Westone W60 Impressions Thread
Jul 15, 2015 at 11:47 PM Post #811 of 1,957
Lol, be my guest. 

In other news, listening to the W60s with my AK240SS and some DSD files (Shelby Lynne and Jazz at the Pawnshop) this evening and these are seriously great IEMs. I ended up preferring the SE535s to the SE846s by a small margin, but there is no doubt in my mind that the W60s are a good step up from both...to my ears/tastes anyway. 
They are VERY comfortable in my ears and the ergonomics, size and weight are all very impressive.

I never been so sure in my life  about HP...with the alpha Prime, I always wonder if there is something out there that is better, that is why I got the Beyer T1 and Soon ZMF OMNI..but with the W60, I have not even care about it contender like 846 or JH product...it just simply "IT" for me.
Jul 16, 2015 at 7:37 AM Post #812 of 1,957

It is only a matter of time, someone will be curious enough.

Lol, be my guest. 

In other news, listening to the W60s with my AK240SS and some DSD files (Shelby Lynne and Jazz at the Pawnshop) this evening and these are seriously great IEMs. I ended up preferring the SE535s to the SE846s by a small margin, but there is no doubt in my mind that the W60s are a good step up from both...to my ears/tastes anyway. 
They are VERY comfortable in my ears and the ergonomics, size and weight are all very impressive.

The only way to improve it is to make shell transparent like in UM Pro series so nobody is tempted to crack it open to look inside 

W60 vs SE846 seems to be a sensitive subject with a lot of people.  I covered that comparison in depth in my W60 Review, and not going to rehash but will admit it didn't live up to my expectations, though "expectations" is a matter of personal taste anyway.
Jul 16, 2015 at 9:23 PM Post #813 of 1,957
The only way to improve it is to make shell transparent like in UM Pro series so nobody is tempted to crack it open to look inside 

W60 vs SE846 seems to be a sensitive subject with a lot of people.  I covered that comparison in depth in my W60 Review, and not going to rehash but will admit it didn't live up to my expectations, though "expectations" is a matter of personal taste anyway.

The thing about the W60 is that anymore bass is too much and the SE846s have that. The W60s are pretty special so far after a few days with them. And out of my AK240SS, they sound very impressive! Funny, with the SE535s, I felt straight out of my iPhone was just fine, but not so much with my W4s...looks like that trend has continued?
Great write up on the W60s...I agree with much of it.
Jul 16, 2015 at 9:37 PM Post #814 of 1,957
The only way to improve it is to make shell transparent like in UM Pro series so nobody is tempted to crack it open to look inside 

W60 vs SE846 seems to be a sensitive subject with a lot of people.  I covered that comparison in depth in my W60 Review, and not going to rehash but will admit it didn't live up to my expectations, though "expectations" is a matter of personal taste anyway.

The thing about the W60 is that anymore bass is too much and the SE846s have that. The W60s are pretty special so far after a few days with them. And out of my AK240SS, they sound very impressive! Funny, with the SE535s, I felt straight out of my iPhone was just fine, but not so much with my W4s...looks like that trend has continued?
Great write up on the W60s...I agree with much of it.

A little birdie told me that Westone main sound designer Karl Cartwright really enjoys A&K DAPs, so I have a feeling all their flagship IEMs tuned to sound great with AKs

Jul 16, 2015 at 9:40 PM Post #815 of 1,957
A little birdie told me that Westone main sound designer Karl Cartwright really enjoys A&K DAPs, so I have a feeling all their flagship IEMs tuned to sound great with AKs

Good to know...so far I'm loving the pairing! Thanks
Jul 16, 2015 at 10:58 PM Post #816 of 1,957
W60 represents an IEM that is misunderstood and highly under-rated.  Head-fi never reviewed it and they should have.  It really is a shame because even though I sold mine, I still hold it in very high regard.  (I needed customs to fit my small bendy ears ultimately)
BTW, copper litz is less than 125.00 USD.  It kind of is a no-brainer upgrade.  I ran mine out of my , RSA Intruder, AK240 and HUGO (balanced and unbalanced) and it takes the sound in the right direction for me.  The epic cable is good, silver is bright but pure Litz copper is what is missing.  Hell, and e-bay cable of unknown metal cost that much or more!  Try one from Ted Allen and see for yourself.  If you don't like it, I am sure you can sell it quickly.  
Jul 18, 2015 at 11:28 AM Post #817 of 1,957
I like both my SE846 and W60, I think the W60 has a similar sound signature as my LCD-X, and the W60's treble and high mid is super smooth, making plucked string instruments sound crystal clear and realistic as if one can picture them being plucked. 846's high mids sound harsh in comparison but at the same time, gives bowed strings instrument more of an edge than the W60. I think the W60's bass goes slight deeper than the SE846 but the 846's is much punchier and has more feel to it. I just got the JH Audio Layla, seems like the low mids and bass are much fuller and punchier than the 846's with the demoed ones that I heard. I'll be doing some serious comparison after some burning in.
The only way to improve it is to make shell transparent like in UM Pro series so nobody is tempted to crack it open to look inside 

W60 vs SE846 seems to be a sensitive subject with a lot of people.  I covered that comparison in depth in my W60 Review, and not going to rehash but will admit it didn't live up to my expectations, though "expectations" is a matter of personal taste anyway.

