Upcoming Ultrasone edition 11 and pro 1480i

Dec 20, 2022 at 9:47 PM Post #151 of 164
These are like aoelus with better imaging. One of the most enjoyable headphones I've heard, the dynamics and slam with these is crazy good. They are alittle over driven from my amps as they were purchased for Susvara, Thr1 and Volot, so just single ended w/Shanling m6 21 for now, have a Pw 8 wire on the way so that should give it a boost as well.
Dec 22, 2022 at 8:09 PM Post #153 of 164
Edition 11 is the 2nd best headphone I've heard imo next to Susvara it is the most musically engaging headphone I've heard. The imaging is up there with summit fi cans, just a hidden gem I love to find
Jan 15, 2023 at 8:59 PM Post #154 of 164
Will seinheiser 2pin cables fit ed11? My stock cable went out, looking for a spc or hybrid replacement, I've found my expensive PW ofc kills the air and imaging so it's a no go unfortunately
Jan 15, 2023 at 9:06 PM Post #155 of 164
Edition 11 is the 2nd best headphone I've heard imo next to Susvara it is the most musically engaging headphone I've heard. The imaging is up there with summit fi cans, just a hidden gem I love to find
Love seeing people discover love for Ultrasone.

They can be VERY special headphones, not all the models hit the mark but several of them are excellent.
Feb 21, 2023 at 7:39 PM Post #156 of 164
From the cables I've tried, the stock sound best to me, which is bad since mine shorted out and had to pay up for a new one, also imo they sound best single ended from my Shanling m6 21 than any of my desktop amps I use for Susvara or aoelus
Sep 29, 2023 at 6:06 PM Post #157 of 164
Does anyone know where you can buy some replacement pads for the Ultrasone Edition 11? I contacted Ultrasone about it and they sent a reply email that it would be $116.81 + $40 shipping to the US, so I was hoping to be able to find a replacement pair of the pads for cheaper. Thanks...
Sep 29, 2023 at 7:35 PM Post #158 of 164
Does anyone know where you can buy some replacement pads for the Ultrasone Edition 11? I contacted Ultrasone about it and they sent a reply email that it would be $116.81 + $40 shipping to the US, so I was hoping to be able to find a replacement pair of the pads for cheaper. Thanks...
LOL - these companies are criminals when it comes to ear pad prices. Ultrasone, focal, Abyss included.

Abyss pads and Focal in particular are like $250.



(I stand corrected - $300 on Utopia EARPADS and $350 ON SALE from $395 on ABYSS)

Absolutely crazy you cannot possibly justify this cost for some replacement pads - sorry.
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Sep 30, 2023 at 7:38 AM Post #159 of 164
@briedfox @TWerk I mean, they‘re like: If you can buy heaphones for 1,000$ or even for 3,000$ or more, then you should‘nt have a problem with 200$-400$ earpads.

That‘s what I think. Is it ok? Definitely not.

@briedfox How long do you have them? The pads on mine are fine and I have them for 3 years.
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Sep 30, 2023 at 8:33 AM Post #160 of 164
Does anyone know where you can buy some replacement pads for the Ultrasone Edition 11? I contacted Ultrasone about it and they sent a reply email that it would be $116.81 + $40 shipping to the US, so I was hoping to be able to find a replacement pair of the pads for cheaper. Thanks...
Beyerdynamic has a similar pads design. Maybe measure U11 pads and check if Beyer will fit?
Sep 30, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #161 of 164
@briedfox @TWerk I mean, they‘re like: If you can buy heaphones for 1,000$ or even for 3,000$ or more, then you should‘nt have a problem with 200$-400$ earpads.

That‘s what I think. Is it ok? Definitely not.

@briedfox How long do you have them? The pads on mine are fine and I have them for 3 years.
I actually don't think that the price is too bad, since the pads are some of the best I have used on headphones. Very comfortable for long listening sessions. Since the clamp force on these headphones is rather limited, I think it allows the pads to remain in good shape and last longer than most. I bought these earlier in the year used on here from someone who kept them in great shape, so I really don't need replacement pads at this time. However, I enjoy these headphones quite a bit and started thinking about the limited edition issue with them and the fact that getting replacement pads in the somewhat distant future may be quite hard from Ultrasone in Germany.

My issue is probably not with the actual cost of the pads, being that they seem to be high quality, but with the fact that between the costs for pads and shipping end up being nearly of 1/4 of what I paid for these and the costs may be even more as time goes along. I was just hoping to have an alternative option in the US or online, that I could buy if needed.

So I actually completely agree with your response, but I was thinking ahead of time and was just wondering about my options beyond getting them from Ultrasone in Germany before needed. Simply put, these headphones just sound so darn good when listening to music even though they are definitely not neutral. Based on that, I hope to have them for many years to come. I may more have expensive headphones, but these are the ones I listen to the most when I just want to sit back and enjoy the music without the want for critical listening.

Sep 30, 2023 at 12:09 PM Post #162 of 164
I've gotten into the hobby of pad rolling on several headphones. Not on the Edition 11 since it's a glue on design, but lots and lots of pad swapping on other headphones. I previously got the Edition 11 pads as a backup for my 11's, but I ended up trying them on a few Hifimans. I've never heard a pad like the ones on the 11's. The stage gets compressed just a little to concentrate the sound and there is a significant mid and midbass boost. Point is, if you like the sound the 11's I wouldn't try any other pads on them other than the originals. Any other pads will likely not sound as good. That unfortunately means going through Ultrasone as they don't seem to allow anyone else to carry their pads. They used to sell pads through Thomann, but I think they pulled their agreement with them.
Oct 3, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #163 of 164
Does anyone know where you can buy some replacement pads for the Ultrasone Edition 11? I contacted Ultrasone about it and they sent a reply email that it would be $116.81 + $40 shipping to the US, so I was hoping to be able to find a replacement pair of the pads for cheaper. Thanks...
I felt the need to follow-up on this for those in the US that own these headphones. The prices they gave me was the wrong currency and was actually in euros. So they are wanting 40 euros for shipping of the Edition 11 replacement pads to the US. Also, they only use PayPal for payment and therefore there is an extra charge from PayPal for the dollars to euros payment. Based on the current quote, it will cost ~$175 to have these replacement pads shipped from Ultrasone with payment through PayPal. Seems way to high for me, so I am passing with a hope that these pads last longer than normal headphone pads.
Nov 17, 2023 at 4:06 PM Post #164 of 164
Everyone 🤫🤫🤫🤫. I think I may have found diamond and gold after nearly 3 to 4 years.

Peak, FR 28, db -1.2, Q 2.5

Peak, FR 52, db 1.0, Q 3.0

Peak, FR 86, db -8.8, Q 0.5

Peak, FR 730, db 2.6, Q 0.8

Peak, FR 7600, db 8.3, Q 2.0

Low shelf, FR 105, db 3.5, Q 0.71

The Edition 11 sounds so so soooo much cleaner now. Yes the bass boom is taken slightly, but the sense of soundstage, imaging, clarity and actual bass detail is improved. I am really liking this a lot. Mess around with the low shelf and adjust to your liking. Anywhere between 120 hz to 80hz and 1 to 5 db is good. Leave the Q at 0.71. Happy listening 😁, a little early christmas present

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