Oct 31, 2016 at 1:02 PM Post #7,172 of 24,683
Well here is bad news. Apparently the backers on kick starter had to be whining little brats and pretty nasty about this whole volume control issue. Now there is no pole and the option has been removed
I just don't understand how people can be such jerks and could not just wait to see the results. Bob, I applaud you for being open to the consideration of that option thank you
I'm sorry people acted the way they did on kick starter
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:09 PM Post #7,173 of 24,683
Well here is bad news. Apparently the backers on kick starter had to be whining little brats and pretty nasty about this whole volume control issue. Now there is no pole and the option has been removed
I just don't understand how people can be such jerks and could not just wait to see the results. Bob, I applaud you for being open to the consideration of that option thank you
I'm sorry people acted the way they did on kick starter

:/ but at least I know why now. Thanks nealh.
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:30 PM Post #7,174 of 24,683
Well here is bad news. Apparently the backers on kick starter had to be whining little brats and pretty nasty about this whole volume control issue. Now there is no pole and the option has been removed
I just don't understand how people can be such jerks and could not just wait to see the results. Bob, I applaud you for being open to the consideration of that option thank you
I'm sorry people acted the way they did on kick starter

Thanks nealh. 
Quite honestly the hostility publicly and by PM has completely thrown us.  We will endeavour to include the volume control anyway within the time frame.
I think to many people have zero clue what kickstarter is really about and just think its a shop.
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:32 PM Post #7,175 of 24,683
You won't be disappointed (I hope)

I let our customer service guy Jake listen to them on Friday (he owns every model we make and uses them daily) , after he finished listened he turned to me and said how the f#*k did you do that !!

Let's hope the majority have the same reaction.

What does that say for the PM6 then? LOL
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:32 PM Post #7,176 of 24,683
What does that say for the PM6 then? LOL

Its very special 
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:37 PM Post #7,178 of 24,683
Thanks nealh. 
Quite honestly the hostility publicly and by PM has completely thrown us.  We will endeavour to include the volume control anyway within the time frame.
I think to many people have zero clue what kickstarter is really about and just think its a shop.

Thx Bob, if we get volume control that is great(and once again I am amazed with you) but I understand what you did and why.  The backers were nuts.
I watched other campaigns and did not back them before I found Trinity as they promised way too much and I figured it was impossible to deliver and in the time frame promised.
Some delivery dates have been pushed back a year.  The backers have no idea how lucky they backed your product and what they will get will be high quality audio that is well built with incredible CS!!!!
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:44 PM Post #7,179 of 24,683
Serves you guys right for being an open and honest company looking for input from the people who backed your endeavors.

Dont you know the proper way to kickstart is to promise the world and then go radio silent for 6-8 months only resurfacing 2 months after the ship date to say "oops, we promised too much". /sarcasm
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:44 PM Post #7,180 of 24,683
I think to many people have zero clue what kickstarter is really about and just think its a shop.

I was really disappointed to see the attitude you guys were getting in public over on Kickstarter - I can't imagine what people were saying to you in PMs. I thought what you did with the volume control was great, perfectly in line with what Kickstarter *should* be about: creators getting support from backers to bring an idea to production, and backers having a voice in the development of the product. It's a real shame that process got derailed by people who saw their pledge as an "order" with a "delivery date".

There are many projects that have failed to deliver, underdelivered, been MASSIVELY delayed, and even just straight up scams. I have every confidence that the Phantom Air will be a project that goes down in the KS archives as a great example of how things should be done.

And also ... I can't wait for my PM6! Read Brooko's review of the Hunter and if that's anything to go by we must be in for a treat. My family are going to have to put up with being shut out for weeks once that package arrives :)
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:52 PM Post #7,181 of 24,683
Such a reaction is most unfortunate and I am sorry that you have all had to experience that. Sadly I cannot say that I am in the least bit surprised but then I have a generally low opinion of how many decide to deport themselves on-line. That does not make it any more unpleasant to experience however.

It is very decent of you to attempt to offer the volume control within the time frame anyway. I would not expect that and do not feel entitled to it so this approach is commendable and much appreciated.

With regard to people not understanding Kickstarter, how can people be so dense?! I had never backed anything on Kickstarter before the Air but am well aware that it is a crowd funding site; that is its whole raison d'être! I suspect there is a heavy dose of entitlement involved here :/.

Thanks nealh. 

Quite honestly the hostility publicly and by PM has completely thrown us.  We will endeavour to include the volume control anyway within the time frame.

I think to many people have zero clue what kickstarter is really about and just think its a shop.
Oct 31, 2016 at 2:08 PM Post #7,184 of 24,683
Thanks nealh. 

Quite honestly the hostility publicly and by PM has completely thrown us.  We will endeavour to include the volume control anyway within the time frame.

I think to many people have zero clue what kickstarter is really about and just think its a shop.

it's called unrealistic expectations

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