Ultrasone edition 10 "THE BUTTERFLY" initial impressions
Feb 2, 2011 at 5:54 PM Post #1,441 of 2,110

Yeah!  It is weird that the sales rep to the US and the repair guy were both fed the same line from Ultrasone Germany. They ( Ultrasone -USA ) really think this is just a US problem.  Sounds like a bunch of bull to be frank, as is clearly evident from our international members gripe.  I'll be taking this bull by the horns!        

Feb 2, 2011 at 6:57 PM Post #1,442 of 2,110
Received two pairs of Edition 10 today (long story) and opened one up for listening. These are serial number 4XX and I don't hear any exaggerated high frequency sound. I only hear sibilance on the bad recordings. However, it seems like I can hear sibilance more clearly on Edition 10 when compared to HD800/O2/JH13 for the same track (the track that is badly recorded). Is it because Edition 10 is more transparent and showing the bad recording as it is or it is exaggerating the sibilance? I don't know for sure.
With good recordings such as classical and modern jazz albums, Edition 10 produces exceptional sound. I really like how it sounds so far. I have no problem with electronic and acoustic music either. I am especially surprised by how it produces some of the electronic music i have. It gives me some kind of 3D effect so that it feels like the sound surrounds my head. I don't want to believe that it is due to the s-logic technology because I believe it is just another marketing gimmick but I have no evidence to support that it does not work. However, when it comes to classical and jazz, these 3D like effect goes away and produces proper soundstage, which is one of the strong strengths of the headphone in my opinion. 
Another thing that I really like about the headphone is it's bass (and mid-bass). Honestly, I was afraid that I would get the same kind of bass of Edition 9, Pro750/900 on Edition 10, which was loose and bloated (to my liking). But to my surprise, Edition 10 delivers tight and well-controlled bass even on bass-heavy tracks and I think it's bass is one of a kind (like it better than the bass of HD800 and O2, though I have less than an optimal system for these two headphones).
These are just some of my initial impression and I have many more hours of burning and listening to do. I believe the issues with wrong pads are solved now that I have higher serial number pair with no problem, but we will see what others say about their pairs (I guess more people are getting their pre-orders since newer batch was released).
Feb 2, 2011 at 7:45 PM Post #1,443 of 2,110
Glad to see it worked out for all parties. Great job Randy.

Feb 2, 2011 at 8:49 PM Post #1,444 of 2,110

Well, good news.  I spoke to Randy at Ultrasone, who was very helpful.  I'm going to be able to get a new, "corrected" pair of Edition 10's such that I will not have lost money.  I am going to take them up on it, so I will be able to evaluate the Edition 10 again.  I really appreciate the professionalism with which Randy treated me and the situation, and echo others' comments that I believe he really wants to help make this right.

Great new Rob! Hopefully this all works out for you buddy!
Randy is really a stand up guy and a great "buck stops here" manager. That is 2 solid performances with you and David Mahler. He also helped me register my Edition 8LEs as their website wasn't setup for Canada. He was very responsive and had the warranty extended to 7 years.

Feb 2, 2011 at 8:59 PM Post #1,445 of 2,110

Well, good news.  I spoke to Randy at Ultrasone, who was very helpful.  I'm going to be able to get a new, "corrected" pair of Edition 10's such that I will not have lost money.  I am going to take them up on it, so I will be able to evaluate the Edition 10 again.  I really appreciate the professionalism with which Randy treated me and the situation, and echo others' comments that I believe he really wants to help make this right.

Great new Rob! Hopefully this all works out for you buddy!
Randy is really a stand up guy and a great "buck stops here" manager. That is 2 solid performances with you and David Mahler. He also helped me register my Edition 8LEs as their website wasn't setup for Canada. He was very responsive and had the warranty extended to 7 years.

