UK Meet (UPDATED!) - Saturday November 7th 2009
Nov 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM Post #391 of 398
Sorry guys I couldn't make it.

Came down with a really nasty kidney infection yesturday and have been confined to my bed with painkillers

Really pissed off that I missed this.
Nov 7, 2009 at 7:30 PM Post #395 of 398
What an awesome day! Really enjoyed my self and putting faces to the names of forum members. It has been really great to try everyone's set ups, all so unique! There was some great sounding gear there! I'm already looking forward to another meet up.

I suggest we set up a 1 new thread and all post our pics in there. Otherwise for outsiders who are interested in seeing how the event turned out, it will be hard to see what gear was at the event.

Oh great choice of venue too, it was nice and quiet and well catered for.

Nov 7, 2009 at 7:55 PM Post #396 of 398

Originally Posted by fault151 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What an awesome day! Really enjoyed my self and putting faces to the names of forum members. It has been really great to try everyone's set ups, all so unique! There was some great sounding gear there! I'm already looking forward to another meet up.

I suggest we set up a 1 new thread and all post our pics in there. Otherwise for outsiders who are interested in seeing how the event turned out, it will be hard to see what gear was at the event.

Oh great choice of venue too, it was nice and quiet and well catered for.


There's already an impressions thread in the impressions sub-forum
Nov 12, 2009 at 4:25 PM Post #398 of 398
Obviously, Because I was ill, I could not make the meeting.

Would anyone be kind enough to let me listen to their YUIN PK1 (If you have one).

I'm based in London..near Wembley

I just want a 5 min listen, so I can decide to buy.


PS. I'd be willing to travel within reason

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