Would you introduce yourself to a stranger you saw wearing hi-fi headphones?
Jan 4, 2007 at 11:10 PM Post #16 of 73
If I saw someone on the street wearing decent headphones, I'd try to make eye contact with them, point to my ears (or headphones if i'm wearing them) and give them a thumbs up. Personally I wouldn't want to be bothered on the street as I'm usually in a hurry to class or somewhere, but I wouldn't mind someone doing the same to me
Jan 4, 2007 at 11:55 PM Post #17 of 73
I came into someone like this a few months back

He had the HD650s, and I saw him with them, 3 days AFTER I got mine shipped to me. Never seen someone with them before. He was working near me, but I didn't have enough guts to chat him up.

Never seen him again. He was using an ipod, and microamp
Jan 5, 2007 at 2:51 AM Post #18 of 73
I would....but I guess I'm just kinda like that...like the 2nd poster said...it depends on whether you're introverted or extroverted...I personally wouldn't mind somebody stopping me and saying "what amp is that?"....cause then I'de proceed to finding out what kinda geeky gear they have.....win win situation.
Jan 5, 2007 at 3:03 AM Post #19 of 73

Originally Posted by Turnaround /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was coming out of my apt building and saw a guy strutting down the street with massive cans with wires going into a black bag. (Yes, he was kinda strutting.) I recognized the cans as Senn 650s. I would guess that the bag had a headphone amp.

I was going to go up to him and say, "Hey, what's up, guy! Let me see your gear! Whatcha listening through" Then I thought, if I were walking around and some random dude came up to me wanting to look at my business, maybe I'd be annoyed. I know what the Senn 650s sound like anyway.

If you were me, would you have gone up to the guy and introduced yourself???

If you were the guy walking down the street with your full battle gear on, would you mind if a stranger stopped you to ask you about your set-up???

Wow, you've started like 25% of the current threads on the first page of the Members Lounge... haha.. I probably wouldn't, I'd just let them be.
Jan 5, 2007 at 3:10 AM Post #20 of 73
Yes, I actively look for young, good looking women (usually at airports and other unsuspecting places where strangers normally keep to themselves) who are wearing headphones of any variety, so that I can chat them up with all of my headphone wisdom and knowledge. Being that I'm an insider "in the hobby" that is closest to their hearts, it is usually a big turn for them.

Many of them are eternally grateful for the advice I've been able to share, and will often insist (once at the counter when we're about to board) that the ticket agent change their seat assignment to allow them to sit next to me and share my gear on the flight. After we settle in for about a half hour or so and have shared a few tunes together, carefully comparing bass response and treble extension, I usually try to move the conversation on to an interesting accounting-related topic! If that doesn't get them eating out of my hands, the sight of my big belly surely will win their hearts...

So, no... I don't usually talk about headphones in publlc. I figure, for the most part (save the occasional chance meeting with a fellow geek), it won't do me a whole lot of good, so I tend to enjoy my music in quiet isolation. Afterall, that's what headphones and IEMs are for!
Jan 5, 2007 at 3:17 AM Post #22 of 73

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, I actively look for young, good looking women (usually at airports and other unsuspecting places where strangers normally keep to themselves) who are wearing headphones of any variety, so that I can chat them up with all of my headphone wisdom and knowledge. Being that I'm an insider "in the hobby" that is closest to their hearts, it is usually a big turn for them.

Many of them are eternally grateful for the advice I've been able to share, and will often insist (once at the counter when we're about to board) that the ticket agent change their seat assignment to allow them to sit next to me and share my gear on the flight. After we settle in for about a half hour or so and have shared a few tunes together, carefully comparing bass response and treble extension, I usually try to move the conversation on to an interesting accounting-related topic! If that doesn't get them eating out of my hands, the sight of my big belly surely will win their hearts...

I so wish that this was really true as then (once I've gotten some more equipment to add to my stash) I'd actually have some chance of chatting up some lovely ladies


Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, no... I don't usually talk about headphones in publlc. I figure, for the most part (save the occasional chance meeting with a fellow geek), it won't do me a whole lot of good, so I tend to enjoy my music in quiet isolation. Afterall, that's what headphones and IEMs are for!

However this is what I end up doing instead - the quiet lonely geek
Jan 5, 2007 at 3:55 AM Post #26 of 73
I think I'd only do it if the other person and I were in some institution or something (Say, sitting near each other at an air port, in a doctor's office, etc.); not just out on the streets. And even then, I'd only do it if the person was wearing high-end headphones for an increased chance of that person being from Head-Fi (Namely, any Beyers, Grados, HD650+, etc.).
Jan 5, 2007 at 5:13 AM Post #27 of 73
I would...as long as the phones is kindda highend. I was on the plane 2.5 years ago and saw one guy with the Ety ER4. I said "hi" to him and complimented him on the Ety. I later told him that I have the Shure E5c.
Jan 5, 2007 at 5:43 AM Post #28 of 73

Originally Posted by wakeride74 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm still trying to understand how something open like the 650 can even be enjoyed outdoors w/out cranking them way up!

Even if you are in a quiet environment they can't be enjoyed without cranking them way up! At high volumes the 650s really bloom to life.
Jan 5, 2007 at 6:52 AM Post #29 of 73
If I saw someone walking around in something like a Q010 or L3000, I'm sure I'd say something, but I can't see myself acousting someone just because they happened to pick a SR60 or DT770 off the shelf.
Jan 5, 2007 at 6:56 AM Post #30 of 73
Once I met a kid (maybe 15-16) who was weaering some SR80's on a bus, I thought that was cool and asked him where he had heard/read about Grados. Turns out his dad is an audiophile and had some 225's at home and when his son wanted a pair of his own, his dad said go for the SR80's. I told him about Head-fi, not sure if he ever joined.

I also met a guy with Etys. This is even a rarer experience. He had the new cable (new at the time, maybe it was 1-2 months old). I was shocked to see the new cable. We were both waiting at a bus stop, I kinda motioned to him but he was definitely enjoying the tunes and not really up for a conversation. I pulled out my Etys with the old cable and he gave me a wry smile and then we both got on the bus.

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