Westone UM3X Thread
May 13, 2009 at 4:38 AM Post #496 of 4,413

Originally Posted by obentou /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How much is he selling it for? I'll call him perhaps once I know the price

$379USD , common price
May 13, 2009 at 4:40 AM Post #497 of 4,413

Originally Posted by kurosuto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i am using the small tip. and what's weird is that only my left one hurts. I love the UM3X and would not want to give it up, but its unbearable...this pain. perhaps ill take a picture to see if it fits fine, as i can't judge. Seems comfortable but pain comes later so...yeah I'm confused.

only alternative i see myself doing now, is to wear it with wire down, it isn't flush no more, but no more excruciating pain.

Any suggestions would be great.

try other tips. Shure grey sof flex, black olives, tri flanges, etc
May 13, 2009 at 4:56 AM Post #498 of 4,413
Use the large stock comply tips. Since you said that your ears were small, I suspect that using the large tips would make the phones protrude out a bit thus limiting the contact between the shell and your ear which I think is the cause. It's still very comfortable and provides good isolation though (if you don't mind the phones protruding out).

Hope that helps
May 13, 2009 at 6:27 AM Post #500 of 4,413
Earphone Solutions, coupon code sb8 for 8% off... brings the total to $348 w/ free shipping.
May 13, 2009 at 7:48 AM Post #501 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bolardito /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got them today..I dont want to rush to any conclusions yet but upon some initial listening hours with different types of music and I think Westone really nail it this time. This sound like a refined W3, with all its strengths and minus its flaws..no mid bass hump, accurate yet smooth highs and a very very very good midrange (I found the SE530 mids too aggressive for may tastes. With UM3X I hear the vocals very close and detailed without hurting my ears. Female vocals are managed quite awesome, listening to Joni Mitchell Blue currently and is giving me goosebumps).

May end up selling both SE530 and IE8...

Congrats on your new UM3X's! Now you have to edit your signature 'Westone UM3X (on the way)'

I'd be interested to hear your views on how your UM3X's compare to your UE-11Pro's, and at this early stage, which universal IEM would you keep if you could only have one?
May 13, 2009 at 3:33 PM Post #502 of 4,413

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Congrats on your new UM3X's! Now you have to edit your signature 'Westone UM3X (on the way)'

I'd be interested to hear your views on how your UM3X's compare to your UE-11Pro's, and at this early stage, which universal IEM would you keep if you could only have one?

I'm currently A/B'ing all my IEM's and latter I'll post a review. But I'm very pleased with the UM3X which I think fit better with my preferences than all other universal IEM's. Also I would say is the more 'complete" of the universals. However I'm still getting used to its sound signature so keep in mind that this is an early impression, that hopefully won't change latter.

Also for the IE8 users moving to the UM3X: if you have the Sony Hybrid tips keep them, I did a mod on them to fit on the UM3X and so far is the tip I'm favoring for them. I removed the plastic core from the small comply tips and inserted them on the Sony Hybrid's tube making them fir perfectly on the UM3X nozzle.
May 13, 2009 at 6:20 PM Post #503 of 4,413
I don't know what happened today, but I fell in love with my UM3Xs today. When I first received them, I felt as if there was a veil over everything. I kept listening though, hoping that something would change.

After falling asleep with them on for the second night in a row...I clicked play on Coldplay - In My Place. A few seconds in, the guitar started up and I got a chill down my spine. The treble that I couldn't find in the previous days had mysteriously appeared and the veil was gone.

Burn-in? Getting accustomed to the sound? Placebo? Whatever it is, I'm thankful that it happened. I finally understand why everyone has been praising these IEMs.
May 13, 2009 at 6:25 PM Post #504 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bolardito /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm currently A/B'ing all my IEM's and latter I'll post a review. But I'm very pleased with the UM3X which I think fit better with my preferences than all other universal IEM's. Also I would say is the more 'complete" of the universals. However I'm still getting used to its sound signature so keep in mind that this is an early impression, that hopefully won't change latter.

Also for the IE8 users moving to the UM3X: if you have the Sony Hybrid tips keep them, I did a mod on them to fit on the UM3X and so far is the tip I'm favoring for them. I removed the plastic core from the small comply tips and inserted them on the Sony Hybrid's tube making them fir perfectly on the UM3X nozzle.

Not sure I understand? I don't have UM3X, but do have W3. How can the hybrid tube fit on the UM3X nozzle? Aren't the hybrid tubes too wide for the UM3X nozzle? Or, did you remove the tube from the Comply and insert it "into" the hybrid sound tube? That would make more sense, since that would mean the modded hybrid would work with the UM3X. Sounds interesting.
May 13, 2009 at 6:39 PM Post #505 of 4,413

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not sure I understand? I don't have UM3X, but do have W3. How can the hybrid tube fit on the UM3X nozzle? Aren't the hybrid tubes too wide for the UM3X nozzle? Or, did you remove the tube from the Comply and insert it "into" the hybrid sound tube? That would make more sense, since that would mean the modded hybrid would work with the UM3X. Sounds interesting.

Exactly I removed the plastic tube of the small comply tip and insert it into the Hybrid sound tube (it fits smoothly, no need to any wrestle). I was not clear on my original post. It sounds very good with the UM3X. I like it much better than all other tips (Comply, Shure Black Olives, Soft grey Flex, Bi Flanges).

With this tip issues/selection the creativity skills are unleashed.
May 13, 2009 at 6:41 PM Post #507 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bolardito /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exactly I removed the plastic tube of the small comply tip and insert it into the Hybrid sound tube (it fits smoothly, no need to any wrestle). I was not clear on my original post. It sounds very good with the UM3X. I like it much better than all other tips (Comply, Shure Black Olives, Soft grey Flex, Bi Flanges)

Nice founding, will try later, thanks
May 13, 2009 at 6:44 PM Post #508 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bolardito /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exactly I removed the plastic tube of the small comply tip and insert it into the Hybrid sound tube (it fits smoothly, no need to any wrestle). I was not clear on my original post. It sounds very good with the UM3X. I like it much better than all other tips (Comply, Shure Black Olives, Soft grey Flex, Bi Flanges)

Sure enough, easy mod, and interesting. Great comfort with W3s, but back to sibilance because the hybrids are short, and shorter sleeves are what cause me harshness problems with the W3s. So back to tri-flanges. But sounds interesting for the UM3X, where sibilance has yet to be mentioned, with any size tip.
May 13, 2009 at 6:45 PM Post #509 of 4,413
I just found a pair of tri-flanges with the stalk cut just under the largest flange. I do not like the way they sound. Kind of thin and there is too small of a sweet spot.

I still think the larger supplied complys sound best. Compress and jam them in as far as they will go. Same great sound every time. The exit hole is fairly wide so the treble comes through very cleanly and the bass is big.
May 13, 2009 at 6:48 PM Post #510 of 4,413
You're speaking of the UM3X, of course. With the W3s, tri-flanges are really my only non-custom option for best SQ. A few others have found that to be the case as well. Can't remember if you were one of them, before you moved from W3 to UM3X.

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