Woo Hoo. . . Got my Edition 9 . . wooo hooo . . best current production headphones. . . ? and I love them.
May 1, 2008 at 1:43 AM Post #18 of 168

Originally Posted by orkney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Enjoy your new phones!!! I must confess I'd gotten used to the "waiting" part of your signature...



So had I. :^) Now I have to 'wait' for the burnin-in.
May 1, 2008 at 2:02 AM Post #19 of 168
The Editions do not come with the CD, just the brochure...Also not sure about the 780, but the ED9 headband is different from the prior models, maybe they began to use the same headband in all the new models they recently released. This one is at least better constructed, and clicks are nicer, the old ones crack easily, this later one is made of the different material, less prone to crack and break, like more rubberized...
May 1, 2008 at 2:13 AM Post #20 of 168
Yeah, it isn't like the 750 but is the same as the 780. Everything is exactly the same as on the 780, including the yokes although the 780's don't have dead animal skin on them.

I already found a blem on mine. The top of rim on the right chromed unit has a flaw that is like a crack that has been chromed over, a ridge from one side of the top to the other, about 2mm long in an arc that is very noticeable when you touch it or look at the area. Great QC.
May 1, 2008 at 2:37 AM Post #21 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
... but is the same as the 780. Everything is exactly the same as on the 780, including the yokes although the 780's don't have dead animal skin on them.

How about from the inside? Are there any differences internally that make the E9s sound so differently? We've already seen the insides of the E9 here but I don't think the insides of the 750 and 780 have been shown yet. Maybe with a few modifications (other than replacing the cable), 750 and 780 owners can make their pairs sound a bit better.
May 1, 2008 at 2:45 AM Post #22 of 168
The 780 doesn't have any absorbent material, just hard plastic so I would imagine something might work for the highs and other frequencies. Remember the 9's are hand made so putting that absorbent material requires real dexterity. I would assume though that they do something else. right?

Wait, unless dolphins or monkeys or a combination thereof put the 780's together they must be hand made also. right?
May 1, 2008 at 3:27 AM Post #23 of 168
How are they in terms of sibilance? I've been briefly considering a pair of Ed 9's but, I'm wary that I won't be able to handle the increased brightness coming off my HD-650's. Also, to me anyway, they look a little too much like MDR-V6's, especially to justify the high price tag. But who I am to talk, I'm probably going to put down $900 for some JVC DX-1000's pretty soon
May 1, 2008 at 3:43 AM Post #24 of 168

Originally Posted by rogue /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How are they in terms of sibilance? I've been briefly considering a pair of Ed 9's but, I'm wary that I won't be able to handle the increased brightness coming off my HD-650's. Also, to me anyway, they look a little too much like MDR-V6's, especially to justify the high price tag. But who I am to talk, I'm probably going to put down $900 for some JVC DX-1000's pretty soon

The 780 uses different drivers, they are gold plated while the PROLines and Editions uses the Titanium...So IMO they should sound different...

The V6 and the Editions have absolutely nothing in common, nothing...

IMO after having heard all the current offers from all manufacturers, except the Denons, I feel the Edition 9 to be the best current production headphone, otherwise I would have gotten any other as mainly the rest are a lot cheaper...Now if you like it or not, and if you consider or not they worthy the price that is very personal...I'm assuming that if you like the sound of the HD650, you will not like the Editions very much, as I could not bear the HD650 a single day...

My suggestion is to try to listen them in a meeting for some time, long time and try to see if you feel that they are worth the try...
May 1, 2008 at 3:53 AM Post #25 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You mean sound like the 780's? Gee I don't know but I think there are a few threads around here saying that but I think I catch your drift. I hear a different, more refined type of detail and just a different tonal quality.

Nice to hear some honest impressions regarding these cans vs 780 for once.

Everybody wants their $200 cans to sound like $1000 cans, but usually that just isn't the case.
May 1, 2008 at 4:45 AM Post #26 of 168
How about the Grado fan?


Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm assuming that if you like the sound of the HD650, you will not like the Editions very much, as I could not bear the HD650 a single day...

May 1, 2008 at 6:02 AM Post #27 of 168

Originally Posted by rogue /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How are they in terms of sibilance? I've been briefly considering a pair of Ed 9's but, I'm wary that I won't be able to handle the increased brightness coming off my HD-650's. Also, to me anyway, they look a little too much like MDR-V6's, especially to justify the high price tag. But who I am to talk, I'm probably going to put down $900 for some JVC DX-1000's pretty soon

The one thing I don't hear is sibilance. I understand why you wouldn't want this as it destroys good music but so far none.
May 1, 2008 at 6:54 AM Post #28 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, sounds like the 780's? Sorry but these sound nothing like the 780 to me. Though the headband looks the same. lol

Oh, and I got the new bass adjusted version, you know, the ones after 1000.

gag, kidding.

You'll need better than a $12 Sennheiser cable on your 780's to get closer to the Edition 9. I've said the ALO modded 780 are similar to but not identical to the Edition 9 and I kept telling you that there are things the Edition 9 can do that the modded 780 don't.

I'm glad I helped push you into the Edition 9, and I'm not sorry for your wallet.
If you don't like the Edition 9, I've got an APS V3 re-cabled RS-2 PLUS a Headphile HHF-1 that I'll trade you even for the 9's. Seriously, because I just traded my second pair of Edition 9 towards some HE60/HEV70...
May 1, 2008 at 7:01 AM Post #29 of 168
I think you would be surprised how good the 780 does sound with the 650 cable. I know I was as the highs are tamed and it just has a better presentation. Anyway for now no trade, sorry, sorry. Yeah, you guys pushed me into this.

I need insurance coverage for this place!
May 1, 2008 at 7:14 AM Post #30 of 168

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think you would be surprised how good the 780 does sound with the 650 cable. I know I was as the highs are tamed and it just has a better presentation. Anyway for now no trade, sorry, sorry. Yeah, you guys pushed me into this.

I need insurance coverage for this place!

Yeah, the HD650 cable kills the HFI780 cable and HD600 cable. But I've also compared (at different times) the stock HD650 cable to APS V3, Jenna Labs Cryo, Silver Dragon, Vampire Wire, Black Dragon, and they all kill the stock HD650 cable.

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