Unique Melody Mentor debut in Tokyo e-earphone festival
Sep 30, 2014 at 4:10 AM Post #616 of 850
I'm getting my Universal Mentors in sometime this week. (I posted that I owned the Mentors prematurely, lol.) I love the Universal Roxanne's though...at first I didn't like them...now they are #1 for me. Let's see what the Mentor can do. When I get the Mentors I will post impressions as well as a comparison to the Rox. 

Can't wait to hear your impressions concerning both IEMs. There haven't been many users of both flagships on the board so far. It'll be very interesting to see how each stacks up against the other.

BTW, did you buy the Mentors based on reviews, or were you able to audition them prior to purchase?
Sep 30, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #617 of 850
Can't wait to hear your impressions concerning both IEMs. There haven't been many users of both flagships on the board so far. It'll be very interesting to see how each stacks up against the other.

BTW, did you buy the Mentors based on reviews, or were you able to audition them prior to purchase?

Nice. I bought based on reviews. I actually wanted to try the 1+2, but wasn't exactly on board with the snobbery in the forums or the sales approach. I figured if you spend a premium on a product you should get premium service. It is a far cry in today's world. Why can't people be more helpful and considerate? Isn't that the story. Back to the topic at hand, I bought based on reviews and some information from private messages I've sent back and forth between members in this post. I've got a few of the more popular (universal) IEMs at the moment...JH Roxanne, Shure 846, ASG2...and soon the Mentor. The Mentor isn't really one of the IEMs that gets alot of mention on the forums here, but that is ok. I hear decent things about the UM sound and wanted to try one of their newest offerings. It's still quite a wait, even for a pair of universal. It's been about 6 weeks. 
I also see from your profile that you listen to similar types of music.
Oct 2, 2014 at 10:31 AM Post #618 of 850
Nice. I bought based on reviews. I actually wanted to try the 1+2, but wasn't exactly on board with the snobbery in the forums or the sales approach. I figured if you spend a premium on a product you should get premium service. It is a far cry in today's world. Why can't people be more helpful and considerate? Isn't that the story. Back to the topic at hand, I bought based on reviews and some information from private messages I've sent back and forth between members in this post. I've got a few of the more popular (universal) IEMs at the moment...JH Roxanne, Shure 846, ASG2...and soon the Mentor. The Mentor isn't really one of the IEMs that gets alot of mention on the forums here, but that is ok. I hear decent things about the UM sound and wanted to try one of their newest offerings. It's still quite a wait, even for a pair of universal. It's been about 6 weeks. 
I also see from your profile that you listen to similar types of music.

I've heard about the 1plus2, but I've never looked at it in depth. You've certainly piqued my curiosity regarding these IEMs. I do agree that premium prices should command a certain standard of service. Moreover, some of the flagship IEMs are going for really high prices (~1k). For example, the SE846s are certainly a quality sounding IEM; I really hope to purchase a set one day. Still, it's a shame it could not be produced in a sturdier, classier looking body. The same can be said for some of the other TOTL universals (Westone W50, W60). Anyway, I digress.
Yep, the Mentors are certainly not very prominent on Head-Fi. Maybe it's because of its sound signature, which is more akin to a JH16 than the Miracles. In that way, the Mentor is to the JH16 as the Miracle is to the JH13. Prior to the introduction of the Roxannes, I had the feeling that the JH13 was the de facto JH flagship instead of its bigger brother.
Anyway, the reviews and impressions were rather spot on. The Mentors are certainly an extremely fun, but well controlled IEM. Bass does not get mushy or overloaded - they are punchy, but carry a fair bit of weight. Treble is essentially extended, with sparkling highs that do not approach sibilance. Just what I'd like and expect in a TOTL IEM.
They fit well with dance music, which is a passion you and I share. I'm sure you'll love them, as they can be a very engaging earphone for those uplifting, euphoric dance tracks.
Still, 6 weeks seems to be a long, long wait for a pair of universals. Like you, I'm eagerly awaiting on a new flagship; for me, it's the Roxannes. I actually bought these without ever auditioning them. I listened to the JH13 FP, and based on comparisons between the 2, I think they could be awesome IEMs. I do hope you get your Mentors soon. At least you can finally enjoy them, and you could also post your impressions between the 2.
Oct 3, 2014 at 5:10 PM Post #619 of 850
btw selling my Silver Widow cable, avoid the waiting time and go for it people :p 

i will go for some more expensive cable and post a review later ^^  but it will be 4-5 times more expensive than the Silver Widow -.-''
Value wise nothing is better than Toxic Cables, i bought three cables from Frank but god and the waiting time... 
Oct 3, 2014 at 5:40 PM Post #620 of 850
An 8 conductor Whiplash Twau Reference Gold or a DHC Complement3 IEM?
( Saving for the later ^_^ )
Oct 3, 2014 at 5:48 PM Post #621 of 850
An 8 conductor Whiplash Twau Reference Gold or a DHC Complement3 IEM?
( Saving for the later ^_^ )

Trying to guess my next cable? >=) keep guessing xD   

or maybe you are not guessing :p 
Oct 4, 2014 at 3:28 PM Post #622 of 850
An 8 conductor Whiplash Twau Reference Gold or a DHC Complement3 IEM?
( Saving for the later ^_^ )

Woah, don't give the man any ideas! 

