Ultimate Ears In-Ear Reference Monitors Review
Apr 30, 2012 at 8:01 PM Post #166 of 733
^OH!!!  THERE is the silicone option!!!!  I would upgrade the cotton cable though.

Hmm... There is no way for you to click the soft tips option, unless you get help from ultimate ears like David. Maybe possible, but i didn't try it.
May 1, 2012 at 8:05 PM Post #169 of 733
I think it should be able to order the -32db soft silicon option for the UERM.
I asked them via email, the artist representative mentioned that both are comfortable and durable, and it is personal reference.
Thus, i assumed that it is able to order the soft silicon which provides -32db as long as you drop them an email and wait for their reply instead of order it by yourself via online system.

May 3, 2012 at 1:03 PM Post #170 of 733
Hm, so UE finally decided that they got the silicone tip design to a stable enough place where they feel comfortable selling it?  I think they originally stopped offering silicone well over a year ago due to concerns about durability.  
This is an interesting development if it's true, but I'm perfectly happy with my all-acrylic UERMs.  It's been over 1 year since I bought them, and they're still easily my favorite custom IEM ever; my ES5 and JH16 have long been sold, without regret.  
In terms of detail retrieval and clarity, the UERMs from a Pico Slim and an iPod Classic almost give my desktop setup a run for its money.  (Of course, in basically every other category--soundstage dimensionality, realism, dynamics, tonal accuracy, and extension at both ends of the frequency spectrum--my LCD-3 setup is the clear winner).
May 3, 2012 at 5:44 PM Post #171 of 733
Hm, so UE finally decided that they got the silicone tip design to a stable enough place where they feel comfortable selling it?  I think they originally stopped offering silicone well over a year ago due to concerns about durability.  
This is an interesting development if it's true

Please don't hype someone's misinterpretation or possible misunderstanding w/o verification.  Wait for UE to reply back that they are making him one or he shows us a picture of the final product.  He hasn't talked to the right person nor even properly interpreted their meaning.  He probably asked the art guy which is better, silicone or acrylic?  Art guy says both are fine.  Now he translates that to mean UE will make him a silicone version.
I'm going to drive over tomorrow and ask them in person since they are a few blocks away. 
May 3, 2012 at 8:27 PM Post #172 of 733
^OH!!!  THERE is the silicone option!!!! 

sorry, but I had the soft casing initially, and I have recently had my UERM redone with the hard casing. I notice an almost negligible difference in isolation (it's not the most insulating in-ear, but using it in a very noisy environment is a waste anyway - I carry other options for such situations, e.g. subway or the like). the hard tips will last you longer and they feel good. I don't know whether they still offer the soft silicone
May 4, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #173 of 733
Hi everyone. I'm seriously considering a pair. Anyone tried these with an iPhone and a Fostex HP-P1 ? Curious how the UERMs would do with that combo.

Also, I thought the UERMs did quite well with isolation. Is that not the case? I'll often be listening in bed while my wife has her whooshing noisemaker going, so it's important to keep that external noise out. Equally important is that sound doesn't leak out and keep her awake. Can anyone provide some more input?

Thanks in advance.
May 5, 2012 at 10:52 PM Post #176 of 733
Hi everyone. I'm seriously considering a pair. Anyone tried these with an iPhone and a Fostex HP-P1 ? Curious how the UERMs would do with that combo.
Also, I thought the UERMs did quite well with isolation. Is that not the case? I'll often be listening in bed while my wife has her whooshing noisemaker going, so it's important to keep that external noise out. Equally important is that sound doesn't leak out and keep her awake. Can anyone provide some more input?
Thanks in advance.

vigotone:  Tried the HP-P1 against mini^3, iQube v2 and Pico Slim.  (All at the same time and with iPhone/iPad.)
I thought the Fostex seemed a little mid-scooped, the owner seemed to agree with me but still liked it.  Quality build and probably just fine for most.  I prefer mini^3, iQube v2, Pico Slim and CLAS+RxII.
The UERM isolate pretty darn well- I also use them for that purpose.  
For durability, I'd go acrylic now after living with the hard shells even if silicone was an option (but I have not owned a pair).  Only seen a pair of customs with silicone- maybe ES5 longer-term owners can report on what they think the durability will be compared to acrylic?
May 16, 2012 at 12:36 AM Post #177 of 733
Guys, normally how long it takes to receive the UERM after your ear impressions were approved. 2 weeks?
May 16, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #178 of 733
Mine took about 3 weeks, but part of that was them getting back to the lab after RMAF was over, so I'd say 2-3 weeks should be normal.
May 18, 2012 at 3:14 PM Post #179 of 733
By the way, later than promised, but I got nice tubes placed in my WA3+ and am finally getting enough breathing room from relentless deadlines to try what I said I would: run the UERM (as well as my UE11 customs) through the tube amp (fed by a CIAudio VDA2 DAC and VAC1 PSU, optical input provided by a Mac mini running Audirvana).
And yes, Cee Tee was right - against my expectations, frankly, it is worth a try to play these low-impedance in-ear monitors with a tube amp that is designed for higher impedance headphones (I usually pair it with my 600 ohm DT880s). The sound is remarkably crisp and airy, compared to using the same IEM on my Hifiman HM-601 with the same sound file.
That said, it's not going to be my go-to combo: I like the IEMs when I travel, I still like my comfy Beyers for sitting down at my desk at work or at home. I feel like with my portable amps, I have tweaked in a certain synergy the IEMs benefit from, and my tube amps do well with the Beyers. Mixing these set-ups is kind of messing with my clear alternatives...
May 18, 2012 at 6:43 PM Post #180 of 733
^Thanks for the update, melo! 
I'll have some fun trying out big amps with both my RM and 800s at the meet in SoCal this Sept...see you then!

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