Jul 23, 2015 at 11:14 PM Post #822 of 1,957
Have been using these for a while with my AK240SS as well, beautiful balanced sound throughout.

Although have recently tried AK240SS - > ALO Continental Dual Mono -> ALO Copper 22 Cable Balanced -> Westone W60

Man it has stepped it up a notch again, those tubes introduce a new level of sound stage, space and coherence across the full spectrum. Tubes, sublime.

Recommend giving it a go to anyone who hasn't tried! :)
Jul 23, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #823 of 1,957
Have been using these for a while with my AK240SS as well, beautiful balanced sound throughout.

Although have recently tried AK240SS - > ALO Continental Dual Mono -> ALO Copper 22 Cable Balanced -> Westone W60

Man it has stepped it up a notch again, those tubes introduce a new level of sound stage, space and coherence across the full spectrum. Tubes, sublime.

Recommend giving it a go to anyone who hasn't tried!

oooh my Chord Hugo comes in tomorrow, I am very excited now.
Jul 27, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #824 of 1,957
I want opinion here from acoustic music listener (jazz/classical). I already test Shure 535/846, Grado GR10, ie800, ie80, Etymotics sound, and I want to give a try to Westone now.
I'm looking in order of priority, a neutral & balanced warm sound, can be laid back but with a looooooot of definition. Not mids forward like Shure 535, or too much deep bass emphasis like Shure 846. I prefer balance bass that sound very precise (very important on jazz with acoustic bass), instead of too much deep bass (that is awsome for rock, but not for classical/jazz). I didn't like treble on ie800, too bright for my taste, I'm very sensitive in that range), Grado GR10 (not e) was not my cup of tea too (sadly, because what a nice fitting in the ear), I found piano sonata a lot too aggressive for my taste, but on vocal, what a nice fit. Of course all this it's a question of taste, they are not facts, but observations/experiences. So, please, it's not a debate on my perception, but want recommendation base on my "subjective observation/perception/experience". So, guys, for acoustical music, base on my experiences, W40 or W60 you recommend to me ? (or maybe, even a W20?) I don't mind/care of prices here, but I learn that expensive doesn't always mean better in audio too. I'm just looking for a sound that fit MY taste. If it cost $300 fine, I'll save for something else (a better DAC,etc), but if it "need" to cost $1500, well, bad for my wallet, but, finally, my ear will have gratitude for me 
Jul 27, 2015 at 7:07 PM Post #825 of 1,957
  I want opinion here from acoustic listener. I already test Shure 535/846, Grado GR10, ie800, ie80, Etymotics sound, and I want to give a try to Westone now.
I'm looking in order of priority, a neutral & balanced warm sound, can be laid back but with a looooooot of definition. Not mids forward like Shure 535, or too much deep bass emphasis like Shure 846. I prefer balance bass that sound very precise (very important on jazz with acoustic bass), instead of too much deep bass (that is awsome for rock, but not for classical/jazz). I didn't like treble on ie800, too bright for my taste, I'm very sensitive in that range), Grado GR10 (not e) was not my cup of tea too (sadly, because what a nice fitting in the ear), I found piano sonata a lot too aggressive for my taste, but on vocal, what a nice fit. Of course all this it's a question of taste, they are not facts, but observations/experiences. So, please, it's not a debate on my perception, but want recommendation base on my "subjective observation/perception/experience". So, guys, for acoustical music, base on my experiences, W40 or W60 you recommend to me ? (or maybe, even a W20?) I don't mind/care of prices here, but I learn that expensive doesn't always mean better in audio too. I'm just looking for a sound that fit MY taste. If it cost $300 fine, I'll save for something else (a better DAC,etc), but if it "need" to cost $1500, well, bad for my wallet, but, finally, my ear will have gratitude for me 

you are asking in a W60 impression thread so it may be bias....

FWIW I think you should try W40 first, all Westone IEM are warmth from what I been told, if one doesnt like SE846 than the W60 is for them, the two are somewhat opposite of each other.

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