What's the nastiest/grossest/weirdest food you have ever eaten?
Jan 23, 2003 at 8:56 PM Post #47 of 80
A friend once dared me to drink a bottle of vinegar. Man, that was foul. I puked constantly the 2 following days.
Jan 23, 2003 at 9:09 PM Post #49 of 80

A friend once dared me to drink a bottle of vinegar. Man, that was foul. I puked constantly the 2 following days.

Crazyness, my mom once made me drink a cupful of apple cider vinegar every day...for two days. Then I told her to drink some and, well, she got the message.
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:06 PM Post #51 of 80

Originally posted by ssblood
I do hope you got some money or something out of that...

In Denmark we always bet for sixpacks. I collected 11 sixpacks that night.
11 people were in on the bet..
Jan 24, 2003 at 12:52 AM Post #53 of 80
I'll put this into three categories:

REGULAR FOOD: I was at a family reunion one summer in France, and they were serving these pink pickled turnips. I figured what the hell...and almost vomited right there on the spot. I had to spit this thing out in a potted plant...YUCK!!

DARE YOU TO EAT THAT: When I was 16, I went on a survival outing with the Boy Scouts. One of our advisors found some grubs, and invited us to partake. Amazing what peer pressure can do to someone.

EH...WHAT IS THAT?: The thing that LOOKS the worst would be hamburger chowder. Everything in it except the hamburger and half & half comes in a can. Creamed corn, cream of potato soup, carrots....it looks just like vomit. Most people cringe when they first eat it, but it's actually quite good.
Jan 24, 2003 at 1:38 AM Post #54 of 80
there're all kinds of "strange" things to eat here in japan. they pretty much eat everything and eat it raw!

the nastiest two things that i have had here are raw chicken liver and raw squid guts.

some other things that are good (or at least not nasty) but strange are raw intestine lining (not good but not nasty), raw sea cucumber (the animal that looks like a living ****), live shrimp (you peel the body while it is alive and eat the meat), raw blowfish (really good), raw chicken, raw horse, raw beef, fried fish bones, crab eggs and brains, raw sea urchin-uni-is really good with sake, the list goes on and on.

i've also eaten bear, alligator, ostrich, frog, deer, elk, moose, bison, antelope, calf testicles, many kinds of heart and liver and toung, pig and chicken feet, smoked pigs ears... these things are strange, or at least uncommon, for a lot of people.

in thailand, i couldn't bring myself to try the fried cockroaches that i saw!
Jan 24, 2003 at 2:15 AM Post #55 of 80
A number of companies here have opted to use more environmentally-friendly packaging alternatives - so instead of filling a box with a bunch of polystyrene balls, they fill it with these little things made out of some sort of carbohydrate. They have a texture similar to prawn crackers, but without the prawn cracker (MSG) flavour. Actually, the flavour is pretty bland, but the sensation of them in your mouth is kinda funny
Jan 24, 2003 at 3:57 AM Post #56 of 80
For anybody that lives in or has visited Japan, ever eaten Fugu (puffer fish)? That stuff is supposed to be fatal if not prepared just right by a specially licensed chef.
Jan 24, 2003 at 4:34 AM Post #57 of 80
"For anybody that lives in or has visited Japan, ever eaten Fugu (puffer fish)?"

see my post above. i called it blowfish but its all the same thing. i have eaten fugu many times and quite like it. the chefs that prepair it have to have special licenses. i think that the parts that are the most potentially dangerous are the internal organs which i have not had.
it's really expesive too. the best fugu that i have had was something like 500 u.s.d. a fish. luckily it was at someone's house so i didn't pay!
Jan 24, 2003 at 4:42 AM Post #58 of 80
Kimchi. I figured something that smells that bad would have to have some redeming taste for it to be as popular among Koreans as it is. I came to the conclusion that I don't care why they time it, just as long as they keep it far away from me!

I've heard of durian, enough to know I do not want any!

I don't know if this is wierd or what, but I've never seen anybody else do it: cucumbers sliced up and put in a salted/peppered vinegar. Very, very good, you have the cool of the cucumber and the bite of the vinegar, yummy!
Jan 24, 2003 at 7:04 AM Post #59 of 80
I don't really know what the wierdest food I tried was, but I like leberkese and awful lot. It's also known as liver cheese or braunshweiger. mmm...mmm...good. People give nasty looks when I mention it though. I don't know why people have an aversion to it. Probably because it is made of liver and without trying it people think that it must taste bad.

Put that stuff on crackers with some cheese and it is so good.

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