Unique Melody Newest Flagship-- Mason Fabled Sound Special Edition/Mason Fusang CIEM&UIEM
May 15, 2021 at 8:47 AM Post #511 of 1,316
what I have found in your comments. is something like this:

P6 Pro + C9 > P6 Pro > M8+C9 > M8 > N6ii +C9 > SP2000 (with regard to the pairings you tested)

That would increase expenses even more and confronted with the disadvantage to not having an opportunity to try the FS also size-wise before a decision to order it, either the FS or the FuSang, would make it a highly risky project. 😢 😭

It's surprising for me, that I think about Mason FS, after I had already made a decision to it pass by.
Especially, since I am very busy and extremely happy with the bird.
Also, I am not surprised with your interest in FS even after getting the bird haha. Both me and @Marat Sar report that FS is doing something that is completely different from Traillii.

Now I have a theory, which I think @Marat Sar has also alluded to in his impressions: The bird will wow you in your first listening because: (1) it is in the general category of the IEMs you used to own, so you get a “familiar” experience even in your first listening; (2) it delivers the music better than most of the IEMs you have owned, and presents such a wonderful whole package. In short, it is like an ultra refined version of your existing gears, so it is very very easy for users to appreciate its excellency.

Mason FS, on the other hand, is a totally DIFFERENT experience. @Marat Sar describes this as “mysterious”, and I think this could be true for most users in their first listen. For me, in my first listen I was like: “What am I listening to??” I cannot even judge whether it is good or not outright because it is so different from everything I have owned before. I then realized that I need to be patient with it.

Now that I am thinking back, I will attribute this experience to the bone conduction driver magic: the spherical feeling I get from it, the thick vocal and extremely smooth overall presentation, the detail retrieval that allows you to feel the air in the singers mouth, and many more. The ultimate result is what I called realism - and this is achieved in a completely different way than other IEMs.

Also, because this to me is a completely different kind of product, I will need to do my homework to even understand how to use it to my preference. Fortunately, this journey has paid off to me as I have found the two key requirements in the DAP - music control and tuning - and identify several DAPs based on these requirements that suit my taste.

This is indeed the Unique Melody!
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May 15, 2021 at 9:01 AM Post #512 of 1,316
Thanks for these worthwhile information, that I highly appreciate. Sp2000 should only be a "short-time partner" for FS, sound-wise.
So, my extract of your explanations: the P6P would be a good decision, since it could be also an excellent player for Trailli.
That ain't gonna be inexpensive.

It's really great to receive such excellent detail information that allow for an appropriate decision.
May 15, 2021 at 9:06 AM Post #513 of 1,316
Thanks for these worthwhile information, that I highly appreciate. Sp2000 should only be a "short-time partner" for FS, sound-wise.
So, my extract of your explanations: the P6P would be a good decision, since it could be also an excellent player for Trailli.
That ain't gonna be inexpensive.

It's really great to receive such excellent detail information that allow for an appropriate decision.
You are more than welcome! I also just made a second post with some follow-up thoughts above.

This is such a new and unique product that I feel like most people will be puzzled by it in their first listen, so I want to be as informative as possible in showing my journal with it, and share my thoughts and experience so that people could hopefully make an advised decision with the FS.
May 15, 2021 at 10:41 AM Post #514 of 1,316
Also, I am not surprised with your interest in FS even after getting the bird haha. Both me and @Marat Sar report that FS is doing something that is completely different from Traillii.

Now I have a theory, which I think @Marat Sar has also alluded to in his impressions: The bird will wow you in your first listening because: (1) it is in the general category of the IEMs you used to own, so you get a “familiar” experience even in your first listening; (2) it delivers the music better than most of the IEMs you have owned, and presents such a wonderful whole package. In short, it is like an ultra refined version of your existing gears, so it is very very easy for users to appreciate its excellency.

Mason FS, on the other hand, is a totally DIFFERENT experience. @Marat Sar describes this as “mysterious”, and I think this could be true for most users in their first listen. For me, in my first listen I was like: “What am I listening to??” I cannot even judge whether it is good or not outright because it is so different from everything I have owned before. I then realized that I need to be patient with it.

Now that I am thinking back, I will attribute this experience to the bone conduction driver magic: the spherical feeling I get from it, the thick vocal and extremely smooth overall presentation, the detail retrieval that allows you to feel the air in the singers mouth, and many more. The ultimate result is what I called realism - and this is achieved in a completely different way than other IEMs.

