What's the nastiest/grossest/weirdest food you have ever eaten?
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:42 AM Post #31 of 80
When I was in Japan I ate a little pickled red ball of something, I really have no idea what it was, but it tasted like crap! The family I was living with had a good laugh when I bit into it.
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:46 AM Post #32 of 80
Wow, I'd like to try a bear steak. I just read "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt" and he loved 'em - of course he shot his own bear too. Great book, read it!

Natto doesn't bother me much, probably because I grew up eating, and am still never without, Vegemite for breakfast. The only horrible part is that it's so sticky, if you get any on your lips it's going to be there all day.

I once worked with a guy in Japan who wanted to see me refuse to eat something. He was disappointed when I ate sushi, even more so when I ate natto, but he had one final try. We went to a pub in Tokyo where there was a fishtank by the entrance full of silver fish about 10" long. He pointed at them and giggled horribly, then we sat down and he ordered. One of the fish came out as whole sashimi, impaled on a skewer curved with its tail in the air. He offered it to me giggling like a torturer who loves his work and when I took a piece it twitched - still alive. I ate it, and he got over his disappointment by poking the fish some more.
Jan 23, 2003 at 11:24 AM Post #33 of 80
I try to stay away from gross food for some reason

But, I do love Blood Sausages which I guess is the only "weird" thing I eat, just not very often.
Jan 23, 2003 at 12:22 PM Post #35 of 80

Originally posted by LarryS
Ho vit lon.....it's a vietnamese "dish"...

Essentially it's a hard boiled duck egg with a partially formed duckling inside.

Takes a little getting used to...especially when that little head rolls around on the spoon...

They make the same "Dish" in the Philippines with chicken called Balute, except it's a fertilized egg that they bury until it starts to become really nasty. (sp.?)

The weirdest thing I ever ate was while I was in Turkey. The food there was really pretty good for the most part, Freshly made sesame bread, lamb kabobs, jumbo shrimp, even a decent beer.....
A buffet at the hotel where we were staying for the night served sheep brains as one of the items.
I tried them, didn't taste like anything, a lot like tofu.
Jan 23, 2003 at 2:52 PM Post #36 of 80
Well around this time of year it is tradition to eat a lot of gross food, for instance:

Sheep testicles
The whole head of a sheep
Shark that has been burried in the ground and is beginning to rott
A lot of things made from sheep intestine

and with all this we drink a special icelandic drink that looks like vodka but tastes much worse. Some of these things are quite good but some are just terrible but the tradition for all this dates about 1000 years back so we are really proud of all this...
Jan 23, 2003 at 3:01 PM Post #37 of 80
Where's Lou when you need him??

In the Philadelphia area, there's a lovely food product called scrapple. It's exactly like it sounds... the leftovers from all other pork/beef processing that couldn't even make it into hot dogs.


Slice it thin, dredge in some flour with salt and pepper, then fry it up crispy. It's a breakfast thang. While not really gross (better 'n haggas), it just sounds pretty nasty.

Jan 23, 2003 at 6:26 PM Post #39 of 80

Originally posted by fiddler
Oh, I also refuse to eat stuff that I feel required unnecessary cruelty to obtain. Like, shark fin soup... they chop off their fin and let the poor things drown.

Really? Cruelty aside, it's a waste. Beside shark fin, I also like shark steak on a grill. And there's the shark oil, I heard the shark cartilage has medical use (proven or not) as well.
Jan 23, 2003 at 6:34 PM Post #40 of 80

Originally posted by JMT
Raw sea urchin.

It's one of my favorite!

I like monk fish liver sushi too, it's a little harder to find a restaurant that serves it. I found one in the city which is very good. But the chief/owner yells at people when he's not in a good mood, so I don't really like going there.

Btw, the restaurant owner apparently is a music lover. He has signed pictures of Issac Stern and Yo-yo Ma taken in his restaurant. And he's very excited when I talked to him about them.
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:04 PM Post #41 of 80
I once ate four raw onions, a whole raw chicken and a pound of wheat bread dough in one sitting.Any MARINE CORPS Vets out there will know why.
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:16 PM Post #42 of 80
I find some similarites between UK (is Hull in Scotland or England) and Swedish food. We of course also have dog biscuits, but humans seldom eat them. Sometimes this may be because of predjudice. I don't beleive so much in dog's food but I took care of two cats some year ago. Some of the cat food cans smelled quite good. Sorry now that I never tasted it but a general experience is that if something smells good it also tastes good. So I beleive that it could taste at least as good as McDonalds hamburgers (cats are demanding).
We also have the black pudding (actually named blood pudding) and this can taste quite good, but is much dependant on spicing.
Cows tongue is also available but have seen less of it lately. May look akward raw, but tastes good when cooked and sliced.
Cod Roes are available on cans imported from Denmark. Quite good with some lemon but have never seen fresh which I assume is superior.
We also eat liver, very good with some bacon and sauce. Also have liver pastry which is eaten on sandwithces, about the same as the French paté.
So what is nasty is very relative.
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:58 PM Post #44 of 80

Originally posted by Tuberoller
I once ate four raw onions, a whole raw chicken and a pound of wheat bread dough in one sitting.Any MARINE CORPS Vets out there will know why.

I'm not a VET but i'm really curious as to why?

why? is it an initiation thing? or preventative thing?
Jan 23, 2003 at 8:08 PM Post #45 of 80

Originally posted by Anders
We also eat liver, very good with some bacon and sauce. Also have liver pastry which is eaten on sandwithces, about the same as the French paté.
So what is nasty is very relative.

Indeed, I would never have thought of eating liver as "weird"
, it's really common in France and Belgium.

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