Would you introduce yourself to a stranger you saw wearing hi-fi headphones?
Jan 7, 2007 at 4:31 PM Post #46 of 73

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, I actively look for young, good looking women (usually at airports and other unsuspecting places where strangers normally keep to themselves) who are wearing headphones of any variety, so that I can chat them up with all of my headphone wisdom and knowledge. Being that I'm an insider "in the hobby" that is closest to their hearts, it is usually a big turn for them.

Many of them are eternally grateful for the advice I've been able to share, and will often insist (once at the counter when we're about to board) that the ticket agent change their seat assignment to allow them to sit next to me and share my gear on the flight. After we settle in for about a half hour or so and have shared a few tunes together, carefully comparing bass response and treble extension, I usually try to move the conversation on to an interesting accounting-related topic! If that doesn't get them eating out of my hands, the sight of my big belly surely will win their hearts...

So, no... I don't usually talk about headphones in publlc. I figure, for the most part (save the occasional chance meeting with a fellow geek), it won't do me a whole lot of good, so I tend to enjoy my music in quiet isolation. Afterall, that's what headphones and IEMs are for!

Freakin' classic. I have to admit you had me there for a second. After reading the first sentence, I was thinking to myself "yeah, right" until I realized you were yanking our collective chains. Bravo!
Feb 3, 2010 at 5:59 AM Post #47 of 73

Originally Posted by Romanee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A surprising number of times strangers -- mostly in elevators -- have looked curiously, and asked about my portable amps velcro'd to my iPod -- Hornet, Portaphile -- and definitely my new, tiny, purrrrty Tomahawk. Most say, "...extra battery for the iPod?" and I try to give the briefest, not-too-geeky answer.

1 day outside with the iBasso D10 and I've already been asked that two times. There sure aren't much portable amp wielders out there!

I've seen people with PortaPros a couple of times, some AKG's and low end Senns but never much more than that. Personally I wouldn't engage a conversation unless their stuff is more high-end than that. In this particular case there is a quite big possibility they in fact aren't informed at all about hi-fi audio and just went for the costliest headphone / earphone available at their local BestBuy…


Oops I dug this thread from quite far… hope it doesn't offend anybody. I think this subject is pretty much still actual (is this proper english?) so I guess it shouldn't.
Feb 3, 2010 at 6:07 AM Post #48 of 73
It depends a lot on the location. I probably wouldn't if it was just some guy I passed on the street, but if I saw someone in one of my classes or a similar situation, I probably would try and start up a conversation.

Unfortunately around here, most of what I see is skullcandy and sonys. Some Beats and Bose too. A lot of people wear IEMs, but it's hard to tell if they're anything special without getting up close and looking into their ears which is something I'm just not willing to do. I'm not that curious, haha
Feb 3, 2010 at 6:39 AM Post #49 of 73
I see some people wearing decent IEMs on the train but I don't disturb them.. that's why they're wearing IEMs.

There was one guy in one of my classes that had SR60 or SR80 and I talked to him about those for a little, but he wasn't on Head-Fi and might have just bought them because they look cool.
Feb 3, 2010 at 6:50 AM Post #50 of 73
A security guard at the irs office asked me recently "what the hell are those son"?"

He was referring to my es3x -.-
Feb 3, 2010 at 7:25 AM Post #51 of 73
And all this time I thought the proper procedure was to just walk up and start caressing their gear...
Feb 3, 2010 at 8:24 AM Post #52 of 73
The trick is to treat all people on the street as audition tables... When you find someone with an interesting pair of headphones, you dropkick them in the back of the head and when they fall face first into the pavement (in an arched back sort of way) unconscious, you sit on their back and have a listen to their gear. If you've done everything right, you should have about 2-5 minutes of listening before they wake up.

When you're done, brush off the pads, stuff five dollars into their pockets and go hideout in a pub for a few hours just to make sure you're not wanted for assault.

I like to call this technique the "Head-Fier Handshake."
Feb 3, 2010 at 8:58 AM Post #53 of 73
I have never witnessed someone wearing "audiophile" quality headphones in public. However...

... I have encountered, and continue to approach numerous fellows and gals wearing your typical thrift store headphones. I so very kindly walk up behind them and say, "Oh wow! Those are nice headphones!" As the person turns around to accept the compliment, I turn my back to them with my headphones on and say, "Hey thanks!"

The slightly confused individual quickly pieces together that the original compliment was not for them. Realizing this, they take an observing look at my headphones. Before they get a chance to take it all in, I (smiling from the compliment I slyishly gave myself) direct a question at the person, "What the heck are those?" I continue to walk past them, with no intention of hearing what they have to say. As I walk on, I catch a reflection of the person's reaction in a mirror... I don't know what the heck the reaction means, but it's precious and I write about it in my journal when I get home

So begins that person's journey into headphonedome. What a glorious day it must be for them!!! It was for me, someone complimented me on my headphones
Feb 3, 2010 at 10:16 AM Post #55 of 73
Certainly depending on the location and setting.
On the random street, then very doubtful. But in the hallway at work or such, then I probably would drop a few lines.
Feb 3, 2010 at 12:53 PM Post #56 of 73
I've done this. So yeah. With headphones and wristwatches. But as said before, it depends on the gear. A special headphone or watch will get a 220 lb scary looking guy asking about their stuff. And if the don't run in fear I think of it as a successful encounter.
Feb 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM Post #57 of 73

I bought my IEM's to enjoy my music in isolation. I assume others did the same and afford them the same politeness I wish others to give me.

So...unless your at a meet, don't talk to me when I am wearing my headphones/IEM's.
Feb 3, 2010 at 11:30 PM Post #58 of 73
I would absolutely (and I've done it before.)
Feb 4, 2010 at 6:36 AM Post #59 of 73
If someone came up to me wearing my ED 8 I would run for my life!

I have also never seen anyone wear anything other then Porta Pros Skullcandy or similar on streets
Feb 4, 2010 at 6:50 AM Post #60 of 73
Depends on the location/situation. If they were walking past me it woud just be weird to stop them and start a conversation. Now if say, i was standing in line, waiting, sitting on a bench next to me, then yeah it woud be more appropriate to start a convo.

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