Jan 17, 2011 at 3:16 PM Post #18 of 22

Hmm. None of those have triple flange sleeves- why do they isolate similar to Ety's?
I've seen triple flange sleeves from Monster and Shure. Are they all mostly the same? Can I just pick any IEM, add triple flanges, and expect similar isolation?

Isolation level would be similar. But do note that for IEMs, tips matter a lot. Sound maybe really different with different tips.
Jan 17, 2011 at 11:08 PM Post #19 of 22
I have the Klipsch s2 which is almost similar to the x10 design, albeit not close in sound, but it does isolate pretty well.  I would also throw out the new design of the Shure se315 425 etc... the 315 is a warmer sound and even though the design is terribly different from the Ety, it isloates very very well.
Jan 18, 2011 at 3:58 AM Post #20 of 22
x 4 on the X10i.
I have used them for one month now, ant I,m using Etymotic tri flanges cut down to two flanges. More comfy than with the original ones and even better isolation. Oh, and the sound is just great. Warm and bassy, with good details. Earlier I used the Etymotic HF2. Klipsch X10 is much better.
Jan 18, 2011 at 10:48 PM Post #22 of 22

Found 'em! Meelec M6's. Maybe not as detailed as the Shures, but very warm and bassy, and they have great isolation with the triple flange tips.

I don't know what your M6's isolate like but mine sucked. Compared to my sure se210's with triple flanges the M6 may as well have been a open air headphone. Unless the music was on I could hear everything around me and the microphonics were terrible.

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