Westone 4 = Disappointment
Sep 28, 2011 at 9:01 PM Post #136 of 265
If you've got a Cowon player, buy a FXC51 and never look back. Actually, it's hard to look back after hearing it.
Just got done with it against the GR07, and the GR07 is definitely heading out. Honestly, this is just insane.
My portable rig will stay the same pretty much forever. Haven't found anything that comes even close. Not kidding.

I love it when a $24 earbud becomes the new giant killer, I always thought that the GR07 was overpriced at $155 anyway, JamesMcProgger and myself bought the FXC51 as well, let's kill those giants people.
Sep 28, 2011 at 9:19 PM Post #137 of 265
^ but I dont have any giant IEM

does TF10 counts?
DT1350, HD25, K601?
Sep 28, 2011 at 9:22 PM Post #138 of 265
I love it when a $24 earbud becomes the new giant killer, I always thought that the GR07 was overpriced at $155 anyway, JamesMcProgger and myself bought the FXC51 as well, let's kill those giants people. 

Eh? So you're with me on this one? I thought like most people, you guys too would disapprove my advice. I'm only trying to share the lessons I've learned.
Sep 28, 2011 at 9:37 PM Post #144 of 265
please share this magical EQ, i really hope I can enjoy high quality music on a cheap earphone as well.

Do you have a Cowon device? I've only fine tuned it on my iAudio 7 due to the insane amount of customization Cowon gives you with altering the sound. I mean, I've had these for I think 4 months now, and I still haven't settled 100% on an EQ. I play with it more and more every day, just to see, but I think the one I have now is definitely my best yet. I'm not even joking when I've spent hours upon hours in the EQ alone (not all at once, but if you added the time up). It's just too much fun. I tell ya, the best part of this hobby is buying something cheap, and modding / EQing the heck out of it to make it sound like a million bucks. That I have done.
I feel you man, I feel you.
plz describe them in 1 word for me.

It's funny, because I myself can get away with calling these perfect. First, you've got to factor in the price alone. $25, really? That's something even the average Joe could walk up and buy, let alone a dedicated audiophile. Then, you've got the comfort and fit. These are the only IEM in existence where I can insert both sides in seconds, and have some of the best isolation and comfort I've experienced. No fuss, no imbalance, no problem. And of course, you've got to factor in EQ. These can get away with being "perfect", because you can customize them to achieve that. I've done that for my ears, and all other owners are sure to do it for theirs. Sounds bloody fantastic too me.
(Love derailing my own threads)

Sep 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM Post #148 of 265

Wow I was surprised by this comment. If I can find a pair of these JVC's localy for around $30 I will have to try them out. Personally the GR07 has been close to the perfect IEM for me, having nice deep detailed bass, no mid-bass hump, clean detailed mids, and treble that is better than most. I just like how they do guitars, cymbals, and how they let the the vibrancy of the music come out. Or can I only get that sound with the Cowon (I use an iPhone 4 and do have EQu on it but will that be enough)?
If you've got a Cowon player, buy a FXC51 and never look back. Actually, it's hard to look back after hearing it.
Just got done with it against the GR07, and the GR07 is definitely heading out. Honestly, this is just insane.
My portable rig will stay the same pretty much forever. Haven't found anything that comes even close. Not kidding.

Sep 28, 2011 at 9:57 PM Post #149 of 265
Wow I was surprised by this comment. If I can find a pair of these JVC's localy for around $30 I will have to try them out. Personally the GR07 has been close to the perfect IEM for me, having nice deep detailed bass, no mid-bass hump, clean detailed mids, and treble that is better than most. I just like how they do guitars, cymbals, and how they let the the vibrancy of the music come out. Or can I only get that sound with the Cowon (I use an iPhone 4 and do have EQu on it but will that be enough)?

I will admit, the GR07 is probably my 2nd favorite IEM. In fact, when I spent quite a bit of time with it, and went back to my FXC51, I realized I didn't have it EQ'ed quite good enough. The GR07 put the cleansing goggles on me, and I was able to make a serious revision to my existing EQ, making it oh so much better now. So, even though the GR07 is heading out, I was able to tune the FXC51 after it, while still squeezing some more performance out of it. In the end, I'm quite glad I was able to own the GR07; not only so I could recommend it to most people for it's superb sound, but it showed me what I was doing wrong with my current EQ, so I was able to fix and improve it. (I noticed I had a bit too much from the mid bass, and bass in general, so I notched it down some. It gave me one of the best "Ah Ha!" moments I've ever had).
Not sure if the iPhone will be enough or not, as I've never tried EQ'ing on something other than my iAudio 7. Oh wait, tried it on my Sony E354 and it was a disaster.
Sep 28, 2011 at 10:09 PM Post #150 of 265
btw, I'm not "with you" on this one, I just bought the JVC, that's all, it will take at least another week or two to get here.
They cost $24 on amazon.com, I think I paid around $10 shipping, but that's still good since they sell for around $50 in Japan.

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