UK Meet (UPDATED!) - Saturday November 7th 2009
Oct 30, 2009 at 9:11 AM Post #316 of 398

Originally Posted by Duggeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry to pedant if this is something I've overlooked.

Re: Nourishment at the meet.

There'll be water, tea and coffee, maybe biscuits? Or have I got that wrong?

What If I fancy a beer, do I retire to the bar? I understand no drinks or food near the gear and keep it in the hall area, but can we drink anything a bit firmer in there?

I'm now giving strong consideration to bringing down a more fulsome rig. Maybe the Surrounder.

The hotel has a bar but i would imagine if you want a 'decent' pint you might have to venture out.
Oct 30, 2009 at 11:23 PM Post #319 of 398
I'm staying at the Ibis round the corner. I may or may not be bringing Milkpowder down from Edinburgh. It will depend on his timetable on Friday.
Oct 31, 2009 at 4:16 PM Post #320 of 398
I just added up the parts cost for my DIY M^3, and it's just under £215...meaning I might as well get a prebuilt one with a warranty.
I wonder what'll be for sale at the meet...
All I'll have are my HD650s, iBasso P3+, iPod Video and maybe my new DHC cable.
Oct 31, 2009 at 11:44 PM Post #321 of 398
Oh gawd, excellent time for my cables to go off on me. My left channel is not working properly now. It requires some pressure applied to it for any signal to be transmitted to the drivers. The cables may have frayed over time *shrugs*.

Single ended only for the moment
Nov 1, 2009 at 2:27 AM Post #322 of 398

Originally Posted by mofonyx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh gawd, excellent time for my cables to go off on me. My left channel is not working properly now. It requires some pressure applied to it for any signal to be transmitted to the drivers. The cables may have frayed over time *shrugs*.

Single ended only for the moment

I think you mean Mono rather than Single Ended.

Are they expensive cables? I can bring some extra to the meet if need be.
Nov 1, 2009 at 6:29 PM Post #325 of 398
I was interested to know:
1) Do we just leave our stuff on a particular table or something
2) Will there be a FS table or do we organise trades/sales individually
3) What sizes are the rooms
4) What do I do (tables etc) if it turns out all I have with me is my ipod, HD650 and iBasso P3+
5) Apart from the obvious (food/drinks/pets/speakers/tvs etc) what shouldn't I bring
6) There is a kit list, but is a FS/FT list possible, so people know in advance
Nov 1, 2009 at 6:39 PM Post #326 of 398
I have been asked to take my soldering iron etc so if anyone needs the odd fix to a cable or any gear let me know.

Nov 1, 2009 at 8:02 PM Post #327 of 398

Originally Posted by BigTony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Methinks these guys have set the bar pretty high :
Those are some great photos, and the gear is not to shabby either.

Yes I was looking at that thread the other day. Some superb pictures, that fella obviously has a very tasty lens. My Canon f4 L lens can't produce results as good as those.


Originally Posted by P4Z /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was interested to know:
1) Do we just leave our stuff on a particular table or something
2) Will there be a FS table or do we organise trades/sales individually
3) What sizes are the rooms
4) What do I do (tables etc) if it turns out all I have with me is my ipod, HD650 and iBasso P3+
5) Apart from the obvious (food/drinks/pets/speakers/tvs etc) what shouldn't I bring
6) There is a kit list, but is a FS/FT list possible, so people know in advance

1 - Everyone who needs it will have desk space. Owners will have space to sit behind their table (by the wall) when they're not walking about.

2 - Let's see how much FS stuff there is on the day. People will want to try out the items anyway so might as well have them on your table with other gear I'd have thought, but certainly open for discussion.

3 - I don't know the exact dimensions but I've seen the rooms & they're a reasonable size. The main room seats 90 people, and the 2nd room is probably half the size or so.

4 - We're probably going to have a full house, so those with smaller amounts of kit would be best to share tables with others.

5 - Probably easier to suggest what to bring, rather than what not to
. Bring any music CDs you want to use to demo gear. Food and drink is available in the hotel bar. I'll be bringing a notepad & pen to jot down my listening impressions as I go around, as there's no way I'll be able to remember everything at the end of the day & I know I'd kick myself. Don't forget a power block to cater for any kit you're bringing, and also an extension lead if you have one. Other than that, just bring your ears.

6 - I'm quite happy to start a FS/FT list if you'd like. I'm actually considering selling a lot of my lesser-used gear soon, and perhaps the meet is a good place to start.
Nov 1, 2009 at 10:22 PM Post #328 of 398
I don't think that people should be coming along with the aim of selling things. I appriciate that sounds rather ill fitting given that I'm trying to sell an HD800, I just have a vision of people laying out selections of LOD cables with price tags on them. A trade table might not be necessary anyway. Just make it clear on your setup if something is for sale. People will work their way around anyway?
Nov 2, 2009 at 8:04 AM Post #329 of 398
Kk. I didn't mean full scale selling, just w/e things ppl don't need/want or unfortunately have to sell.
Your hd800s gave me the idea as for some reason I've been watchin ur FS thread Duggeh; the idea in my mind was more to encourage prospective head-fi-ing buyers rather than sellers, I thought it might help.

If I've offended you in some way, that was honestly not my intention and I apologise.

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