Tube rolling thread | UltraSonic Studios
Apr 17, 2023 at 11:34 PM Post #2,431 of 3,857
Were these the black glass NU 12J5GT's that lacked bass?
No, these are clear glass. I can't emphasize enough that this particular combo lacked bass. I have gotten good bass with the NU tubes with other combos.
Apr 22, 2023 at 11:33 AM Post #2,432 of 3,857
After 2 weeks of Philips 4654K with the Fivre 6SL7 I got bored. Not because the combo was not good, because well, this is how we are, we like from time to time to experiment. So I returned to something I liked a lot when I discovered it: Siemens EL81 with my Sittard made Philips ECC40.


Definitely fuller sounding, more bass and a smoother sound in general. Separation suffers a little bit, but the warmer signature has another advantages. Another excellent combo. Now, thinking about the price difference between these 2 combos, is it justified? As usual, no. Siemens EL81(in my theory made by Tesla) was the standard output of Oblivion, a tube which can be found in Europe in large quantities, and a very smart choice from Tomas. Cheap and very good in his design. And Eternity should not be miles away from Oblivion, at least when using these.


I was lucky to be able to use these, "big dogs" with a lot of output power cannot use them because of the maximum Vplate = 250V. And most probably this is why not many are interested in them. But the small Eternity can, and it sounds fabulous.

I plan to go back and explore more from E80CC and 6922 in the next days but we will see if I'll stick to the plan or not.
Apr 22, 2023 at 2:44 PM Post #2,433 of 3,857
I played around with these Siemens/Tesla EL81 and different ECC40 (Sittard, Eindhoven, Hamburg). All sound nice. Then I went again to Philips 6BQ7A. What a nice tube, and almost unknown. On the brighter side, somehow similar with my ITT/Lorenz E88CC. Definitely detailed and speedy sound, good for rock music.


6BQ7A is a nice one, a very good tube. Next step would be to go for more bass with some Mullard EL81. Because these Siemens EL81 are the most solid state sounding of the EL81 I have. Or, why not, maybe some EL32? I have those nice brown base Mullard EL32 I tried a few months ago and then forgot about them. That would be a nice try. Maybe tomorrow.

Later edit: Eternity has 2 years and 2 days now. I was very busy and forgot about this on Thursday. Happy birthday Eternity!
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Apr 22, 2023 at 3:00 PM Post #2,435 of 3,857
That's the beauty of eternity - always plenty of time for belated greetings. :sweat_smile:
Exactly. I guess the name fits nice, it's an amp you cannot get bored for.. Eternity. You always find something to do with it and then forget about buying others. My wallet is grateful for that, especially since I started to explore 5 EUR tubes with excellent results. Who would have thought about that?
Apr 22, 2023 at 3:33 PM Post #2,436 of 3,857
Well, they say never let for tomorrow what you can do today. I wanted to return to these and today is a good day for them. I have a quad of these beauties, they were NOS NIB and in perfect shape when I got them. I like these a lot. Many forget about EL32 and go for EL38 or EL39 but for me EL32 was always special, from the first time I listened it on Elise.


EL32 is a relaxed tube, somehow delicate sounding. But it is euphonic, goes nice with female vocals and it is a good pair to the energic 6BQ7A.


And some details:

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Apr 22, 2023 at 11:20 PM Post #2,437 of 3,857
I‘m still with the same combo of Marconi b36 in the preamp, Brimar 13d1 inputs, and VT60a outputs in triode. Think this is an end stage combo, there really isn’t any reason to try other tubes except for curiosity’s sake. Deep, wide soundstage, lots of detail, super clear through the midrange with excellent extension in both bass and treble. the only possible downside is that it is a bit too transparent for some recordings. Well recorded albums are sublime but poorly recorded ones are laid bare. Some of the other output tubes like the 5b/254m add a bit of warmth and thickness which can be nice but it does help mask the shortcomings of some recordings.

This is such a good combo that I need to sort out my supply for the long term. I am set for output tubes but would like to get some more of the preamp and input tubes. Sigh.

On the other hand I could start unloading some tubes. In bulk no less lol. I separated the wheat from the chaff of my *sn7 tubes and am left with 50+ of the primo ones. That leaves 3 times that amount that I can part with. I’m also realizing that I’ll probably not go back to some of the output tubes I have accumulated and so I can thin that collection too.

