UK 2012 Head-Fi Meet - September 15th Cambridgeshire.

Aug 28, 2012 at 3:25 PM Post #1,186 of 1,381
Mattyhew has very kindly contacted a local printers to ensure that a meet T-shirt will be produced. Same price of £10 per black short sleeve garment, but without the arm headphone graphic. Mock up below.

If you had previously `ordered' a meet T-shirt and now wish to cancel please PM me soonest.
Thanks for explaining that (and sorry for the delayed response!).  I had no idea that it had a completely different interface.
Sorry to hear about the shirts Andy.  Made any progress in sorting it out? A friend of mine used to work for, and they may be able to do something like that as well.
Amazing news on the Graham Slee prizes!  I can't believe there are still more being added!

Aug 28, 2012 at 3:28 PM Post #1,187 of 1,381
Raffle Update
Graham Slee - - is sending three headphone amplifiers for demonstration at the meet - the portable Voyager, entry level Novo Discrete and the Solo Ultra-Linear Diamond Edition. All of these amps are highly regarded by enthusiasts and the audio press alike. Graham Slee is a British company making superb sounding equipment in Britain that is competitively priced and astonishingly well built and engineered. 
Graham is very generously donating the Solo Ultra-Linear Diamond Edition to the charity prize raffle after it's been demoed, so do ensure that you listen to it during the meet and purchase lots of tickets to be in with a chance of winning this amazing prize.

Wow, good work Andy! Can't wait to hear the Ultra-Linear Diamond Edition!
Aug 28, 2012 at 4:21 PM Post #1,188 of 1,381
Great news, Fried Reim the CEO of Lake People - who manufacture the excellent Violectric range of headphone amplifiers and DAC's - has confirmed that he will be attending the meet and post event dinner.
Fried has been largely responsible for transferring the success enjoyed by Lake People in the professional sector to manufacturing equipment more attuned to the home audio market.  Fried is a very busy guy and is taking annual leave to come over and spend a few days in England.
I've learnt that Fried is partial to a single malt, so let's buy him a wee dram or two at the meal to say thanks for donating a HPA V90 headphone amplifier to the meet charity raffle.
Aug 28, 2012 at 4:53 PM Post #1,189 of 1,381
Mattyhew has very kindly contacted a local printers to ensure that a meet T-shirt will be produced. Same price of £10 per black short sleeve garment, but without the arm headphone graphic. Mock up below.
If you had previously `ordered' a meet T-shirt and now wish to cancel please PM me soonest.

That looks very tidy, please could I order a medium if it's not too late Andy? Are you taking payment at the meet?
P.S. booked a hotel room, not long to go now! 

Great news, Fried Reim the CEO of Lake People - who manufacture the excellent Violectric range of headphone amplifiers and DAC's - has confirmed that he will be attending the meet and post event dinner.
Fried has been largely responsible for transferring the success enjoyed by Lake People in the professional sector to manufacturing equipment more attuned to the home audio market.  Fried is a very busy guy and is taking annual leave to come over and spend a few days in England.
I've learnt that Fried is partial to a single malt, so let's buy him a wee dram or two at the meal to say thanks for donating a HPA V90 headphone amplifier to the meet charity raffle.

Blimey, it'll be awesome to have a chat with him. I think a snifter of the old country is the least we can do :-)
Aug 28, 2012 at 8:01 PM Post #1,191 of 1,381
To all,
It is with regret that I will not be able to make the 15th now.
I am missing out on the meeting all you guys, buying buckets of raffle tickets and finding out new stuff to spend my hard earned cash on.
Those that know me are aware that I had looked forward to this, and it is so close to home for me.  I just have to be somewhere else now.
Have fun and post plenty pf pictures and reviews to get me really jealous.
Enjoy the day, and thanks again to Andrew for organising such a great event.
Aug 29, 2012 at 10:38 AM Post #1,194 of 1,381
Nope, T-shirt design is finalised.
What buffet lunch?!? There will be beverages & biscuits but that's about it. 
Can you get those t--shirt with a French flag instead? 

Are they going to be any vegetarian options for the lunch buffet? 

Aug 29, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #1,195 of 1,381
We can always have a mini-meet for folks in East Anglia who fancy an informal get together sometime.
To all,
It is with regret that I will not be able to make the 15th now.
I am missing out on the meeting all you guys, buying buckets of raffle tickets and finding out new stuff to spend my hard earned cash on.
Those that know me are aware that I had looked forward to this, and it is so close to home for me.  I just have to be somewhere else now.
Have fun and post plenty pf pictures and reviews to get me really jealous.
Enjoy the day, and thanks again to Andrew for organising such a great event.

Aug 29, 2012 at 1:10 PM Post #1,196 of 1,381
Post meet dinner update
I've reserved a table for 15 of us for the post meet dinner at Menzies Hotel brasserie at 7pm. The diners thus far are detailed below. If you're not on the list and wish to join us it's imperative that you PM me soonest. 
big-man +1
Fragmented God
Freid Reim + 1
JoetheArachnid + 1 
smial1966 + 1 
Aug 29, 2012 at 2:19 PM Post #1,197 of 1,381
So is the situation now that we need to 'order' a t-shirt before the meet, or that you'll have some stock to hand? Either way, I suppose my expressing an interest in a medium wouldn't hurt...
Aug 29, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #1,198 of 1,381
Hah! Looking at the names attending the meal it reminded me of the names at a gangster (mob) get together in those old gangster movies:
Mr Big,
Shorty  from the East Side,
And we’re pleased to welcome our cousin from Chicago
You get the picture?
Oops, - time for my medication
Aug 29, 2012 at 3:12 PM Post #1,199 of 1,381

The final T-shirt bulk order has been placed but there will be a few garments in various sizes available at the meet to purchase.



JoetheArachnid said:
.So is the situation now that we need to 'order' a t-shirt before the meet, or that you'll have some stock to hand? Either way, I suppose my expressing an interest in a medium wouldn't hurt...
Aug 29, 2012 at 3:13 PM Post #1,200 of 1,381

Hah! Looking at the names attending the meal it reminded me of the names at a gangster (mob) get together in those old gangster movies:
Mr Big,
Shorty  from the East Side,
And we’re pleased to welcome our cousin from Chicago
You get the picture?
Oops, - time for my medication


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