VSonic VSD5 Impressions Thread. VSonic's answer to Sony's EX1000???
Jul 14, 2016 at 10:40 AM Post #1,081 of 1,164
Amazon.com. I actually already sent them back and received a refund. (Although the refund has not shown on my card, yet.) I am just waiting for the money to appear in my account so I can repurchase.

Edit: Also, how much bass should these earbuds have? I listen to power metal and the double-bass pummel seems to be non-existent, but I have no idea why. A quality set of buds should be able to at least moderately reproduce the 41Hz of a typical double-bass note.  According to LendMeUrEars, these have a [COLOR=333333]Frequency Response of 10Hz ~ 28000Hz. [/COLOR]

Ten hertz is well below the 41 (or possibly, at lowest, 31Hz) required. I don't want the bass to be blasting, I just want to hear it, blast it! When a bass-guitar plays, the bass is barely audible, but clear and separate; still, it feels like it should be louder than it is. 
Perhaps I'll try using the slightly larger buds, next time, maybe moisten them a bit and then try to get them all the way into my ear canal. 

Buy some corresponding size jvc spiral dot tips. They work wonders.
Jul 14, 2016 at 12:45 PM Post #1,083 of 1,164
Hmm, the price is pretty steep. Showing $15 on Amazon. They look pretty typical, too. Will they really bring out the bass? What was your experience with them with these earbuds? 

I have them on all my iems. I have quite big ear canals and often find the largest stock tips dont fit. These are also wide bore and have some pattern inside (spiral dot!) . They give me great isolation, deeper bass and a great sound stage .
Jul 14, 2016 at 3:23 PM Post #1,084 of 1,164
If I find myself wanting for bass with this new pair (which are sitting at my house, waiting for me, while I'm at work! Aaagh!) I will strongly consider it. 
Although I am very critical with my music listening experience, I am also not one to spend money frivolously; usually, if it does not sound great, then nothing is going to make it sound great.
The best IEMs I ever had is still the Klipsch Custom 3, which had better mid-range and vocals than I have ever heard, since. That is where I am most disappointed. Sure, the bass is not very loud in the mix, but the vocals are-- excruciatingly disappointing. 
Still, the sound signature is so clear and sparking and glassy, with a tight, fast mid-bass, that I am, frankly, enamored.
Jul 14, 2016 at 4:29 PM Post #1,085 of 1,164
If I find myself wanting for bass with this new pair (which are sitting at my house, waiting for me, while I'm at work! Aaagh!) I will strongly consider it. 
Although I am very critical with my music listening experience, I am also not one to spend money frivolously; usually, if it does not sound great, then nothing is going to make it sound great.

The best IEMs I ever had is still the Klipsch Custom 3, which had better mid-range and vocals than I have ever heard, since. That is where I am most disappointed. Sure, the bass is not very loud in the mix, but the vocals are-- excruciatingly disappointing. 

Still, the sound signature is so clear and sparking and glassy, with a tight, fast mid-bass, that I am, frankly, enamored.

Fair enough, horses for courses etc. I'm fairly new to this game but spiral dots have always improved my listening experience. Think the fact they are made of thicker or higher quality rubber aids the improved seal I get, stock tips are often to flimsy. Id say these new VSD5 are defo my best iem
Jul 23, 2016 at 3:43 PM Post #1,086 of 1,164
So it seems my second pair of VSD5 buds have broken in the same way as the previous pair: The right speaker went out. It was strange, because it was as if something to do with the air pressure as I pushed it or pulled it from my ear is what caused the sound to go out. Anyway, I've decided to go with the TTPOD T2E earbuds instead, and I am hopeful because 1. The TTPOD T2 buds were pretty decent, so the T2E should at least be better than those, and 2. I am one who loves forward vocals, because usually, forward vocals means forward lead guitars, which makes music sound more detailed, clear and powerful than with any other part of the spectrum being forward.
If the bass is tight and clean, even if there is not much of it, then I think I will be satisfied. Hey, I may even like them more than the VSD5Ses! We shall see what we shall see.
Aug 10, 2016 at 12:58 PM Post #1,093 of 1,164
Hey guys, just got my VSD5S's and here's some impressions.  Packaging was nice for a headphone of this price, you'll never get something this quality with something like a Skullcandy, e.g.  I bought them from Lendmeyourears.com and they got them right out to me (and if you pay with Pay Pal you get a money back period if the product doesn't reach you).  Thanks LMYE for the good service.  I love IEMs and have owned the usual mid-to-higher priced ones like Etymotics and the like.  I also own a pair of old and sweet SR325's, but I use them at home.  I am using the Vsonics on an interim basis as my kid lost my Shure 535 reds on a trip to Washington DC.  Sonically I am impressed "right out of the box" and I am sure they will sweeten up as they get some hours on them.  I like a brighter IEM sound quality, and these have that brightness from the mids on up, so if you like "presence" in your music (vocals out front, guitars and horns more in your face, then you'll like these.  I am a guitar-based music fan, everything from Bonamassa to Tommy Emmanuel to Metallica, so all those work fine.  If you are more dance and pop oriented I don't think you'll like the base.  There is base there, but it's pretty neutral.  I run the 'phones flat on my player too.  As for sound stage and imaging, I am pretty impressed.  The SR325's have a super wide and high stage and excellent imaging, so that's my reference.  The Vsonics are kinda wide and not very high.  Imaging is ok too.  I'd give them a 7 out of 10 for that department.  Lastly, these cans definitely learned something from their older siblings.  The build quality feels good, including the cables and the assortment of buds that come in the package.  Very importantly, I run with these and there is almost no "stethiscoping" from the cables; I hate hearing the bumps and slaps from a cheap cable.  I hope this helps.  Nice product, good sound, priced right.
Aug 12, 2016 at 2:04 PM Post #1,094 of 1,164
Wait, no. I don't know what Fredhubbard is talking about, but I had TWO pairs of the VSD5S, and both broke in the exact same way, and both within a week. I have had the TTPOD T2E earbuds for almost a month now, and treated them the exact same as I treated the VSD5S, and the TTPOD T2E earbuds have been working without any diminish in quality.
That said, the TTPOD T2E earbuds sound obviously inferior, and I'm going to return them for the MEE Audio Pinnacle P1 earbuds. They're about an hundred and fifteen dollars more expensive, but hopefully, they also sound an hundred and fifteen dollars better! :)
Oh, and I give accolades to Amazon and their affiliate's return policies! Absolutely stellar.
Aug 12, 2016 at 2:41 PM Post #1,095 of 1,164
Wait, no. I don't know what Fredhubbard is talking about, but I had TWO pairs of the VSD5S, and both broke in the exact same way, and both within a week. I have had the TTPOD T2E earbuds for almost a month now, and treated them the exact same as I treated the VSD5S, and the TTPOD T2E earbuds have been working without any diminish in quality.

That said, the TTPOD T2E earbuds sound obviously inferior, and I'm going to return them for the MEE Audio Pinnacle P1 earbuds. They're about an hundred and fifteen dollars more expensive, but hopefully, they also sound an hundred and fifteen dollars better! :)

Oh, and I give accolades to Amazon and their affiliate's return policies! Absolutely stellar.

You've clearly had some bad luck, or 2 crappy pairs. I Dunno. My pair still working fine .

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