I’m trying to avoid the fate of @UntilThen and having an amp collection. He keeps saying one more and he’s done but keeps being pulled in again. I have an idea for an amp similar to mine but for different tubes. Tomas would have built it for me. I’m not sure anyone else would be foolish enough to indulge my audiophool wishes and maybe that’s a good thing. If I don’t get that amp built I will have another load of tubes that can be moved on to someone that could make good use of them. I haven’t quite let go of the dream yet but I am currently getting sound so good that the desire for another audio tube is lessened a bit.
Apr 23, 2023 at 4:42 AM Post #2,438 of 3,857
Deep, wide soundstage, lots of detail, super clear through the midrange with excellent extension in both bass and treble. the only possible downside is that it is a bit too transparent for some recordings.
This sounds a little bit funny, you know. All others are searching for years for transparency. LOL
I’m trying to avoid the fate of @UntilThen and having an amp collection. He keeps saying one more and he’s done but keeps being pulled in again. I have an idea for an amp similar to mine but for different tubes. Tomas would have built it for me. I’m not sure anyone else would be foolish enough to indulge my audiophool wishes and maybe that’s a good thing. If I don’t get that amp built I will have another load of tubes that can be moved on to someone that could make good use of them. I haven’t quite let go of the dream yet but I am currently getting sound so good that the desire for another audio tube is lessened a bit.
For me redundant amp collection does not work because in the end I will use only one of them and the rest will just sit there. And you'll need a source with several outputs or otherwise you'll move cables to one amp or another. He uses that Yggy with 3 outputs, otherwise it will not be fun also for him. And do not forget that a second amp is not just an amp, you need to have more power cables, more spare sockets in the power strips and so on. Here all is full at the moment and I am fine like this.

I feel the same like you that I do not really need another tubes in the collection, in the end I have explored around 30% of the combinations I can make with them. While tubes value might increase in time, amp value I doubt so, better to buy another amp when I will really feel the need of it. At the moment this one is enough for me.
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Apr 23, 2023 at 5:58 AM Post #2,439 of 3,857
This morning I realized that EL32 is very nice but needs a little bit of push on the bass size and 6BQ7A is not able to do that. ECC40 was better but still not what I was looking for. Then I read several threads and saw people praising the E80CC made in Heerlen for the extra bass punch. I have to thank them for doing that.


And the markings are VB9 / ⊿2GB.


This was what I was needing guys. The extra bass punch is exactly what I was missing.
Apr 23, 2023 at 10:11 AM Post #2,441 of 3,857
This sounds a little bit funny, you know. All others are searching for years for transparency. LOL

For me redundant amp collection does not work because in the end I will use only one of them and the rest will just sit there. And you'll need a source with several outputs or otherwise you'll move cables to one amp or another. He uses that Yggy with 3 outputs, otherwise it will not be fun also for him. And do not forget that a second amp is not just an amp, you need to have more power cables, more spare sockets in the power strips and so on. Here all is full at the moment and I am fine like this.

I feel the same like you that I do not really need another tubes in the collection, in the end I have explored around 30% of the combinations I can make with them. While tubes value might increase in time, amp value I doubt so, better to buy another amp when I will really feel the need of it. At the moment this one is enough for me.
My preamp has 4 sets of outputs, 2 balanced and two RCA. External power cables are only an issue if you buy fancy ones, I don’t. The biggest problem as you point out is that you can only use one of them at a time. In that regard multiple amps are hard to rationalize. I know that I could get great sound from my hypothetical amp but I already get great sound from my current amps. The only things motivating me is the idea of getting a new, cool thing that I enjoy and the possibility of using other types of tubes I can’t in my current ones. Diminishing returns is a real thing, don’t think the third amp as going to add as much as the first couple did. For whatever reason I am still attached to using the 6aq5/kt81/n34/ecc31/11n7/*j5 tubes in an amp.

Also keep in mind that boutique amps lose value quite a bit more quickly than mainline ones. The exceptions to that are the boutique manufacturers that have been around for quite a while like Supratek, Don Sachs, etc. So while the tubes might go up in value the amp loses it.
Apr 23, 2023 at 10:45 AM Post #2,442 of 3,857
Not B but 3, for third week of G for July. How do you type that sign for Heerlen?
I took it from the title and description of this listing. Also the "VB" thing. But according to my Philips code book I thought VB = E80CC (page 9) and 9 is a revision or something. Date code being 2GB.


Anyway it does not matter, what matters is that this one pairs well with Mullard EL32 and I have also a 12AT7 made in the same factory which will be the next to try.
Apr 23, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #2,443 of 3,857
Also keep in mind that boutique amps lose value quite a bit more quickly than mainline ones. The exceptions to that are the boutique manufacturers that have been around for quite a while like Supratek, Don Sachs, etc. So while the tubes might go up in value the amp loses it.
I think in the same way. More than this, once you realize what it means to buy an amp customized for you, you also become very picky. So instead of buying another used custom amp you prefer to order a new one based on your current needs. And needs change in time, as tube preferences. So I prefer to keep one flexible amp and decide later, when time will come, what configuration and option will have the next one, instead of deciding now, when I am, most probably, before other great discoveries which will definitely change my top tube types. I prefer to use this amp until the end, even if its value will, most probably, decrease. The problem is that amp builders in Europe are not so many, we will see what I will choose when I will choose.
Apr 23, 2023 at 4:57 PM Post #2,445 of 3,857
I took it from the title and description of this listing. Also the "VB" thing. But according to my Philips code book I thought VB = E80CC (page 9) and 9 is a revision or something. Date code being 2GB.


Anyway it does not matter, what matters is that this one pairs well with Mullard EL32 and I have also a 12AT7 made in the same factory which will be the next to try.
VB is the later type code for E80CC, the earlier was WK. I have both and find the sound 'fuller' in the earlier WK version I have which also have pinched waist. I have seen three different versions from 1960 with D-getter, halo getter, pinched waist and straight sides so apparently something of a change was going on there.

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