Williamgoody's return
May 8, 2004 at 1:38 AM Post #76 of 120

Originally Posted by Sduibek
Yes, because all that matters are actions, right? Way to be.

I believe people should be punished for breaking the law, but I wasn't arguing that earlier, I was trying to sort out whether or not he's mentally challenged, but of course that doesn't matter, he's a "Bad Guy".

My point is this - you are not a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, therapist, or palm reader. You have no particular insight into this individual's mental state whatsoever...why even go there. Fact is, APA has a LOT to say about not diagnosing from a distance...and that applies to EXPERIENCED practicing psychologists. That goes even moreso for those armed with limited undergraduate coursework.

However, I can play the game too. You want a diagnosis? I've got one: sociopath. I'd wager a lot that mine is a lot closer than yours.

Oh and when this guy DOES appear in court, if he's loopy loons (a technical term used by my wife, a licensed PhD in clinical psychology
) it will come out soon enough. So, yes...I do hope that someone manages to get him into court. Either way, it will all take care of itself once THAT happens.

For the record, I just think he's taken advantage of some people because he thought he could get away with it...that simple. I hope it turns out that he doesn't in the end.
May 8, 2004 at 2:05 AM Post #77 of 120
It says elrod-tom posted at 6:38... But the last post I see is mine @ around 6pm. Is this problem just my machine, or...

Tried Ctrl-F5, doesn't fix anything.

Tried viewing it in IE, still doesn't appear.

EDIT: ooookay, after I posted this it appeared. weird.
May 8, 2004 at 3:22 AM Post #78 of 120

Originally Posted by lindrone
Ha!.. They caught him on iPodlounge as well

Hes banned there now. I saw some of your posts on that thread before the mods deleted it there. How did the guys at ipodlounge prove that whit96 & Williamgoody are the same?
May 8, 2004 at 5:01 AM Post #79 of 120
The mods at iPodlounge looked up the records, and found the same IP as another previously banned username he had on iPodlounge.. which is williamgoody as well. I suppose he was banned there when he was banned here.

So it wasn't that hard to find.. I think there might have been some communication to Jude as well.
May 8, 2004 at 5:24 AM Post #80 of 120
Sick, crazy, sociopath, nut, or simply a Class-A ********* -- it really does not matter now. The dude is banned and I believe that the wronged parties are taking legal measures to recoup their losses. If he or his family/friends are not keen enough to get him in treatment (if it is needed) then I am of the "Tough Sh1t" frame of mind. There are far greater injustices in this world than some low-level klepto with possible mental issues.
May 8, 2004 at 5:49 AM Post #81 of 120

Originally Posted by lindrone
The mods at iPodlounge looked up the records, and found the same IP as another previously banned username he had on iPodlounge.. which is williamgoody as well. I suppose he was banned there when he was banned here.

Good thing you noticed that whit96 was expecting the same headphones on the same date as slimm. Good work
May 8, 2004 at 12:35 PM Post #82 of 120

Originally Posted by Sduibek
Warning, OT.

Wait wait, you're listing Schizophrenia and MPD as seperate disorders?
Hoorah for you!
Most people consider them one and the same.. it's so annoying..

Speaking of which, I always seem to make my silliest errs when wearing my "Ignorance Is Typical" t-shirt. Go figure

Back on topic... perhaps Will actually *is* a decent guy, he just has these different personalities or he's "by-polar" or whatever. So perhaps he's not "truly" a bad guy that takes advantage of trust (as I mentioned earlier), more just a decent guy that's been unfortunate to end up struggling with extreme personality disorders. Just a thought.. and if that's the case.. I think we should all extend our best wishes to him.. Heck, even if he's a "bad dude" we should still wish him the best of luck if he's truly got a mental disorder. I did a huge report on Schizophrenia a few years back, and you can't begin to imagine what it's like to be like that

I can agree with this, too. We should all be able to show compassion and forgiveness, and all too often we see the cup in the middle of the table, but don't see the whole table...
However, people still need to be warned of what he's doing so they can avoid his "transactions"..
Ritual hangings and witchhunts are not my scene, though.
May 8, 2004 at 12:38 PM Post #83 of 120

Originally Posted by lindrone
He just did that on iPodlounge...

