Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread
Aug 8, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #3,406 of 3,931
Got my Merlins after not that long at all, I imagine they are clearing the backlog after the move.
Very happy with them, of

course the sound quality is exceptional clear and  clean with emphasis on bass... perfect. The Headstage really brings out aspects of the music I didnt hear before.  thanks to HFi I would never have known about portable amps to pair with the Merlins. Thanks guys. and thanks Stephen.. really good service start to finish.

Very nice design and craftsmanship.
Aug 10, 2012 at 12:02 PM Post #3,407 of 3,931
Got my Merlins after not that long at all, I imagine they are clearing the backlog after the move.
Very happy with them, of

course the sound quality is exceptional clear and  clean with emphasis on bass... perfect. The Headstage really brings out aspects of the music I didnt hear before.  thanks to HFi I would never have known about portable amps to pair with the Merlins. Thanks guys. and thanks Stephen.. really good service start to finish.

those faceplate are soo beautiful
Aug 10, 2012 at 10:30 PM Post #3,408 of 3,931
For everyone's reference, that would be Azure tip's and shells with a clear/Titanium Faceplate and the Unique Melody Mini Logo, coupled with a Beat Audio cable.
Merlin + Iphone + Headstage Arrow = Winning Combination.
Play around with the Impedance and Gain toggles on the Arrow...very different combos!
Aug 16, 2012 at 1:37 PM Post #3,409 of 3,931
I received mine (about 4.5 weeks) and the fit on the right is perfect but the same can't be said for the left.. I have to push it in after eating or after awhile or else the right sounds much more prominent over the left. Sucks but don't think I want to go through the hassle / costs to refit them. I'll post pictures later. Would I be able to mod it using clear nail polish? :)
It's odd actually. Sounds as if everything is shifted to the left of my head rather than being in the center.
Am I just being too anal about it? I really can't tell right now. Seems like the fit is a lot better just a few moments later, but I always seem to feel like somethings wrong with my left ear compared to my right (and my right ear is more damaged than the left).
Can anyone explain the perfect fit? Still can't figure out exactly what people are trying to say. For comparisons for my left and right ear, if I press down on the right side, it literally feels like the earphone is trying to suck something out of my ear like a vacuum cleaner but the left feels nothing like that.
Another possibility I'm thinking though is that my right ear is either just way too damaged compared to my left which causes the imbalance for everything that I use (like I seem to be able to hear a lot more detail in my left ear using speakers and headphones for every song compared to my right) or my right ear is just plugged with earwax (and I did have earwax problems in the past). The right ear does sound a bit muffled with the IEMs if I do say.
When I do smile I do lose my left seal though.
Aug 16, 2012 at 3:18 PM Post #3,410 of 3,931
I received mine (about 4.5 weeks) and the fit on the right is perfect but the same can't be said for the left.. I have to push it in after eating or after awhile or else the right sounds much more prominent over the left. Sucks but don't think I want to go through the hassle / costs to refit them. I'll post pictures later. Would I be able to mod it using clear nail polish? :)
It's odd actually. Sounds as if everything is shifted to the left of my head rather than being in the center.
Am I just being too anal about it? I really can't tell right now. Seems like the fit is a lot better just a few moments later, but I always seem to feel like somethings wrong with my left ear compared to my right (and my right ear is more damaged than the left).
Can anyone explain the perfect fit? Still can't figure out exactly what people are trying to say. For comparisons for my left and right ear, if I press down on the right side, it literally feels like the earphone is trying to suck something out of my ear like a vacuum cleaner but the left feels nothing like that.
Another possibility I'm thinking though is that my right ear is either just way too damaged compared to my left which causes the imbalance for everything that I use (like I seem to be able to hear a lot more detail in my left ear using speakers and headphones for every song compared to my right) or my right ear is just plugged with earwax (and I did have earwax problems in the past). The right ear does sound a bit muffled with the IEMs if I do say.
When I do smile I do lose my left seal though.

Then I think the problem is your left earpiece. I think the impressions on your left ear was inaccurate.
Aug 16, 2012 at 3:19 PM Post #3,411 of 3,931
Got my Merlins after not that long at all, I imagine they are clearing the backlog after the move.
Very happy with them, of

course the sound quality is exceptional clear and  clean with emphasis on bass... perfect. The Headstage really brings out aspects of the music I didnt hear before.  thanks to HFi I would never have known about portable amps to pair with the Merlins. Thanks guys. and thanks Stephen.. really good service start to finish.

