TTPOD T1-E Impressions thread
Aug 13, 2014 at 9:26 AM Post #121 of 2,099
Mine: (Can't use hyperlink yet, so...)
(Oh and ofc, next to my T1 is IE800, just for size comparison :wink: )
Aug 13, 2014 at 9:29 AM Post #122 of 2,099
Here is mine. Lend my friend the T1E since he loves the sound so much just as I love the T1. As a new member, I can't post links yet, so please pardon:

https: //fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd . net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/r270/10612879_914402258573270_7878986063506532064_n.jpg?oh=a1aedc672d6a1c6eb76ff08737b0c779&oe=54754DCF&__gda__=1417528387_a87542d503ff73aee936c29284c6b5a3

And besides the T1 is a pair of IE800, just for comparison in size. Many people told me the T1 and T1E look just like the IE800.
I'm currently using this one with iBasso D Zero as you can see, still a good match (Planned to get the new FiiO E10K and Schitt Modi magni for desktop hearing)
Aug 13, 2014 at 9:46 AM Post #124 of 2,099
  Hey PeaceWalker.
Do you prefer the T1 or T1E ?

As I said earlier, I prefer the older T1 sinve I love the bright tone headphones, just like the good oldie HD545. You can conpare the T1 between T1E base on the amount of bass they have. T1 is mainly awesome in sub bass, but unfortunately it got recessed mid bass which can add color into some tracks. However, the mids and highs in this one is simply amazing. On the other hand, the T1E has more bass, especially mid bass range indeed, making them a laid back and easier to listen between two pairs.
Aug 13, 2014 at 10:01 AM Post #126 of 2,099
  I'm getting old sorry !!
Thank you for your opinion !!
Have you listened the Havi B3, do you know how it compares against T1 (w/o E) ?
Thank you !!

If i'm not mistaken, which I can really be since I listened to the B3 only a few hours, yiu can call the B3 as the 'bright edition' of IE80 judging by the shape of the earpieces. However there are two things I dont like about that one: The sub bass cannot do as well as the T1, and it extremely lacks the amount of mid when listening to some jazz tracks. However with that bass and high, many metal fans will praise the B3 (not the Bassy pro version since I havent listened to them yet) highly :wink:
With metal and rock in general, I tried another chinese product which is called Chord and Major 8'13. But carefull, those things are designed for one and one purpose only: To listen to only one kind of music.
Aug 13, 2014 at 10:17 AM Post #127 of 2,099
Thank you PaceWalker, good information
I'm thinking to buy the B3 or the T1, I mostly listen Jazz, classic or Chill Out, some pop, and very very rare some rock, anything about metal; sure I will appreciate the stronger mids on the T1.
tks again !!
Aug 13, 2014 at 11:02 AM Post #129 of 2,099
  Thank you PaceWalker, good information
I'm thinking to buy the B3 or the T1, I mostly listen Jazz, classic or Chill Out, some pop, and very very rare some rock, anything about metal; sure I will appreciate the stronger mids on the T1.
tks again !!

Not to confuse you but those gengeres are by a lot of people considered to be the strongest points for the B3. I don't listen to it myself so I'm no expert but I've been folowing the B3 thread since day one and many people have praised them with that exact kind of music. Knowing the signature of the B3 very well it seems logical to me that it should perform very well with that music.
The only thing I feel that the T1e does better than the B3 is bass impact. Please take this with a grain of salt as I've only listened to the T1e for a couple of hours,
Aug 13, 2014 at 11:17 AM Post #130 of 2,099
Hi follow headfi-ers!
my T1E just reached me today i am really happy and surprised about the performance of this 40bux iem.
A quick impression of T1E without burning in, strangely it sound quite similar to my gr07be, but T1E is slightly more lively and slightly more bass presence. At times i thought i am wearing my gr07be, did track by track AB-ing, using mostly Lindsey Stirlings from a amped source
Its lively with impactful bass presence without mudding up the mid and highs. my um3x really get cold storaged with all this wave of awesome china IEM. oh, and its not really a basshead iem, more for semi-basshead.
Aug 13, 2014 at 11:39 AM Post #131 of 2,099
Thank you guys.
It seems that i will need to purchase both, in the end  

Aug 13, 2014 at 12:11 PM Post #132 of 2,099
  Not to confuse you but those gengeres are by a lot of people considered to be the strongest points for the B3. I don't listen to it myself so I'm no expert but I've been folowing the B3 thread since day one and many people have praised them with that exact kind of music. Knowing the signature of the B3 very well it seems logical to me that it should perform very well with that music.
The only thing I feel that the T1e does better than the B3 is bass impact. Please take this with a grain of salt as I've only listened to the T1e for a couple of hours,

Yeah, this is for the sake of variety, tyvm :D I mentioned that I heard the B3 only for an hour since some shop just got that one and invited me to go there testing the new IEM, so better be someone familiar with that who will give out the recommendations :D
I should take back my T1E to compare more on mids and highs tmr. Vòila
Aug 13, 2014 at 6:38 PM Post #133 of 2,099
Sorry for another amping question.
I never had to use an amp and all the IEMs I have are easily driven by my iPhone 5S. The T1Es have an impedance of 12 ohms, which happens to be less than both the IEMs I currently use- Vsonic GR02 BE (24 ohm) and Yamaha EPH-100 (16 ohms). Both get plenty loud at about a volume level of 60% on my iPhone 5S. Can I conclude that the T1Es can also be easily driven, or are there other factors that need to be considered?
Aug 13, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #134 of 2,099
Thanks Peter for the welcome and... for the much needed sympathy on my thinning wallet. I went ahead ordering this T1E two days ago after reading @Hisoundfi's gospel at the beginning of this thread. He is naturally on top of my blame list just in case T1E turns out to be disappointing but it won't be happening soon because like those sailors, I will not be home to see my purchase until two and a half months later in October. Meanwhile could you be kind enough to let me know your impression on this T1E in comparison with your B3 please? By the way, I am still in my honeymoon stage with my IM-70 and Mi Piston 2 IF Edition. I have fallen out of love from my 2 year old Sony MDR-XB41EX after my marriage with IM-70 and Piston 2 three weeks ago.
You won't be disappointed friend. They are impressive right out of the box, and only get better and better with burn in. I've come to the conclusion that they are like a GR07BE with more forward mids and less sibilant treble. My GR07BE (which has been my favorite iem for a looooooong time) now sits and T1E goes everywhere with me.

My favorite combo on the go is my Samsung galaxy (old spare phone now used for music only), my soundmagic a10 amp, and my burned in t1e. It's become a staple in my life.

There's lots of good stuff, but for price to performance ratio this combo hits a sweet spot for me. My more expensive stuff sits at home, and isn't necessarily missed too much because I have epic high end sound for dirt cheap.
Aug 13, 2014 at 7:25 PM Post #135 of 2,099
Awesome! Looking forward to your impressions sir!

Make sure to experiment with tips, as it greatly impacts the sound on these more than others. My sony mh1 tips are absolutely perfect for my preference.

I really think you will like the tuning.

It's not as detailed as the b3 but makes up for it in musicality. It's simply a pleasure to listen to.

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