Anyway, the DHC cables are really pretty. If anything, I'll probably buy them for aesthetic reasons alone.
Oct 4, 2014 at 3:41 PM Post #623 of 850
Yep their both pretty and awesome (based on reviews). Am saving my sights on those for my cable upgrade when my uber Geek Wave XD128 will come by spring (hopefully).

My silver+gold HPL Audio cable unfortunately had some corrosion. Sonically its still very good though.
Oct 4, 2014 at 3:55 PM Post #624 of 850
Yep their both pretty and awesome (based on reviews). Am saving my sights on those for my cable upgrade when my uber Geek Wave XD128 will come by spring (hopefully).

My silver+gold HPL Audio cable unfortunately had some corrosion. Sonically its still very good though.

Yup, they are surely pretty, but they cost quite a bit. The HPL cables are good too; heard some really nice stuff about Ted and his workmanship/service.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually convince myself to spring for a cable upgrade.
Anyway, you bought a Geek Wave? Nice! Those will definitely be one of the more sought after DAPs around. For now, I'm using an iPod Classic and a Cowon Z2. Was hoping to get an iBasso DX50 or  Fiio X1/5 soon. Btw, what's your current DAP/source for your Mentors?
Oct 4, 2014 at 4:59 PM Post #626 of 850
Yep! Placed all the options they can throw at it on their flagship Geek Wave XD128.
My current DAP/Amp is a Geek 1000 attached to my Note 10.1 (ed. 2013) as my source/media pad for music, movies, streaming.

Here playing Yamina on DSD128...

Once in a while I use my Note 3.

Oct 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM Post #627 of 850
  Can you hear the differences between 4 and 8 conductor ?

Don't know haven't tried it... 
  Just guessing/teasing on what on Shini's mind.
He says he will be buying a cable that is 4-5x more than the Silver Widows.
And those are that came into my mind. 
But in the near future, will be upgrading to those. Unless something better will come up.
Oct 4, 2014 at 5:24 PM Post #628 of 850
I know what he is up to, he is waiting on it, he will post impression.

Don't know haven't tried it... 
  Just guessing/teasing on what on Shini's mind.
He says he will be buying a cable that is 4-5x more than the Silver Widows.
And those are that came into my mind. 
But in the near future, will be upgrading to those. Unless something better will come up.

I know what he is up to, he is waiting on it, he will post impression.

Oct 5, 2014 at 2:57 AM Post #629 of 850
  Yep! Placed all the options they can throw at it on their flagship Geek Wave XD128.
My current DAP/Amp is a Geek 1000 attached to my Note 10.1 (ed. 2013) as my source/media pad for music, movies, streaming.

Sweet! Is the Geek Out 1000 a brighter or darker amp? I ask this because my primary amp (iBasso D6) tends to emphasize the high frequencies, causing certain songs/tracks to sound sibilant. I've been looking for a decent portable amp replacement for sometime now. Thanks.
Btw, are your Mentors silver or black? I can't really tell in the photos, but if it's silver, they look really fantastic!
Oct 5, 2014 at 2:58 PM Post #630 of 850
lol so many confused people XD

i will go with this one "http://www.beataudiocables.com/cables/prima-donna.html "
but will go with a black widow first, and later at the end of the month i will order this one, the thing is i wasn;t able to catch frank since he was on a holidy, and then suddenly he appeared

i guess he got a 6th sense or something when it comes to people switching to other brands XD   " oh someone is about to order from BeatAudio!!" then he contacted me LOL.

the Mentor sound really change depend on the amp and cables, like a lot!!    some setup will get the bass to be super!!  
like the SW  cable with a neutral amp/dac  such as the Portaphile 627 + x-sabre, a SW is enough to give a bass that even TH900 can't produce... i mean it.. it was super strong but not LQ or annoying, still bigger presence than the mids with this setup in case the volume were up.

the stock cable with the same setup gave me less mids, less treble and less bass,  i mean its a stock cable :p

next i will be testing more cables and amps, even tube amps so stay tuned people ;3 

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