what so special about Ultrasone headphones?
May 11, 2010 at 7:47 AM Post #16 of 57
 cant hear the S-Logic making a big diffrence when listening normal records. Try the Ultrasone CD which comes with headphones - it worked amazing even with my HFI-15G - i got bigger (deeper) space than from my K701 - and that's something imo.
May 11, 2010 at 8:24 AM Post #17 of 57
Umm it's kind of weird to call S-logic marketing BS, because S-logic has a physical existence in the form of supposedly intelligently placed holes on the bufferboard, and not being located in the center of the earcup. It's like calling a glow in the dark dress with the slogan "G-logic" marketing BS. Well, if G-logic is marketing BS it still glows in the dark, and with S-logic, soundwaves are still going in weird directions.
May 11, 2010 at 8:34 AM Post #18 of 57
The idea of S-Logic is that the driver was aimed upwards at roughly the level of your earlobe so that the sound didn't appear to be coming from the side of your head, but reflected off your ear in a way that the image appeared to come from around your head.  As NapalmK said, it either worked and you loved it, or it didn't and the sound appeared to come from in your head (at least it did for me).  
A couple of years ago, the $1500 Edition 9 was all the rage as supposedly the best headphone you could buy.  I'd say it was over-hyped considerably (though admittedly people consider the current top-tier dynamics to be over-hyped too), with people saying that a modified and re-cabled HFI-780 will give you 90% of the ED9s at a third the price.  They tended to have a very V-shaped frequency response -- strong treble and bass and recessed mids. Various people modded them to fix this, and I gather there is a strong group of Pro-900 modders too.  The bass-strong models (most of the lower ones?) seem to attract people who like that kind of thing.
I reckon if they hadn't over-hyped the S-Logic as being some kind of miracle, they might have received a better response from the critics.  The big thread on them (with all the drama IIRC) is titled "There is something about Ultrasone" if you want to search for it.
May 11, 2010 at 1:43 PM Post #19 of 57
It's a complete pile of marketing on some of them that only have the grills offset, and not the actual drivers...
Opinions may vary as to how this may or may not effect the soundstage of the 'phones that actually do have offset drivers.  More importantly, I doubt that this kind of thing jacked up the r&d costs (the effect on the manufacturing cost should also closely approach zero) so it shouldn't effect the price much at all.
The EM shielding, on the other hand is complete BS.  My guess it's something the PHBs came up with to appease Brussels.  The PHBs decided they should take on stand on this EMR scare, and told the engineers to do something about it.  The engineers looked busy for a few weeks, told the PHBs, "EMR is no longer a problem!" (since they new it was never a problem in the first place) and the PHBs told the marketroids to put something about it on the box.
May 11, 2010 at 4:40 PM Post #20 of 57
Ultrasones perform techno and electronic music very good.
It appears they are using decentralized loudspeakers, which emulate the effect of listening music from speakers a few feet from you, while reducing sound pressure between 3 and 4 decibels and maintain the high quality sound.
May 11, 2010 at 5:24 PM Post #21 of 57

I have been using my Pro900 for few months and love every minute. I didn't care for the S-Logic malarkey when I bought them but I am forced to admit it works extremely well for me. With all the other closed cans I tried it feels like the sound is produced within a certain space surrounding your head. I can sense the size and boundaries of it depending on the ability of each  phones. With the Pro900 there is no clear edge and it sounds more natural, closer to speaker listening. Many people will prefer to feel the delimitation of the head-space as it usually lead to better instrument positioning. On the Pro900 the positioning is more blurry because of the S-Logic but I find it more natural. My limited experience with headphones tells me the Pro900 is ultimately a remarkable can which bring together some of the strong aspects of other brands: Energetic and great treble similar to Grados, bass as good or slightly better than D2000, and very detailed and precise as K701, and a fantastic head-stage for a close can. And it is build like a tank. But as said in other threads they require time to experiment with positioning and to adjust to the presentation to benefit from the S-logic.