Also, because this to me is a completely different kind of product, I will need to do my homework to even understand how to use it to my preference. Fortunately, this journey has paid off to me as I have found the two key requirements in the DAP - music control and tuning - and identify several DAPs based on these requirements that suit my taste.

This is indeed the Unique Melody!
You basically covered my conversation with Li Le. I have asked him "why we choose this unique tuning, instead of a generic but 'safe' approach?" But he told me he wants to create a piece of art that has commercial value, instead of a commercial good that has a little artistic nuance.
That's the whole design language of Mason FS. We hand selected the raw material for the shells, one pair of FS's shells will take a little longer than a week to process. We cooperate with Peter to tune the Attila for months, sending samples back and forth until we find the perfect synergy. So you can tell, we are treating Mason FS as a precious artwork that comes from own hands, we want to give her all the best we have.
In terms of tuning, Li is getting tired of tuning another "mainstream IEMs" which is to make an IEMs sounds like a full-size can in terms of soundstage and openness. But let's be honest, IEMs has its own strengths and limitations, no matter how hard we try, we cannot challenge the nature of physics. So often time you will see, IEMs that are intentionally creating a large stage would either shrink the size of image and/or squeeze the shape of the stage make it sounds like a mushroom or dumbbell. Even some full-size headphones are playing the same tricks.
Mason FS is on the other path. It is a IEMs that can aurally sounds like full-size cans in terms of naturalness, and in meanwhile, reveal IEMs' own strengths in density, texture, details retrieve, and image accuracy. Li wants every note from Mason sounds full and realistic. He doesn't want to play tricks (add distortions) at 7-9k to mimic an artificial stage. He wants to let the images from Mason to be as real and accurate as possible. With the fully developed dBC system, I think he achieved most of these. And Mason still sounds extremely appealing to my ears.
Unique Melody Feel free to reach out to us at any time! To reach me personally, leave me a PM or email me at umwang@uniquemelody.org and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Stay updated on Unique Melody at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/UniqueMelodyIEM/ https://twitter.com/UniqueMelodyIEM http://en.uniquemelody.org/ uniquemelodyusa@gmail.com
May 15, 2021 at 10:57 AM Post #515 of 1,316
You basically covered my conversation with Li Le. I have asked him "why we choose this unique tuning, instead of a generic but 'safe' approach?" But he told me he wants to create a piece of art that has commercial value, instead of a commercial good that has a little artistic nuance.
That's the whole design language of Mason FS. We hand selected the raw material for the shells, one pair of FS's shells will take a little longer than a week to process. We cooperate with Peter to tune the Attila for months, sending samples back and forth until we find the perfect synergy. So you can tell, we are treating Mason FS as a precious artwork that comes from own hands, we want to give her all the best we have.
In terms of tuning, Li is getting tired of tuning another "mainstream IEMs" which is to make an IEMs sounds like a full-size can in terms of soundstage and openness. But let's be honest, IEMs has its own strengths and limitations, no matter how hard we try, we cannot challenge the nature of physics. So often time you will see, IEMs that are intentionally creating a large stage would either shrink the size of image and/or squeeze the shape of the stage make it sounds like a mushroom or dumbbell. Even some full-size headphones are playing the same tricks.
Mason FS is on the other path. It is a IEMs that can aurally sounds like full-size cans in terms of naturalness, and in meanwhile, reveal IEMs' own strengths in density, texture, details retrieve, and image accuracy. Li wants every note from Mason sounds full and realistic. He doesn't want to play tricks (add distortions) at 7-9k to mimic an artificial stage. He wants to let the images from Mason to be as real and accurate as possible. With the fully developed dBC system, I think he achieved most of these. And Mason still sounds extremely appealing to my ears.
Is that a dig at the bird? lol
But by the looks of it you need another 2 to 5k to get the best out of it, if you don't have the right sources.
May 15, 2021 at 11:31 AM Post #516 of 1,316
Is that a dig at the bird? lol
But by the looks of it you need another 2 to 5k to get the best out of it, if you don't have the right sources.
Absolutely not for both.
I definitely respect the bird. As a matter of fact, I hyped them very early on when they were released. Mason and Traillii is just way different in both design and sound. Ideally, having both of them, you can close your browser and just enjoy.

