Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!
Sep 15, 2014 at 2:41 PM Post #8,041 of 14,373
Me also have the one they called...Bumble Bee...? You must have

You must mean this one?
No I don't.  This one is too common of a G Shock, and I didn't like the black bezel (even though I own a few black Gs), so I decided not to purchase it.
Sep 15, 2014 at 6:37 PM Post #8,044 of 14,373
This Bumble Bee ...Casio G-Shock GA-100A-9A

Oh, that one!  Yeah, with that one, I felt that it wasn't special enough to add to my collection.  I do have a yellow G and a little darker yellow G that isn't sold in the U.S. though:


Sep 17, 2014 at 1:58 AM Post #8,045 of 14,373
Wow, ironic. I'll tell you why.
I told you that a meltdown from my wife was expected. I got one, she's divorcing me and kicked me out to the curb, and since I have like nowhere else to go, I'm quite literally homeless right about now. I've talked to my boss about it since I knew he had an extra appartment but it wasn't available. The way I understand it though, he's totally okay with me staying in the office for a while, so I don't have to sleep on a park bench. He was like "Homeless? Sleep in your office ***". He's actually quite fine with me and my mental disorder because he can relate I suppose,  and also because I think (NB: I think) he likes me on a much more personal level than just work wise and thinks I do a good job.
Apparently according to my psychiatrist, my kind of people risk getting homeless and then die from drug overdoses or suicides or some crap. I think step one is achieved which is kind of ... funny in a ******* up way.
Anyway, remember that I said it was ironic? Well, my recent watch purchases had apparently nothing to do with it according to my wife, or ex-wife. Apparently, she was fine with the G-Shocks. That's effing ironic, and tragic.
I used to think that it was just bullsh*t, but I'm starting to think that "hey, maybe there's some truth to it", maybe, just maybe, mentally ill people are a burden to their surroundings.
Now I'll go watch a movie on netflix or something.
At least there is one thing positive coming out of this, and this is epic: I can connect my xbox to a projector in a three story high room when all the scientists have gone home. It'd be, literally, like playing xbox 360 in a movie theatre. That's epic.
At first, I wanted to take all my things with me, but actually, I'm starting to think that I'm gonna give all those things to my kids. Even the xbox, the headphones, all that. Just keep some clothes and some g-shock for time keeping. My 4 year old daughter already got one of my watches that she found at home yesterday (she showed me on a hangouts video call). My son will love getting the iPad Mini and the xbox. They'll get the rest as well. I won't need any of it. Just stupid luxury that takes space, and yeah, if my kids or my ex-wife can enjoy it, all the better. Gave my Vaio to my ex-wife. She'll need it for her Facebooking and stuff I guess. I just need to do that one last epic journey on the xbox on the projector and the huge sound system.
Don't know why I'm blabbering about it in the watch thread at all, to be honest, I guess I needed it out of my chest: yeah, I'm a homeless bipolar suicidal idiot with far too much going on at the moment.
Netflix now. Also it's time for my medication. I hate taking like ten different pills every morning just to.. not mess up my life, yet I'm where I'm at. I mean, if those were meant to prevent this, then what's the ******* point, really?
But hey, at least it wasn't the G-Shock.
Sep 17, 2014 at 2:45 AM Post #8,047 of 14,373
@Coq de Combat.  I appreciate your candor and being open regarding the events of your life.  It was pretty messed up, and I felt very distraught just reading your post.  There are no amount of possessions in the world that mean anything, so I think it's great that you are giving your devices/headphones, and everything else you want to give away - to your kids.
I had a very good friend of mine, who was a neighbor of mine, and even though he was around 20 years older than me, we had a couple of things in common: we both wrestled when we were in high school, and we both liked to play ping pong.  So, every few days we would meet,  play ping pong and talk wrestling from time to time.  As I started getting to know him better, I found out a lot more about him.  Even though he was a great guy, he did have issues, serious internal issues, and these issues were affecting his own self, which ultimately externally affected his two kids and his wife.  His wife wound up leaving him, and she left and took the kids because of the issues.  I tried to talk to him so he could get some help, but he did not listen.  I.........(tearing up)...was not able to save him.  I wish I could have done more.
Please confide in anyone that you feel close to: friends, your psychiatrist, anyone.  If you feel that you are close enough to your boss, confide in your boss.  Have your friends/boss talk to you, have meetings, check up on you.  It's all about you and your kids.  The wife/ex-wife may come around in due time, but if not, at least you'll be better for it (especially if everything turns out okay on your end) in my humble opinion.
I wish nothing but the best for you, sir.  Please do not hesitate and feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk.
Sep 22, 2014 at 7:41 AM Post #8,052 of 14,373
Hope everyone has a positive and uplifting week!  Take some time to relax, meditate and think about whatever makes you happy, and make sure to tell those in your life that mean the most to you that you love them.
Much love!

Sep 22, 2014 at 8:03 AM Post #8,054 of 14,373

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