Will my Quest for good headphones ever end?
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:38 PM Post #16 of 74

Originally Posted by oqvist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I bet it won´t last forever... But nice now I have another I am done benchmark... I am going to make sure I don´t fall for upgraditis before you do at the very least

Let's see who is "the master of their own domain" audiophile speaking!

Sorry for the shameless Seinfeld reference...
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM Post #17 of 74
If you heard everyone of those phones before buying them, then, yes, you are too picky. And fickle. And impatient.

If you don't know what you actually want, you can be sure of not getting it.

Also, don't worry about sucking up to HF senn fanboys, plenty of people think the 595s are crap.
Feb 12, 2010 at 3:19 PM Post #19 of 74
Yeah...try and listen to some Grados( Sr225i... RS1i )or Ultrasones ( pro 750 or 900 ) and see if they are to your liking.
Good luck!
Feb 12, 2010 at 4:20 PM Post #20 of 74
One mistake you made is comparing the PK3 to the Bose. The Bose are an in ear headphone while the Yuin is an earbud. If you want an IEM under 100 that will give you a good comparison to those Bose, try the Klipsch S4. I owned both and the Klipsch was head and shoulders above the Bose IMO. But I have found all Bose to be muddy. Base seems to always wash out the mids. Which is too bad because I have always like the sound sig of Bose.

Other than that, you'll probably never find the right can. You'll hit the sweet spot with one and you'll keep it (possibly forever), but you'll eventually be off and chasing the next tone! It's a sick hobby. Good luck!
Feb 12, 2010 at 4:20 PM Post #21 of 74
The OP seems to be enjoying his tour around the low end headphones when the problem could easily be solved if he threw more money at it.
Feb 12, 2010 at 4:21 PM Post #22 of 74
Not unless you abandon this hobby.
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:01 PM Post #24 of 74

Originally Posted by Drubbing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you don't know what you actually want, you can be sure of not getting it.

Good point! Maybe sit down and figure out what you like and dislike most and then do some more research. I'm a big fan of the AKG mids and am mostly satisfied now that I have a 240DF and decent amp. If you like good mids, many folks will steer you in the AKG direction. If you need better bass, then you will want to look elsewhere, but you may sacrifice a bit in the mids. It's all about the music anyway. If I were you I would do more listening to the music and not focus so much on gear.

From your OP: "Am I so unhappy because I am just that picky?" Yes!
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM Post #25 of 74
Go the other way round, buy the cheapest first.

Koss KSC75 is a little gem. It sounds so musical, detailed and its so comfortable that you soon forget if you have headphones on, or you're listening to a good set of speakers. the bass is unbelievable for its price and size, it will sound great from cheap source and it does not need an amp.

Had i been a devious entrepreneur, I'd buy loads of KSC75s, use their driver in a fancy housing and sell them as top end headphones for a $300 or more. lol
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:10 PM Post #26 of 74

Originally Posted by MomijiTMO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lol it never ends. If something better comes out, tell me you wouldn't be interested

That may be right!
But the quest should slow down very noticeably once the OP have acquired an SR-007, HE90, MDR-R10 or like. . . And for all I know the quest may end.
Feb 12, 2010 at 9:32 PM Post #27 of 74
I think the problem is you've gone through like $600+ worth of various headphones, rather than dropping it all on one after doing extensive research.

Also, you said something about the D1001 sounding not to your liking, even though FLAC was being used. If you A/B FLAC and high Kbps MP3s, you will notice that except on extremely complex passages there is little to no difference between the two, so the words "even though" shouldn't have applied in this situation, using FLAC isn't going to make a headphone sound to your liking if it isn't to your liking at 320Kbps MP3, since there's no change at all in sound.
Feb 12, 2010 at 9:50 PM Post #28 of 74

Originally Posted by fjrabon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Woah, you need a Grado like yesterday.

No kidding, those were my thoughts exactly. He almost perfectly described the Grado. The only problem is reading the first post led me to believe he would think Grado is horribly uncomfortable.
Feb 12, 2010 at 10:10 PM Post #29 of 74
Comfort is absolutely vital, id be using it all day long, many hours a day, every day. Grado come with a massive cord, that is incredibly annoying. Grado are not monitors, they shouldnt have a 10 foot cord lol >:[

and they look dreadfully stiff and uncomfortable. If i cant wear them all day long without really feeling them, i am not interested.

I believe I am vastly too picky. I want good bass, clear bright sounding highs and mids that do not sound distant ( i want bud sound in a full sized set ) or a pair of buds that are like the yuin pk3 in terms of size, b ut have great bass and clarity.

I was looking at the Grado 120i. People say its not the best sounding, but its the most comfy grado. >.> Always a downside.
Feb 12, 2010 at 10:24 PM Post #30 of 74
One day you will find the "headphone" that best matches your musical preferences since thats what its all about. Picking a headphone is similar to picking a good car, its not all about power and looks, also about feel and that "it" factor that just gets you excited! One person may like a sporty ferrari the other a more classy austin martin, it all depends. Is one better than the other, well that depends on how you classify what's good or bad... For me, I have found the "sound" I have been looking for, now I just have to beef up my source, after this, I see no reason switching to a different headphone. Why fix something thats not broken?? I know new technology enters, and there will be new headphones, but this happens all the time, so I would have to switch cans once every year! So why not be content with the one you found and love, and enjoy your musical library, since this is what matters most, the rest is just a luxury. Good luck, finding your soulmate!!!!

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