Who's "done"?
Jul 27, 2007 at 9:57 PM Post #136 of 153
I am done untill the next best thing.
Jul 27, 2007 at 10:02 PM Post #137 of 153
well my dream rig is:

Meridian 808 > RSA B-52 > Balanced R10/L3000


Meridian 808 > Aristeus > HE90/OII

so, i have a long way to go, and even longer since i doubt i will ever drop the dough for this stuff.
Jul 27, 2007 at 10:16 PM Post #138 of 153

Originally Posted by braillediver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
“I'm beyond done.
I've actually been considering selling all my headphones and getting into speakers.”

I was going to say the same thing. I’m thinking Yamamoto A-08S 45 SET with a pair of Cain and Cain Abbeys. I just ordered the Yamamoto since it’s beautiful.



Braillediver, I know it's been a year since you posted that, but if you see this post, did you ever get your Abbys? I have them and love them, but they really need a subwoofer to fill out the bottom. I'm driving them with the SP Extreme Platinum as a pre-amp to the FirstWatt F1 (conveniently wonderful with my all my headphones). I keep thinking I need to sell off some headphone gear to buy the Bailey sub (can't seem to find one used), but can't seem to part with anything.

So, yeah, I'm done buying headphone gear, but tweaks don't count, right? Getting my K1000s hardwired. Getting my K340s reterminated to a 4-pin XLR to use with the K1000 tail and the FirstWatt. Getting a couple additional mods to my source, then that's it...unless I keep hanging out in the Stax thread...or unless anyone wants to sell me their PS1s...or...
Jul 27, 2007 at 10:22 PM Post #139 of 153

Originally Posted by velogreg /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Technically, are you really "done" if you are now gearing up for this photography hobby? Sorry about your wallet.

hahaha i know what you mean.. i suppose i'm just taking a leave of absence from upgrading my audio gear, either until i'm done buying new photography equipment, or when my ears are no longer satisfied. either one, i'm imagining, will take a while

but dangit.. photography equipment is expensive! i should start by honing my skills first
Jul 28, 2007 at 5:26 AM Post #140 of 153
I am done for now!
Until I find the ultimate electrostatic amplifier that is (a fully balanced two box solution, with aesthetics close to the Aristaeus).
Jul 28, 2007 at 6:39 AM Post #141 of 153

Originally Posted by Sh0eBoX /img/forum/go_quote.gif

but dangit.. photography equipment is expensive! i should start by honing my skills first

Take it from the penny pinching curmudgeon, photography doesn't have to be all *that* expensive once you get a DSLR body..

Take a look at this site..


A wealth of information on using old, high quality lenses with DSLR bodies..

A lot of them are seriously cheap..

Well, Zeiss aren't cheap, no matter how old they are.

I have a practically antique pair of Zeiss 8 x 30 binocs and it's like looking through a picture window compared to anything else I've looked through.

As far as my rig goes, I'm pretty close to done.

Unless you count trying out freeware constantly for both sound and photography.
Jul 29, 2007 at 6:22 AM Post #147 of 153
I settled on the HD580 and MS1 after hearing just about everything within reach of my budget which went up to Darth Beyers and ATH-D1000.
I just want to get bowls for my MS1, but they don't get much head-time with my new speakers.

I am very happy with my Dynalo amp and Entech 203.2 DAC.

I am also "done" with my speaker set-up. I just need some banana plugs.

I am still experimenting with vinyl.
Jul 29, 2007 at 7:54 AM Post #148 of 153
I was done. I even said so (in another thread). Then my finicky amp started playing up again.

So, I bought a HD-650, a MS-1, a K-701, a Graham Slee Solo and a Rega Planet 2000 in the last two weeks. And I have some nice interconnects finishing in 9 minutes on eBay.

When the dust settles from all this and I am left with one headphone (plus the HD-280 for portable / work) after selling off all but the best, I will most definitely be done. My wallet uses the foulest language I have ever heard every time it addresses me these days!

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