I won't say Mason is not picky about source, I actually found all BC driver models are a bit picky. Generally, like @bluestorm1992 has said, R2R DAPs + SS amps will have the best synergy. A good chip driven dap with a touch tuby sound would be good too. So things like R8, M8 would be good "budget" choices. I haven't tested N8 yet, but since we have some good partnership with Cayin, I think our engineers have used N8 as a reference too.
But yeah, since the signature of Mason is on the reference side, I would suggest not pairing a flat dap with it.
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Unique Melody Feel free to reach out to us at any time! To reach me personally, leave me a PM or email me at umwang@uniquemelody.org and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Stay updated on Unique Melody at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/UniqueMelodyIEM/ https://twitter.com/UniqueMelodyIEM http://en.uniquemelody.org/ uniquemelodyusa@gmail.com
May 15, 2021 at 1:30 PM Post #518 of 1,316
Extremely interesting information from @UniqueMelody, thank you. I'm totally feeling that "artwork with commercial value and not the other way around" approach in my Mason. And -- as is sometimes the case with art -- the artist's intentions can be quite informative. For example, it was useful to hear the thinking behind the Mason FS's soundstage. This is truly a very IEM IEM.
May 15, 2021 at 2:30 PM Post #519 of 1,316
Anyone use these in the gym?
Yawn- if you're gonna troll, at least be creative or original.

Also, I am not surprised with your interest in FS even after getting the bird haha. Both me and @Marat Sar report that FS is doing something that is completely different from Traillii.

Now I have a theory, which I think @Marat Sar has also alluded to in his impressions: The bird will wow you in your first listening because: (1) it is in the general category of the IEMs you used to own, so you get a “familiar” experience even in your first listening; (2) it delivers the music better than most of the IEMs you have owned, and presents such a wonderful whole package. In short, it is like an ultra refined version of your existing gears, so it is very very easy for users to appreciate its excellency.

Mason FS, on the other hand, is a totally DIFFERENT experience. @Marat Sar describes this as “mysterious”, and I think this could be true for most users in their first listen. For me, in my first listen I was like: “What am I listening to??” I cannot even judge whether it is good or not outright because it is so different from everything I have owned before. I then realized that I need to be patient with it.

Now that I am thinking back, I will attribute this experience to the bone conduction driver magic: the spherical feeling I get from it, the thick vocal and extremely smooth overall presentation, the detail retrieval that allows you to feel the air in the singers mouth, and many more. The ultimate result is what I called realism - and this is achieved in a completely different way than other IEMs.

Also, because this to me is a completely different kind of product, I will need to do my homework to even understand how to use it to my preference. Fortunately, this journey has paid off to me as I have found the two key requirements in the DAP - music control and tuning - and identify several DAPs based on these requirements that suit my taste.

This is indeed the Unique Melody!
Excellent breakdown! Reminds me of the Rhapsodios in that they are extremely picky and require DAP rolling to find the ideal synergy-some pairings can be awful, but once you do find the idea pairing, it is hard to beat.

@bluestorm1992 & I will likely be meeting up in the next few weeks to compare FS, Traillii, and Infinity Mk2 with various cables & DAPs. Definitely looking forward to it! I'll also give the Attila cable a shot on the bird as @Marat Sar recommended.
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May 15, 2021 at 2:34 PM Post #520 of 1,316
Yawn- if you're gonna troll, at least be creative or original.

Excellent breakdown! Reminds me of the Rhapsodios in that they are extremely picky and require DAP rolling to find the ideal synergy-some pairings can be awful, but once you do find the idea pairing, it is hard to beat.

@bluestorm1992 & I will likely be meeting up in the next few weeks to compare FS, Traillii, and Infinity Mk2 with various cables & DAPs. Definitely looking forward to it! I'll also give the Attila cable a shot on the bird as @Marat Sar recommended.
Cheers buddy! Looking forward to that. :)
May 15, 2021 at 2:46 PM Post #521 of 1,316
Anyone use these in the gym?

I was in the middle of curling 50s when the Mason FS arrived, I took them out because I don’t have time for wires when gains is the priority. However, when me and my girl were having our playtime I put them in and used a microphone input before we started missionary so I could hear the echos all around my head and the feeling of air in my ears without the hot breath in my face.
May 15, 2021 at 2:48 PM Post #522 of 1,316
I was in the middle of curling 50s when the Mason FS arrived, I took them out because I don’t have time for wires when gains is the priority. However, when me and my girl were having our playtime I put them in and used a microphone input before we started missionary so I could hear the echos all around my head and the feeling of air in my ears without the hot breath in my face.
Sounds like a passage that should be in 50 Shades of Grey 😂
May 15, 2021 at 3:02 PM Post #524 of 1,316

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