Who's "done"?
Aug 29, 2006 at 5:06 AM Post #92 of 153
I'm pretty satisfied with my rig. Music matters more to me than my equipment, so i have been living the "ignorance is bliss" theme for months. I cant say i want to upgrade any further, unless something cosmic jumps out at me. Till then, i'm done.
Aug 29, 2006 at 7:04 AM Post #93 of 153
My main headphone setup is done, now on to the computer and maybe the portable rig later
Sep 2, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #94 of 153
Done what?

Headphones: have gone all electro, so Omega II and HE90 to go.

Amp: *think* I might be done here... we'll see.

Source: <sigh> Many miles to go before sleeping... remodel bathroom, or buy a better source? Wife thinks this is a no brainer.
Sep 2, 2006 at 10:48 PM Post #95 of 153

Originally Posted by daba

So who else is "done"?

I think if you're "done" in this game you're clinically depressed or dead. No such thing as being satisfied with "your lot", that's not normal, you're supposed to be constantly striving for the "Holy Grail"

"Done" ?? are you kidding?
Sep 3, 2006 at 12:23 AM Post #96 of 153
Until new, exponentially thinner electronics come out (in terms of source, amp) I am done. Since I cannot devout hours to listening and need to be on the go (even walking around the house) I am done until they make an audiophile grade DAC and amp in the same size of today's iPod. Otherwise upgrading my source and amps in desktop version is no gain.

But I like how one person put it:
"Buying new tubes do not count"

So, here is my list of exceptions to 'I am done':
  1. R10, L3000, W10 and/or W2002 for great price
  2. Benchmark DAC1 or similar DAC for a great price
  3. High-end CD player for a great price
  4. Op-amps
  5. ICs
  6. Power supplies
  7. Mods
  8. Inexpensive DACs to try out with 30-day return policy
  9. iPods or other portable players
  10. Music
  11. Head-fi

Other than the above I am done! seriously
Sep 3, 2006 at 4:11 PM Post #97 of 153
I think I'll be done in about 2-4 years. And when I "graduate", I'll have an awesome rig. I'm trying to save up around $8,000 or $9,000 for a rig and most likely it will be a Stax based rig. So whatever is great in the next 2-4 years in that price range is what I'll get. It's going to be incredible or at least very very nice.
Sep 3, 2006 at 4:52 PM Post #98 of 153
Listen to the music and you're done, listen to the gear and you're never done.
Sep 3, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #99 of 153
Need better source ($3-4000 CD player) and amplifier (Singlepower ES1) for my main rig, and Ultimate Ears UE-10 pro or Westone UM2 for my portable rig.

Then I might be done! he
Sep 3, 2006 at 6:59 PM Post #100 of 153

Originally Posted by mulveling

I am kinda in between done.
I have just realized speaker is the way to go. I have almost never listend to my headphone anymore and that's Dynahi + HD650 since I got my VR1. but I am still keeping the HD650/Cardas and HF1 just cuz I have no idea if I would ever need them again...LOL

I just realized I need to spend $XXXXX on amp/preamp I am looking at one of the new Belcanto amp/preamp....oh so much $$

Right now I am using Dynahi as preamp and using T-amp as the amp...5W baby

so the end of headphone ....and barely scraching the surface on speaker.. oh the hole gets ever deeper ....sigh.
Sep 3, 2006 at 7:22 PM Post #102 of 153

Originally Posted by chesebert
I am kinda in between done.
I have just realized speaker is the way to go. I have almost never listend to my headphone anymore and that's Dynahi + HD650 since I got my VR1. but I am still keeping the HD650/Cardas and HF1 just cuz I have no idea if I would ever need them again...LOL

I just realized I need to spend $XXXXX on amp/preamp I am looking at one of the new Belcanto amp/preamp....oh so much $$

Right now I am using Dynahi as preamp and using T-amp as the amp...5W baby

so the end of headphone ....and barely scraching the surface on speaker.. oh the hole gets ever deeper ....sigh.

I still like having both a speaker and headphone system - I really enjoy headphones, and speakers just can't quite do the same intimacy & purity thing for me (and at the same time I enjoy the speakers for the things headphones can't do). Problem is one always seems to be at a "higher level" than the other - and that gives the strong urge to upgrade said lagging system. What started out as a final speaker upgrade also pulled in a BAT preamp, Sunfire amp, and cables, then the Qualia and Slam adaptors, etc

Man, why don't you try using the dynahi as both preamp and power amp? IIRC isn't it capable of 15 Watts/ch output power? It should cream that little T-amp! If you're still looking for a preamp the used BAT amps are *really* sweet pieces of gear
Sep 4, 2006 at 4:53 AM Post #104 of 153
I'm "done" for now. I want to get really familiar with my current rig then decide where I want to take it. Whether it is by new headphones, new amp, or new source. I'm probably going to hold off on any further upgrades till atleast the new year.
Sep 10, 2006 at 11:12 AM Post #105 of 153

Originally Posted by ken36
This morning I am done also. It's been a "long and winding road". Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

I remember the first time I was 'done'. I was 10 years old and I had heard my first portable CD Player. Yeah I had to change the batteries evey hour or so; but the sound, hot damn! And those little plastic earbuds, those were the cats meow man! I remember feeling like I was right there, in front of the musicians, audience of ONE! They were playing for me!

Well anyway, if ignorance is bliss, I lost it a long time ago; bliss that is. My technique has been to pour money into this hobby in the hopes of attaining some of that innocence and wonder again. But who am I kidding.

The last time I was done, I was trying to kid myself with my HE90/HEV90 -> DV50 setup. Did it work? Well, I recently bought an ES-1 and the Meitner Combo. So... you decide.

I ask all of you - How many of you really 'want' to be done anyway? How many of us would really still continue to frequent this forum is we truly desired extinction from this game? I call it a game because in order to enjoy music, I truly and sincerely believe it has 95% to do with you, your heart, your love for music, and 5% to do with the associated reproduction. Most of the time when I go see live music, and especially if it's rock, the sound is just horrible, especially to our standards. Now, do I enjoy it less? Not really (although my ears sometimes beg to differ).

The minute I decide I'm done is when I decide - it will not have anything to do with what equipment I currently have. This sounds almost hypocritical, but for me, buying these gadgets and toys brings a different thrill, and I don't expect it to revolutionize the way I hear music. My mind already does that for me.


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