Westone UM3X Thread
May 9, 2013 at 6:41 PM Post #4,081 of 4,413
Can anyone compare the small (blue or green) star tips to the small shure flex tips?  Same size diameter?

Both the blue and the green would be considered "small" in size.  The pair that has no color designation would be the "medium".  There is also a red pair that would also be considered "medium" but with a slightly longer flange.  The orange is the "large" one.
May 10, 2013 at 7:25 AM Post #4,082 of 4,413
I have tried the medium star tips as well as the red coded and the large (orange). The music sounds much fuller with the orange tips, they are big but they do give a great seal
May 10, 2013 at 4:28 PM Post #4,085 of 4,413
I have tried the medium star tips as well as the red coded and the large (orange). The music sounds much fuller with the orange tips, they are big but they do give a great seal

The medium shures are too big for me to get them deep in the canal as I like to do, but would the medium star tips fit smaller and insert deeper perhaps because they are a more flexible material or would I be better off going with the small size?
May 12, 2013 at 7:20 AM Post #4,086 of 4,413
The medium shures are too big for me to get them deep in the canal as I like to do, but would the medium star tips fit smaller and insert deeper perhaps because they are a more flexible material or would I be better off going with the small size?

They are made of very flexible material, I think that is why I use the orange tip. The red is a little longer medium tip than the "unmarked(black)" one and if you want something deeper I would think it would work well for you.
Color Diameter Length
Orange 13.5mm 14mm
Red 12mm 14mm
Black 12mm 11mm
Blue 10.5mm 13mm
Green 10.5mm 10mm
May 17, 2013 at 9:20 AM Post #4,087 of 4,413
Hi fellas,
I've just bought a new pair from amazon. Loved the sound quality, I'm no audiophile in any respect though. I had vsonic gr07 before um3x and found them uncomfortable and sold. Then after trying many relatively cheap IEMs I've decided it's not my cup of tea so I've bought beyerdynamic cop. Since they are not very mobile, I've wanted to get an IEM that everybody thinks comfortable so I got UM3X. I have a question. I've started to use them with the foam tips they came with, the first 15 minutes I didn't even notice they were in my ear, the seal is amazing. But, it started to be uncomfortable after 30 minutes, since the foam is expanding. Is this is a feeling that I get used to. I really want to keep them. I don't want to purchase different tips just for trying.
May 17, 2013 at 12:50 PM Post #4,088 of 4,413
Hi fellas,
I've just bought a new pair from amazon. Loved the sound quality, I'm no audiophile in any respect though. I had vsonic gr07 before um3x and found them uncomfortable and sold. Then after trying many relatively cheap IEMs I've decided it's not my cup of tea so I've bought beyerdynamic cop. Since they are not very mobile, I've wanted to get an IEM that everybody thinks comfortable so I got UM3X. I have a question. I've started to use them with the foam tips they came with, the first 15 minutes I didn't even notice they were in my ear, the seal is amazing. But, it started to be uncomfortable after 30 minutes, since the foam is expanding. Is this is a feeling that I get used to. I really want to keep them. I don't want to purchase different tips just for trying.

congrats for your purchase.
yes you will get used to the feeling of foam tips but i recommend using the star tips or other sillicone because i find them to be better and more comfortable then the comply or shure olives.
May 19, 2013 at 12:29 AM Post #4,091 of 4,413
I listen to Indie, EDM, Rock, Pop Rock, punk rock, RnB, rap and occasionally jazz and country.
need more bass quantity and impact in my music.
looking for a earpiece that is as comfortable as the klipsch x10 or even more comfortable.
maybe using it for sleeping.
using the cowon iaudio 10 by the way.
would the um3x be a better upgrade as compared to the heir 3ai or ue900?
May 23, 2013 at 10:15 AM Post #4,093 of 4,413
Yes it would be a more linear upgrade from the X10. Both the UM3X and X10 are slightly dark with extra bass and are warm sounding. The UM3X has more neutral mids, leas bass, and a smaller soundstage though so it might not be what you're looking for.
I listen to Indie, EDM, Rock, Pop Rock, punk rock, RnB, rap and occasionally jazz and country.

need more bass quantity and impact in my music.

looking for a earpiece that is as comfortable as the klipsch x10 or even more comfortable.

maybe using it for sleeping.


using the cowon iaudio 10 by the way.


would the um3x be a better upgrade as compared to the heir 3ai or ue900?
May 27, 2013 at 3:42 PM Post #4,095 of 4,413
My UM3X broke recently, but I purchased them used and am wondering what the repair cost would be should I ship them to Westone.  It was basically the sound bore that snapped and I've toyed with the idea of trying to use some kind of crazy glue to fix them myself, but I'm not sure if it would be successful and I'm guessing if I botch it they would be throw-outs. 
Anyone know what the standard repair cost is like?  I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to repair or to start looking for a replacement IEM.  I still like the UM3X. 

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