Westone 4 = Disappointment
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #259 of 265
ok!  Westone series are designed for music lovers, Audiophile listening.  UM series monitors, are designed for monitoring, on stage use. Both of them will benefit adding Dac/amp to reveal all there potentiel, energy in them!
Also, adding TWag cable will increase sq to! Tips and fit are verry important!  IMO 

Have my W4r from seven months now, and every happy with them. Every session is a charme! No issues, no complains!

My next move willbe CIEM!!! (JH13 vs ES5)  (PicoSlim vs RSA Mustang) 

I totally agree :). I think they are great. Like I said before nothing really pops out at you but everything is great. At first I was like ,,what are people really seeing in these. I think they are good but really not that good. Then after listening for a while and changing back and forth with some other of my iems I was loving them. Was kinda weird. But yeah I love them specially using them with my continental v3 tube amp. Really makes them sing. I too am going for some customs really soon I'm just not sure what ones I want yet. Plus I just got my w4r's so I don't really want to have them just sitting around not using them ya know. Just yet anyways. And everything I perviously said was just my own opinion and mine only. Everyone's ears are different. If they were the same we would all be using the same iem/ headphones :) cheers!!
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:42 PM Post #261 of 265
after using the es5 for about 3+-4 years, i believe that the es5 have one of the best vocals ever. bass is not lacking in any way and it is comparable to most if not all the older top end customs. I, however, am not so sure about this freqphase or whatever technology, as i like to go ampless. The es5 are not neutral, but are very very musical, which is why i have sent them for repair even though i have the fitear parterres. cant stop loving them, they go well with a copper cable.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:49 PM Post #262 of 265
after using the es5 for about 3+-4 years, i believe that the es5 have one of the best vocals ever. bass is not lacking in any way and it is comparable to most if not all the older top end customs. I, however, am not so sure about this freqphase or whatever technology, as i like to go ampless. The es5 are not neutral, but are very very musical, which is why i have sent them for repair even though i have the fitear parterres. cant stop loving them, they go well with a copper cable.
Where I buy most of my stuff in Toronto ont. the guy told me that es5 would be the way to go for me too. He also said that they have one of the better fitting in the market. I know that I don't want to have to keep sending them back in to get fitted properly ya know. And with customs I'm kinda scared cause if the fit, the sound isn't what I want then I'm stuck with them. I see people on here selling their customs for like half of what they paid for them. I don't want that to be me :frowning2:
Aug 5, 2013 at 7:51 PM Post #264 of 265
I don't really think any iem sounds echoey unless there is a seal problem or a driver problem.  There are multiple drivers in the W4, but none of them produce an echo.

Aug 5, 2013 at 8:14 PM Post #265 of 265
Where I buy most of my stuff in Toronto ont. the guy told me that es5 would be the way to go for me too. He also said that they have one of the better fitting in the market. I know that I don't want to have to keep sending them back in to get fitted properly ya know. And with customs I'm kinda scared cause if the fit, the sound isn't what I want then I'm stuck with them. I see people on here selling their customs for like half of what they paid for them. I don't want that to be me

Fit issues can happen with ANY CIEM brand. All depend on quality your ear impression. If it bad, you get some fit issues with them! You will dont like the sound... and you will always complain or said that this CIEM is bad, never buy this one.... Jerry Harvey (JH13/16) are awsome and very popular. Westone ES5 either good to. It's like said... I prefer Jaguar and you prefer Limousine! Any one can get a fit issues with, if at first a bad print. It will result in eternal refit, back /forth. Also, JH or Westone are all different sound signature. Some like, some hate!  All get different opinion or personal interpretation about sound! IMO
 But, anyway! For now we talking about W4 here! And yes, am not realy disapoiented and have never hear some kind of echoe! Some audiophiles maybe need visiting his audiologist! Ear Occlusion maybe occur!


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