Worst Fanboys?
Nov 29, 2011 at 10:35 PM Post #241 of 636
Here's another one...the Stax Mafia. 

Never really liked any stat headphone or speaker I've heard (disclaimer: yet to hear the SR009). There's a reason I've never owned Martin Logan speakers or say the SR007.
Nov 29, 2011 at 11:17 PM Post #242 of 636

Agreed!  Anyone who blindly follows marketing is pretty annoying IMO.  I may have jumped the gun in this thread, I'm just sick of all the same old tired anti-Apple crap. (Like the post above) 

I guess this will just be an Apple thread now, eh?  I'll summarize the next 10 pages
Apple is great
Apple is evil
My pc is better and cheaper
Your mom is cheaper but not better
I love my Apple
I hate you
blah blah blah

I love apple products. I just feel the apple fanboys are misleading with their approach. They can be annoying with their preaching and how they act about their GOD steve jobs. I know this is generalizing (i know steve jobs is dead but lets not talk about that) but i feel a lot of them do act this way. Products like the ipad would never have become popular if apple didn't make it so.
Like i said though apple makes good tech, value may not be there but i don't care. I want to get a macbook one day.
Nov 29, 2011 at 11:27 PM Post #243 of 636
How about "all of them"? Blind fanboyism's never a good thing.
Problem is, it could be a trap some of us fall into without realizing it. It's a trap I'm trying to avoid myself, but when I haven't heard any significant headphone that wasn't an AD700 (which I sold), an HTF600, and a rudimentary Stax Lambda + SRD-7 setup...yeah. (And I'm on the verge of dropping $500 on more Stax, because it's what I like.)
While I can't think of any particularly obnoxious fanboy groups in the headphone space (other than HTF600 fanboys, perhaps), I could go on all day when it comes to video games (two words: System Wars), but that's a topic for other forums.
Nov 29, 2011 at 11:31 PM Post #244 of 636

How about "all of them"? Blind fanboyism's never a good thing.
Problem is, it could be a trap some of us fall into without realizing it. It's a trap I'm trying to avoid myself, but when I haven't heard any significant headphone that wasn't an AD700 (which I sold), an HTF600, and a rudimentary Stax Lambda + SRD-7 setup...yeah. (And I'm on the verge of dropping $500 on more Stax, because it's what I like.)
While I can't think of any particularly obnoxious fanboy groups in the headphone space (other than HTF600 fanboys, perhaps), I could go on all day when it comes to video games (two words: System Wars), but that's a topic for other forums.

PC gaming ftw.
Nov 29, 2011 at 11:45 PM Post #246 of 636
Originally Posted by derycksan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PC gaming ftw.

Bump for the truth.

I'm a PC-first gamer these days, though I don't hold a strong aversion to consoles (in fact, I have a small collection of older consoles). After all, I'm in it for the games.
But I just happen to love the flexibility of PC gaming more than anything. I can use whatever input devices I like, whatever mods I want, and I don't have to hack/softmod/jailbreak/root/whatever my PC to do it, either.
Nov 30, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #247 of 636
Same here, still have my Sega Master, Turbo Grafix, SNES, Jaguar, Dreamcast (those were the ones worth saving) .  I enjoy consoles for quick gaming, but for immersive gaming (RPG, FPS, RTS, basically any acronym genre) PC all the way.

I'm a PC-first gamer these days, though I don't hold a strong aversion to consoles (in fact, I have a small collection of older consoles). After all, I'm in it for the games.
But I just happen to love the flexibility of PC gaming more than anything. I can use whatever input devices I like, whatever mods I want, and I don't have to hack/softmod/jailbreak/root/whatever my PC to do it, either.

Nov 30, 2011 at 1:37 AM Post #248 of 636

Actually I think the Apple haters are the most confused and idiotic bunch I can think of.  Even more than the Beats fanatics.  Apple's not for everyone, but neither are pc's. 

but....an apple is a personal computer.
Nov 30, 2011 at 1:41 AM Post #249 of 636
Nov 30, 2011 at 2:18 AM Post #251 of 636

Originally Posted by MacedonianHero /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Never really liked any stat headphone or speaker I've heard (disclaimer: yet to hear the SR009). There's a reason I've never owned Martin Logan speakers or say the SR007.

Oh boy, the Stax-ers. They review a dynamic headphone and go, "I wanted to like it, but it sucks, I prefer my Stax."
I listened to an SR404 once, and the transients were unbelievably fast. The 'wow' effect wore off shortly after, though, as I discovered the bass notes were disappearing at the same speed.
I'm going to post this link again, in light of the recent focus on Apple: http://blog.laptopmag.com/samsung-torpedos-apple-fanboys-in-new-ad
Nov 30, 2011 at 4:50 AM Post #255 of 636
There's a lot more anti-Apple people than Apple fanboys IMO, but the tide is slowly turning. I use both OSX and Windows and appreciate what Apple brings to the table. There used to be more fundamental differences between the two platforms but now the differences are mostly just annoying like the differences between web browsers.
Like MacHero I've been using Apple products since the beginning. I'm pro iPod but anti-iPhone 


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