Worst Fanboys?
Jun 17, 2020 at 2:10 PM Post #631 of 636
The Senn fanboy's are beyond painful, Had leave Reddit because it was nothing but how the HD600/HD650/HD800 are the only good headphones.
Boy, am I glad that I'm not the only one with this particular sentiment. The Sennheiser love on r/headphones is incredibly strong. Almost everyone seems to have an HD6XX variant, and they hype them to kingdom come.
Jun 17, 2020 at 4:29 PM Post #632 of 636
Boy, am I glad that I'm not the only one with this particular sentiment. The Sennheiser love on r/headphones is incredibly strong. Almost everyone seems to have an HD6XX variant, and they hype them to kingdom come.

/r/headphones is a s****show, I've been flamed for enjoying the ER3SE/ER4SR. By posters who will turn every thread into how "Endgame" worthy the senn stuff are, But call it out? nope cue -12.

The HD6XX is very outdated the DT 1990, K712 pro, ER3XR, SR325e all do things better. Gotten -3 before saying the K712 can rival the HD800 soundstage.

Pretty much sums up how dense that place is...ugh
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Jun 17, 2020 at 5:04 PM Post #633 of 636
/r/headphones is a s****show, I've been flamed for enjoying the ER3SE/ER4SR. By posters who will turn every thread into how "Endgame" worthy the senn stuff are, But call it out? nope cue -12.

The HD6XX is very outdated the DT 1990, K712 pro, ER3XR, SR325e all do things better. Gotten -3 before saying the K712 can rival the HD800 soundstage.

Pretty much sums up how dense that place is...ugh
The hivemind mentality in r/headphones is very strong. Anything that is part of the FOTM, or is a sub favorite, is universally praised. Conversely, there is ubiquitous derision for certain "out-of-favor" headphones, such as the M50x and the HD820. I have no idea why these headphones are so hated, even by people who have not heard them; they seem to be only parroting the opinions of established members of the sub.

I used to enjoy participating in discussions on r/headphones; these days, a lot less so.
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Jun 17, 2020 at 5:24 PM Post #634 of 636
The hivemind mentality in r/headphones is very strong. Anything that is part of the FOTM, or is a sub favorite, is universally praised. Conversely, there is ubiquitous derision for certain "out-of-favor" headphones, such as the M50x and the HD820. I have no idea why these headphones are so hated, even by people who have not heard them; they seem to be only parroting the opinions of established members of the sub.

I used to enjoy participating in discussions on r/headphones; these days, a lot less so.

Yep, It so black & white there. They hounded some poor posters for saying they enjoyed the SR80e and some higher end Grado's. Get offended when told their views are not facts, 1 reviewer there was unbareable on how it was his mission to cry about Grado fans. While he based his opinion's on the SR80e which makes him going full subjective on DAC's/other headphones very hypocritcal.

Still remember having to explain them that speakers have much higher distortsion. Then giggle at them trying make excuses on why that not the point, While in other threads suddenly the HD800S/HD650 = 5% max is okay?. Seem's to be haven for overnight experts. lol
Jun 18, 2020 at 1:10 AM Post #635 of 636
Yep, It so black & white there. They hounded some poor posters for saying they enjoyed the SR80e and some higher end Grado's. Get offended when told their views are not facts, 1 reviewer there was unbareable on how it was his mission to cry about Grado fans. While he based his opinion's on the SR80e which makes him going full subjective on DAC's/other headphones very hypocritcal.

Still remember having to explain them that speakers have much higher distortsion. Then giggle at them trying make excuses on why that not the point, While in other threads suddenly the HD800S/HD650 = 5% max is okay?. Seem's to be haven for overnight experts. lol
Yeah, a lot of the Redditors in that sub deal mostly in absolutes. And whilst it's a generally okay place to foster some healthy discussions on the topics of headphones, IEMs, and the like, the polarizing opinions, and the lack of diversity really stymie its growth as a robust channel that caters to audiophiles from all walks of life.
Jun 18, 2020 at 2:42 AM Post #636 of 636
Yeah, a lot of the Redditors in that sub deal mostly in absolutes. And whilst it's a generally okay place to foster some healthy discussions on the topics of headphones, IEMs, and the like, the polarizing opinions, and the lack of diversity really stymie its growth as a robust channel that caters to audiophiles from all walks of life.

With the way Reddit works and mods there, It's hard. I've had users get odd when many argue the ER3XR speed/detail is on par with fast planar like HE400i or higher. Varied topic fail because there are so many that just argue why X headphone/IEM sucks but can't debate without flaming you?.

When i had a 1 v 1 chat with a user how the ER4SR rates <0.6% for bass at 100db is LCD level. Cue sudden -1 ~ -2 on my posts and some dude using weak claims why the 4SR is gimped then cue me suddenly stupid when i called out, How fast driver suddenly bad if its BA but okay if planar/Estat full size?. Then the same guy got super sore that the harman profile for it uses a bass shelf that maxes at 10 ~ 12 db, Right after when the one who made the EQ profile explained how IEM bass works.
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