Jul 7, 2012 at 6:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


Playing Upgraditis Mania
Feb 24, 2012
Posted in another forum but might help to post here too.
I've been using my Fiio E17 + L7 as my DAC and my E17 just died a week ago. It's going to China for repair so I'm trying to figure out if there' s a cheap alternative that I can buy to have as a DAC sufficient for my Audioengine A5's. I have a Xonar DG on my computer rig and with the A5's they sound a bit hollow which I really don't like so I'm trying to look for something to replace it. Also, I plan to just use the E17 as my portable rig when it comes back so it's not really a temporary thing, but rather something that'll stay with my A5's at home. My question is which DAC should I use for the A5's? Would headphone DACs and DACs for speakers be the same thing? I've been looking at the HRT Music Streamer II which is around $120used, which isn't bad at all but do I have any other options?
Jul 7, 2012 at 7:45 PM Post #2 of 4
Posted in another forum but might help to post here too.
I've been using my Fiio E17 + L7 as my DAC and my E17 just died a week ago. It's going to China for repair so I'm trying to figure out if there' s a cheap alternative that I can buy to have as a DAC sufficient for my Audioengine A5's. I have a Xonar DG on my computer rig and with the A5's they sound a bit hollow which I really don't like so I'm trying to look for something to replace it. Also, I plan to just use the E17 as my portable rig when it comes back so it's not really a temporary thing, but rather something that'll stay with my A5's at home. My question is which DAC should I use for the A5's? Would headphone DACs and DACs for speakers be the same thing? I've been looking at the HRT Music Streamer II which is around $120used, which isn't bad at all but do I have any other options?

Replace the Xonar DG with a used ($55) Xonar DX or D1 (better DAC).
Still have Dolby for movies and gaming.
DD (Dac Destroyer), USB-DAC, $50 on eBay
Used Music Streamer II for $120
SMSL SD1955 DAC, $100, sold on eBay,
Jul 7, 2012 at 8:06 PM Post #3 of 4
So if I get a better soundcard, that can act as a better DAC as well? Or would a dedicated DAC still be better? I was thinking that if I get a USB DAC then the soundcard would be bypassed.
Jul 7, 2012 at 9:27 PM Post #4 of 4
So if I get a better sound card, that can act as a better DAC as well? Or would a dedicated DAC still be better? I was thinking that if I get a USB-DAC then the sound card would be bypassed.

The Xonar DX (or D1) comes with a better DAC chip then the Xonar DG
Better DAC, better audio quality.
If you have no need for surround sound for gaming or movies, then an external DAC is fine.
If your willing to spend the cash, your can get an external DAC that is better then any DAC that a sound card comes might come with.
External DACs get their input from S/PDIF (Coaxial or optical) and USB.
There are also external USB/optical converters that can go between the computer and the DAC and seem to do a really go job of transferring the digital audio signal between the computer and the external DAC

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