him and said nice headphones. He said thanks. He was running them straight out of an ipod

This seems to me the best way to strike up a conversation. You will be able to tell instantly if they are as nuts as we are
Almost a secret hand shake of sorts.... If they bite, continue the conversation if they don't move on.
Feb 7, 2010 at 11:22 PM Post #68 of 73
I saw a guy wearing HD555s a few days ago but instead of talking to him I photographed him, posted it on twitpic and laughed at someone using open cans at a tram stop.

Which is admirable of me, I think.
Feb 8, 2010 at 12:24 AM Post #69 of 73
It happened to me once, this past christmas.

I was waiting downtown for the bus to come, when suddenly a complete stranger came up to me from behind and asked if he could have a listen to my HD25-1. I was, naturally, a little surprised and need a few seconds to understand what was happening.
I finally answered 'yea, sure, no problem'. As it was freezing cold (-15°C, late in the evening), I had a lot of clothes on, so getting the headphones of, wire and all, was a bit of a struggle, but finally I managed to hand him the headphones. I asked 'so, do you have a player to test 'em with?' He didn't, so I fished out my iPod too.
I had recently been listening to some Drudkh, so I asked him wether that seemed OK to test with, explaining that it was pretty straight Black Metal. 'fine' he said, 'but a track with some prominent drums would be appreciated'. I started the track, and he started listening. A bit of chit-chat followed. He had been wondering about the 25's for a while and just couldn't let this opportunity get past. He said he liked the phones, and that the drums sounded quite tight and impactful. I agreed and said I considered this to be among the headphone's strong suits.
He thanked for the listen, I said 'no worry', he went back to his business and I continued waiting for the bus.

So, would I have done the same in his shoes? Doubtful, but at least now I know tat it's possible. And it was a rather nice experience actually. A bit strange and awkward, but nice.
Feb 8, 2010 at 6:33 AM Post #70 of 73
Honestly it depends on how they were dressed.

Too well dressed? Probably just a money thing. Unless i see someone in a $1k suit wearing a Realistic Pro 30 or some other vintage ortho or something - and then I'll ask them who died.

Too far entrenched in any particular style of dress (e.g. hiphop attire, middle class white d-bag attire, etc)? Probably just an 'individualism' thing.

Poorly dressed? Probably in it for the music!

But anyone can tell the difference between a hipster d-bag who shops at the thrift stores for some kind of priviliged middle-class street cred that plays well on facebook vs. someone who just doesn't lose much sleep over what they'll wear.
Feb 8, 2010 at 6:49 AM Post #71 of 73
I introduced my roommate to a pair of SR-80's back in 2003, and he bought a pair a week later. We use to wear them all the time back in the college days (we are still roommates years later). People came up to me all the time asking what I was wearing.

Any person who wears ANY decent cans out in public owes it to other people to talk to them about good music. I would wear my ATH-A700's outside, and THEY ARE HUGE! Yes they are massive, 'listen to this'!

Share your hobby! If you see some guy with a pair of HD-600 on the corner, he didn't buy them by accident. They must have at least a passing interest in good cans, so the worst they can say is "sorry man, I'm busy".

No different from telling someone "awesome shirt" or "I like your xxx". Worse they can do is blow you off. Best case scenario you have a new friend to talk to.
Feb 8, 2010 at 7:26 AM Post #72 of 73
if the person is wearing a full size can without an amp,...then i mite recommend him to try iems.

otherwise why disturb someone enjoying their music
Feb 8, 2010 at 9:04 AM Post #73 of 73

Originally Posted by Turnaround /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you were the guy walking down the street with your full battle gear on, would you mind if a stranger stopped you to ask you about your set-up???

It depends on how the person approaches me really. I generally don't like people coming up to me when i have headphones on, i wear them so i don't need to hear/talk to people lol.

If someone walked up to me wearing any decent headphones, smiling and taking his phones off i would do the same more likely than not though.

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