Would you buy the B&W p5 because they sounded good when you audition them or buy something else on faith?
Apr 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM Post #16 of 23
I'd buy them on blind faith to be honest.  They are quirky like most british speakers.  They have a break-in period to warm up, and are very sensitive to placement.  Once you find that sweet spot, they are pretty darn incredible, especially given their low profile and how easily they are driven.
Interesting thing to note.  I take the exact same lossless MP3 and play it through a Windows Phone vs an iPhone 4, and the audio is vastly superior out of the Windows Phone.  So much so that I bought a Zune for my music now exclusively.  Not sure if it's the iTunes process, or the codec Apple is using... but listening to these out of an Apple device (or at least an iPhone4) will not give the best results.
Apr 19, 2012 at 11:26 AM Post #18 of 23
it can get sweaty on the ears in a humid climate...
tat said, i would certainly use it in an aircon environment ..seated down..not walking around with it.
even if u sling it around the neck, it can feel like a steel choker...almost.
soundwise, a dap like hisoundaudio roocoo..( pick one in that range )
would go well with the P5, or like someone said, a centrance dacport or LX.
i love the looks, very handsome portable indeed.
errr...200bucks is my $sweetspot for this beau.

Apr 19, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #19 of 23
As I said earlier in this thread I don't like these cans but I would still love to see B&W make a pair of full-size over the ear headphones . . . I'm sure they will sometime too.
EDIT: Since B&W doesn't have any full sizes out currently I would highly recommend Beats headphones . . . they look really good and they have amazing sound quality!
Apr 19, 2012 at 8:03 PM Post #21 of 23
HAHA I was kidding I just wanted to see what people would say back to me . . . I thought it would be funny to see everyone's responses. I wanted to see if anyone would start going off on a rant about how bad Beats are

Apr 19, 2012 at 9:06 PM Post #22 of 23
Remember the Golden Rule, if it sounds good to you, then it is good.

What other portables in the same price range have you heard? I'd recommend checking out the beyer DT1350s, Senn HD25 II or wait for the Senn Amperiors to be released. FWIW, I liked the P5s quite a bit, but I did go with the DT1350s recently instead.
May 4, 2012 at 4:40 PM Post #23 of 23
I definitely wouldn't buy the P5 headphones now that the P3 headphones are out: http://www.bowers-wilkins.com/Headphones/Headphones/P3/explore.html . . . also there is a head-fi thread about these headphones . . . your welcome :)
EDIT: You probably already bought the P5's though.

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