Lindrone, where's that thread on ipodlounge?
May 8, 2004 at 12:45 PM Post #84 of 120

Originally Posted by mjg
Uh-Oh, Look out, this guy was a psychology major, hence an expert on personallity (extreme sarcasm). Off-topic, but yes I always thought it was kind of funny how someone would take some class which is umm *cough* bs, and think they understand a person better then we do, then somehow go as far as defending him? Have you delt with the guy? I know your heart bleeds for him, but this thread here isn't for you to whine, it's to point out the fact, a sick messed up guy is out on the prowl, after your money, and your audio. I'd love to see how you'd be bitching if he ripped you off personally. Man please. Again, please understand, we don't carry the worlds problems on our shoulders individually, and each and every single member of this forum, does not have to tolerate, or accept anything to this extent of bs. If you want to whine to him, why not just put all your money in a big envelope, label it to the 10 or so aliases he uses, and wait until he posts again to rip us off, so you too can get ripped off? Then, just maybe you will have a true appreciation for him, and can whine all you want.
BOO THIS GUY (reference to half-baked line from bob saget)!

: P

I don't think he was whining, he was just calling for calm and adding a compassionate perspective to the debate, which was probably needed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including you...otherwise we become an autocracy..
May 8, 2004 at 12:53 PM Post #85 of 120
You have no particular insight into this individual's mental state whatsoever...why even go there.

...that's the whole point, none of us do...but some might like to find out before they don white robes and burn crosses on his front lawn..
May 8, 2004 at 12:59 PM Post #86 of 120

Originally Posted by plainsong
I don't get what people see in The Rasmus. Of all the great groups here, they have to pick The Rasmus. I don't understand.

I blame The Rasmus and Him for my troubles.
Actually, I'd like to like Him, but so far their work is too pop and to trite for my liking. They have potential though. Maybe they'll improve as they get older.

yeah, The Rasmus do suck really bad. They also did when I first heard of them back in 1998, I think, when I visited Finland -- them:"Your name is Rasmus" me:"yes..." them:"We have a band called 'The Rasmus'" me:"oh... just great" (praying for them never to get outside the borders of Finland.)

I don't like H.I.M either ( I base this on three song I've jsut listed to on LauchCast.) It's kindda ... Metallica/papa roach mixed in a bowl together with some satanist pop-stuff. The 'join me' is kindda good. It sound like a really cool swedish band called the Ark just not as cool, which I found totally awesome when they still exsited. Do you know the Ark?

mr ipodstudio,
I think there was a link on the second page, but I didn't work for me... I wasn't permitted to see it, maby my profile needs to be updated or something
I haven't really visisted the forum for a long time.


Originally Posted by ipodstudio
You have no particular insight into this individual's mental state whatsoever...why even go there.

...that's the whole point, none of us do...but some might like to find out before they don white robes and burn crosses on his front lawn..

I've once read some of Freud's work... also some of Frankl's theories, but I don't really think the theroy 'bout finding a 'mening in live' apply to to mr Slimm. And Freud ... I fell a sleep reading it
May 8, 2004 at 1:54 PM Post #88 of 120

Originally Posted by Fickle-Friend
I would imagine the fraudster to have hit a local cyber cafe or something and is probably reading all this rant about him....i wonder i wonder....

I'm sure he's got full access to reading the forums, at least..
May 8, 2004 at 3:41 PM Post #89 of 120
According to "Slimm's" aka williamgoody's buyer/seller feedback he hasn't blatantly ripped-off anyone (not yet anyway), in fact he seems to have gone out of his way to get the short-end of the stick on several trades. Is it possible that he somehow has been "reformed" and is trying in his own way to make-up for his past "criminal" behavior??

Although, I'm not in any itching hurry to test my theory.
May 8, 2004 at 4:01 PM Post #90 of 120
Slimm IS williamgoody, who HAS BLATANTLY ripped people off. We're tripping over details here.

If the former williamgoody wants to make good on his past deeds, the way to do that IMHO is by making good on his past deeds. That he is attempting to reenter under an assumed name would lead one to believe that he's simply trying to rip a bunch of folks off again. That he has achieved "short end of the stick" status tells me even more about the possibility that he's setting up another sting.

Review the past feedback for williamgoody...he established a long and favorable track record. Then, all of a sudden, the hammer dropped. For a long period of time, people cut him slack. This allowed him to rip off more people. By the time this thing exploded, the amound of stuff involved had to approach five figures.

This is a good lesson in the importance of leaving appropriate feedback. Had some of the earlier victims done so, others would not have been sucked in. However, people want to give a guy the benefit of the doubt...in this case, they were clearly taken advantage of for their kindness.

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