Thank you for that, zenpunk. I've been trying to find some personal feedback on how the Pro 900 sounds, and I liked your post a lot. They really sound like something I'd enjoy.
May 11, 2010 at 5:37 PM Post #22 of 57
Coming from Ultimate Ears Super.fi and Triple.fi IEMs, I thought the S-Logic was utter marketing bull as well at first.
However, it turned out that it was only because the Pro 900 was the first full size headphones I'd listened to in over 20 years.
Comparing the 3D positioning of the sound to a pair of D2000 I also bought (even put J$ pads on them), the Denons are like having each instrument lined up in a straight line starting from your ears and going away from your head, while the Ultrasones actually retain some of the depth and movement you get by wearing high end IEMs (and also, I've been told, audiophile class speakers).
I would never recommend listening to live instruments using the Pro 900 though, as they are extremely colored with huge amounts of bass, recessed mids, tinny treble and a complete lack of punch. Despite this, I kept them and intend to sell my D2000. The reason? They are absolutely freakin wonderful with electronic music, even beating out my Triple.fi in that area!
However, for anything that's not electronic music, if you don't miss 3D positioning, or never experienced it before, I'd go with the D2000 + J$ pads + a decent amp any day.
May 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM Post #23 of 57
I guess its about personal taste. But although I've just sold my Pro 900s for ED8, it is by far much more superior then tf 10 across the board, with great highs, nice and silky mids, a bit too much but deep detailed punchy bass, and incredible soundstage as a closed phone. D2000 is just not in the same class. Lack of punchy bass, recessed mid and tiny treble might be due to under amped. Pro 900 is a picky phone to serve.
May 11, 2010 at 10:33 PM Post #25 of 57
Ultrasones are some of the worst headphones I've ever heard, IME of course.  The ED9 was better, but still everything was exaggerated.  They sound like they're trying waaay to hard to make the music sound cool
Just my impressions.  But I could see how someone might like that sound for trance or something, as mentioned above, where the point is just to sound good and there aren't real instruments that could make them sound unnatural.
May 11, 2010 at 10:41 PM Post #26 of 57
 cant hear the S-Logic making a big diffrence when listening normal records. Try the Ultrasone CD which comes with headphones - it worked amazing even with my HFI-15G - i got bigger (deeper) space than from my K701 - and that's something imo.

I think the S-Logic is very much individual dependent...it's an instant love/hate, not much to argue about IMHO. I know some ppl who rate the Pro2500 as high as the CD3000, and even for $40 I wouldn't buy a Pro750.
May 11, 2010 at 10:50 PM Post #27 of 57
To my ears, the Pro900s easily held their own in many aspects when compared directly to the HD-800s, K-701s, and Beyers, and sounded better than ANY Grado I have ever heard. But caveat please .... THEY MUST be correctly Kees modded !!!!!!!!   Without this mod, they are very, very unbalanced in the freq range, and raw sounding.
Once you get the Kees mod right, they are faster and more dynamic than any headphone I have heard, outside of Stax.
May 12, 2010 at 3:13 AM Post #29 of 57

To my ears, the Pro900s easily held their own in many aspects when compared directly to the HD-800s, K-701s, and Beyers, and sounded better than ANY Grado I have ever heard. But caveat please .... THEY MUST be correctly Kees modded !!!!!!!!   Without this mod, they are very, very unbalanced in the freq range, and raw sounding.
Once you get the Kees mod right, they are faster and more dynamic than any headphone I have heard, outside of Stax.

I can't help but be very skeptical about this.  But I'd love to hear a Kees modded unltrasone to prove me wrong!
May 12, 2010 at 3:32 AM Post #30 of 57
Well it brings down the bass considerably and kills the metallic treble. Kills soundstaging some too but for those that S-logic doesn´t work I suppose it doesn´t matter lol Less resonances and more open sounding so what´s not to like :)

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