I have read David Mahler's case as well. Very impressive service done by Randy indeed. 
Feb 2, 2011 at 9:09 PM Post #1,446 of 2,110
We need to let ultrasone know that their employee is setting a new standard for company service. That they should follow his example. If we complain when we receive sub par service, exemplary service should also be acknowledged ..... But they would probably just forward them back to Randy :D
Feb 2, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #1,447 of 2,110

We need to let ultraone know that their employee is setting a new standard for company service. That they should follow his example. If we complain when we receive sub par service, exemplary service should be acknowledged ..... But they would probably just forward them to Randy

Randy should be promoted.

But should still own service for Ultrasone for North America...I'd hate to lose his support.
Feb 2, 2011 at 10:06 PM Post #1,448 of 2,110
Glad that this has come out happy for everyone eventually. Now if you ask me whether the ED10 is worth US$2,700, the initial disappointment AND the hassle?  YES - every cent of it. You gotta listen to the real ED10 to believe how good it is.
Happy Chinese New Year from Hong Kong!!
Feb 2, 2011 at 10:08 PM Post #1,449 of 2,110
It's great to hear about the turn around of this thread!
I will say that Ultrasone seems to be a company in transition.  In that aspect, they might not have the infrastructure or logistics to properly communicate across all facets of their company.  As a employee of a company in a similar type of growth, **** happens, where there is a lot of communication breakdown.  It isn't about the mistakes that are made, but how a company recognizes and recovers from mistakes.
Back on subject.  I am in love with the ED10's styling.  Pro900s are some of my favorite headphones.  The way the 900s communicate music, and how each frequency doesn't seem to affect any other frequencies, is amazing.  Moving along, the edition 10 demands a lot for what it delivers.  I will be monitoring this thread closely at this moment of transition.
Thank you all for your dedication.

Feb 2, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #1,450 of 2,110

Well, good news.  I spoke to Randy at Ultrasone, who was very helpful.  I'm going to be able to get a new, "corrected" pair of Edition 10's such that I will not have lost money.  I am going to take them up on it, so I will be able to evaluate the Edition 10 again.  I really appreciate the professionalism with which Randy treated me and the situation, and echo others' comments that I believe he really wants to help make this right.

Great new Rob! Hopefully this all works out for you buddy!
Randy is really a stand up guy and a great "buck stops here" manager. That is 2 solid performances with you and David Mahler. He also helped me register my Edition 8LEs as their website wasn't setup for Canada. He was very responsive and had the warranty extended to 7 years.

Awesome Rob,  and the 7 year warranty thing that Machero got he did for me too.  My Ed8 LE didn't come with any info or reg card so they sent me to someone thru Germany when i couldn't register.  Then Randy got it upped to 7 yrs.
Feb 3, 2011 at 12:09 AM Post #1,451 of 2,110

Well, good news.  I spoke to Randy at Ultrasone, who was very helpful.  I'm going to be able to get a new, "corrected" pair of Edition 10's such that I will not have lost money.  I am going to take them up on it, so I will be able to evaluate the Edition 10 again.  I really appreciate the professionalism with which Randy treated me and the situation, and echo others' comments that I believe he really wants to help make this right.

Glad to hear this, wellcome back!
If the corrected ED10 are darker than ED8, I will consider about them.
Feb 3, 2011 at 1:03 AM Post #1,453 of 2,110

Well, good news.  I spoke to Randy at Ultrasone, who was very helpful.  I'm going to be able to get a new, "corrected" pair of Edition 10's such that I will not have lost money.  I am going to take them up on it, so I will be able to evaluate the Edition 10 again.  I really appreciate the professionalism with which Randy treated me and the situation, and echo others' comments that I believe he really wants to help make this right.

Excellent! I look forward to your impressions. Hopefully you will approach that musical nirvana we have all been striving for. :^)
Feb 3, 2011 at 7:54 AM Post #1,454 of 2,110
Thanks all.  I really am very pleased with how well Randy handled the situation.  He does deserve the praise he is getting, IMO.  He made a bad situation right, for me.
Now I just have to hope that the "corrected" versions do indeed correct the problem, but I am very excited once again with the chance that it will be the case.  There were so many things the Edition 10 did right, it was such a shame to me the first time around that there was the issue with the treble.  With luck, the Edition 10 will be a nice addition to my group of high end cans.
Now...once again...the waiting


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