What's the nastiest/grossest/weirdest food you have ever eaten?
Jan 24, 2003 at 2:24 PM Post #62 of 80
Well, I'm from Singapore and we have a mixture of a few major asian races therefore we have a wide selection of 'food' here. Most of those strange food that was mentioned here are part of everyday food for chinese.

The pig can be practically eaten whole if you want. Pig's ears, tongue, liver, kidney, blood, tail, skin, intestines, bone etc. A common dish found in many places is a soup made from pig's intestines, liver, kidney and blood. Really disgusting if you aren't local but it tastes pretty good.

Many seafood are also considered delicacy here. Shark's fin, frog leg, sting ray, sea cucumber. Sting ray tastes like fish and sea cucumber can be found in certain deserts.

Durians are known as the 'King of Fruits' and I think it is an acquired taste just like oysters. Pungent but unique. The best ones are slightly bitter.

One weird thing is that many older citizens here can't stand cheese. Weird but true. They say it smells like vomitted milk....

For me, I'm not brave enough to eat fish eyes, insects and particularly duck egg with a partially formed duckling.

One Man's Poison Is Another Man's Wine
Jan 24, 2003 at 5:01 PM Post #63 of 80

Originally posted by evil-zen
Well, I'm from Singapore and we have a mixture of a few major asian races therefore we have a wide selection of 'food' here. Most of those strange food that was mentioned here are part of everyday food for chinese.

Sambal Stingray

Jan 24, 2003 at 9:22 PM Post #64 of 80
Hmmm... let's see...

Pan fried grasshoppers
Cow utter
Cow tongue
Chicken feet
Pig's feet
Pig's ears
Blood sausage

BTW, all of this stuff is really good.
Jan 24, 2003 at 9:27 PM Post #65 of 80

Originally posted by evil-zen

The pig can be practically eaten whole if you want. Pig's ears, tongue, liver, kidney, blood, tail, skin, intestines, bone etc.

One Man's Poison Is Another Man's Wine

I have a friend whose French grandfather who had a pig farm told him that when he gets through with the pig, the only thing left is the oink.
Jan 25, 2003 at 4:47 AM Post #67 of 80

Originally posted by bifcake
Hmmm... let's see...

Pan fried grasshoppers
Cow utter
Cow tongue
Chicken feet
Pig's feet
Pig's ears
Blood sausage

BTW, all of this stuff is really good.

Finally someone else that enjoy a good Blood sausage

My father used to eat crazy stuff: Pig feet, Pig ears, and Pig tails!

I had frog before (when I was 9), it was so sweet, but I never had it again, damn it was good however.
Jan 25, 2003 at 6:53 AM Post #68 of 80
Going over the website of weird foods, I noticed other stuff that I had that I didn't think was all that weird:

Jam tea
Jan 25, 2003 at 7:59 AM Post #69 of 80

"Chilled Monkey Brains... which I ususally chase down with a beer from my chalice"

I. Jones
Jan 25, 2003 at 8:14 AM Post #70 of 80
Whoa! That first shot looks like someone on head-fi.org whose name I won't mention.
That person should consider using that image for their avatar.

Everybody's got something to hide
Except for me and my monkey...
Jan 25, 2003 at 8:44 AM Post #71 of 80
HI: Back in 1959 in the MARINE CORPS on survival training in the field with a knife and 1 canteen of water for a week. I ate boiled ants with chocolate syrup on them and of course boiled snake that taste like chicken.
Jan 25, 2003 at 9:33 AM Post #72 of 80
Back during the Spanish-American war, I served with the rough riders under Col. Roosevelt. We were in the Phillipine jungles, liberating our little brown brothers. We had no food, water or chocolate for a month! We had to kill the enemy and then we'd take one guy and roast him, uniform and all. Back in the day, we were tough. Not like the panzies they have coming out of the marines now a day that have chocolate they can pour on their ants. Damn it, back in the day, that's when men were men! When our colonel charged, he yelled: "follow me!" We followed, for we knew that victory was going to be ours! Our CO led the charge, he didn't sit behind no desk, twiddling his thumbs, enjoying his chocolate covered ants! Those damn softies!!! What is this country coming to? It's all them bleedin' heart liberals. I bet them panzies had white cloth napkins and champaign to go with them chocolate covered ants! We would have none of that!!! None!!! We roughed it in the dirt! We ate our enemies and we had no panzy ass chocolate or tofu either!!!
Jan 25, 2003 at 3:40 PM Post #73 of 80
Some crazy traditional foods here (Newfoundland, Canada) include cod tongue, seal flippers, moose and caribou. Most visitors to the province are pretty turned off by all that, especially the first two. Never tried them myself - I don't seem to like the 'sea taste', but moose and caribou can be pretty darned good.

Many here are turned off by French pate, which is one of my favorite foods. Some people find my peanut butter and mozza cheese sandwhiches pretty repulsive

Grossest thing I've ever seen was drinking the blood of a live cobra!

The absolutely grossest thing I've ever eaten is.... EGGS!!! Hen's eggs! The taste and texture make me vomit everytime! Even something like french toast with too much egg in the batter will do it to me. Oh, and Buckley's Cough Mixture too. Stomach acid does not help a sore throat =p
Jan 25, 2003 at 8:09 PM Post #74 of 80
Bull testicles, cow tongues, salted crickets, Colombian ants and Mexican ant eggs, maguey larvae, jumiles (they look like small roaches and you eat them alive), and perhaps, without me being aware of it, dog meat.

Did I win anything?

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