We have the same design but I ordered Mage.
Aug 16, 2012 at 4:45 PM Post #3,412 of 3,931
Then I think the problem is your left earpiece. I think the impressions on your left ear was inaccurate.

Do you think it'd be worth refitting? Already owe my mother $160 right now and I'd be out another ~$85 on top of that to refit.
Edit: Also another thing to note is that with the vacuum tight seal in my right ear it sounds a bit muffled. I don't know if it's just because of the left ear being not as perfect of a fit or not making me think it sounds more muffled.
Aug 16, 2012 at 5:39 PM Post #3,413 of 3,931
Do you think it'd be worth refitting? Already owe my mother $160 right now and I'd be out another ~$85 on top of that to refit.
Edit: Also another thing to note is that with the vacuum tight seal in my right ear it sounds a bit muffled. I don't know if it's just because of the left ear being not as perfect of a fit or not making me think it sounds more muffled.

If your still under the free refit then your good to go, just pay the shipping. If I were you, I would take the refit. Then note to make the canals slightly wider and always tell the audiologist if the seal of the impressions are not good enough. For me, there should be no vacuum seal for customs rather just the standard seal which doesn't deteriorate the sound and comfortable.
Aug 16, 2012 at 6:15 PM Post #3,414 of 3,931
If your still under the free refit then your good to go, just pay the shipping. If I were you, I would take the refit. Then note to make the canals slightly wider and always tell the audiologist if the seal of the impressions are not good enough. For me, there should be no vacuum seal for customs rather just the standard seal which doesn't deteriorate the sound and comfortable.

It's comfortable actually as long as I don't push in the right ear. The left ear lacks bass unless I push it in. How does the free refit work? Do I need to get another pair of impressions? I just got them today so yeah still under it :).
Aug 16, 2012 at 7:33 PM Post #3,415 of 3,931
It's comfortable actually as long as I don't push in the right ear. The left ear lacks bass unless I push it in. How does the free refit work? Do I need to get another pair of impressions? I just got them today so yeah still under it :).

If the left ear is the problem might as well remold the right ear as well to fully take advantage of the refit. I think UM can answer that question with regards to their service. With the refit you need to get new impressions. Contact UM if you are decided to take the refit service.
Aug 16, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #3,416 of 3,931
If the left ear is the problem might as well remold the right ear as well to fully take advantage of the refit. I think UM can answer that question with regards to their service. With the refit you need to get new impressions. Contact UM if you are decided to take the refit service.

Alright thanks. Still deciding but probably will I guess.
Edit: Just tested again and I think I'm going to refit only the left ear as the right ear is pretty much literally a perfect fit. I can open my mouth all the way with my jaw "dislocating" and not lose the seal and also can smile wide as hell without losing it. I can even move my ear oddly without it breaking.
Aug 16, 2012 at 10:03 PM Post #3,417 of 3,931
Mine definitely have a vacuum seal - it feels like there's air pressure build up in both ears. It isn't painful, but they don't 'disappear' in my ears as some report...could an audiologist buff them down a touch to remedy this? I don't want to go through the whole process again...
Aug 17, 2012 at 3:31 AM Post #3,418 of 3,931
Mine definitely have a vacuum seal - it feels like there's air pressure build up in both ears. It isn't painful, but they don't 'disappear' in my ears as some report...could an audiologist buff them down a touch to remedy this? I don't want to go through the whole process again...

How much pressure do you feel? For me it's hardly any and only if I press down on it, then it feels like there's pressure in my right ear. Not sure how prevalent it's supposed to be because these are my first. Trying to decide if I really should just reshell both to attempt to get a perfect fit in both if the right isn't already a perfect fit (though it does seem liek it).
Aug 17, 2012 at 3:47 AM Post #3,419 of 3,931
It feels like I'm descending while scuba diving, like I need to equalize the pressure...it's not painful and it's not terribly uncomfortable - I just can't ever forget I have something in my ears. 
Aug 17, 2012 at 5:00 AM Post #3,420 of 3,931
It feels like I'm descending while scuba diving, like I need to equalize the pressure...it's not painful and it's not terribly uncomfortable - I just can't ever forget I have something in my ears. 

I get the same problem. Mine are universals though - so I can switch tips and mitigate it. Vented UM Merlin don't have that problem either (the pressure is equalized through the vent). (I guess you can ask UM to make you a pressure relief small vent for non dynamic driver reasons)

I think the problem can happen with any IEMs and is referred to as pressure build-up

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