Trinity Audio Engineering - What the future holds
Jun 8, 2017 at 10:16 AM Post #1,966 of 2,949
Think their problem is the new supplier. When Trinity dropped the previous supplier, due to quality control issues, they had to find a new one. Good manufacturers/suppliers are busy people. Companies are scheduled in. On such short notice Trinity had to take what was available. Apparently the block of time wasn't big enough to manufacture all the IEMs needed. Trinity is probably just taking small time blocks as available. Eventually the manufacturer will be able to grant Trinity their own production spot.
Jun 8, 2017 at 1:11 PM Post #1,968 of 2,949
Well I've worked for a french company selling small car industry parts (bolts, screws, etc...) manufactured in China and... God, transit time is sooooo long. Can take two or three months.
This only happens if you don't pay for any kind of expedited shipping and it sits on a container ship that stops by every port on the way to you. Known as the "slow boat from China".
If you need your products quickly, like for example if you have made your customers wait over a year for delivery, you can get anything from one point to another point anywhere else on earth in 48 hours or less.
I shipped 2 containers worth of construction equipment from Germany to the US in under 30 hours. It can be done but the company has to make a choice, do you pay extra for shipping and keep customers happy? Do you not and lose them?
As the customer, do you continue to support this behavior with your wallet and give companies like this your business or do you move on to your literally hundreds of other options?
Jun 8, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #1,969 of 2,949
This only happens if you don't pay for any kind of expedited shipping and it sits on a container ship that stops by every port on the way to you. Known as the "slow boat from China".
If you need your products quickly, like for example if you have made your customers wait over a year for delivery, you can get anything from one point to another point anywhere else on earth in 48 hours or less.
I shipped 2 containers worth of construction equipment from Germany to the US in under 30 hours. It can be done but the company has to make a choice, do you pay extra for shipping and keep customers happy? Do you not and lose them?
As the customer, do you continue to support this behavior with your wallet and give companies like this your business or do you move on to your literally hundreds of other options?
shipped 2 containers worth of construction equipment from Germany to the US in under 30 hours
Just curious, how can you ship 2 Containers from mainland Europe to the US in under 30 Hours?
Jun 8, 2017 at 1:24 PM Post #1,970 of 2,949
Think their problem is the new supplier. When Trinity dropped the previous supplier, due to quality control issues, they had to find a new one. Good manufacturers/suppliers are busy people. Companies are scheduled in. On such short notice Trinity had to take what was available. Apparently the block of time wasn't big enough to manufacture all the IEMs needed. Trinity is probably just taking small time blocks as available. Eventually the manufacturer will be able to grant Trinity their own production spot.
Hmm...Really. Trinity dumped their "bad" supplier after Master 4.
Hunter and Master 6 were announced last June and took 6 months to start production(although they were supposed to be delivered like Sept/Oct) but thats because they had to change from the Master 4 supplier due to quality and were told all was good with new company lined up.
Let me understand. They find a new manufacturer but do not run some test runs for quality and sound. Hunter and Master 6 went into production in Dec 2016, if there were production issues why not explain that in Jan, Feb, March, April instead of telling everyone its shipped and most have it but they are not Head-Fi members and they love them.

Please do not forget Trinity provided the updates and information. Trinity, trashed members for asking questions about whether there were other issues, in fact some us were called trouble makers for asking questions and having doubts.
If I were told there was Hunter titanium shell production issue back in Feb/March, I would have easily understood and not had a problem.

Trinity has not treated this community and its members appropriately.
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Jun 8, 2017 at 4:33 PM Post #1,971 of 2,949
Jun 8, 2017 at 5:13 PM Post #1,973 of 2,949
I'm sorry to learn about your bad experience with Trinity audio. However, it is just opposite in my case. I'm more than happy with their services despite being in a country(India) where they don't ship their product at all.
There is absolutely no doubt that Trinity lacks in proper communication. But, one should understand that this company is still evolving and I believe they are trying very hard to get things on track even after shortage of resources etc.

I must admit Bob should put a stop on developing any more new IEM or any other products for a while and should focus on clearing all pending orders. You believe it or not, Trinity guys are genuine and are not like any other businessman.
Bob is gentleman to talk to and he is always ready to listen to you (of course my experience with him).

Trinity audio is really creating good products at a very affordable rate in my opinion.

Those who still thinks Trinity audio is doing some kind of Fraud with their money are absolutely wrong.

Note: I'm not affiliated with Trinity at any level; just a happy customer sharing my experience with them

I have only just found this thread and been reading through , i hadn't been following the other threads as much as previous because nothing seemed to be moving and reading through this i now know why.
I like others are still waiting on products, delta and Hunter I have supported trinity through the whole of this and defended them, my experience so far until now has been ok and more than happy with the sabre and master.
But they realy do need to start being more transparent now , it's been 3 weeks since the last update and from where I sit not a lot has changed, a few pairs of hunter and pm6 appeared thats it.
I still support them and still think they make great products but even i (my glass is nearly always half full) am wondering what is going on? Am I going to get my hunter? And my delta? .
Jun 8, 2017 at 5:39 PM Post #1,975 of 2,949
But they realy do need to start being more transparent now , it's been 3 weeks since the last update .

Last update was 6th June if you are part of the kickstarter, had information on the air and pm6...

"For any still awaiting Master 6 we are just awaiting some more to come into stock and we will finish the shipping within the next 2-3 weeks"

It's likely they are waiting on hunter stock as well, or at least components or accessories to go in / with them.
Jun 8, 2017 at 5:45 PM Post #1,976 of 2,949
Last update was 6th June if you are part of the kickstarter, had information on the air and pm6...

"For any still awaiting Master 6 we are just awaiting some more to come into stock and we will finish the shipping within the next 2-3 weeks"

It's likely they are waiting on hunter stock as well, or at least components or accessories to go in / with them.[/QUOTE

I didn't know the Kickstarter update just the last one in May.
Jun 8, 2017 at 11:06 PM Post #1,977 of 2,949
Hmm...Really. Trinity dumped their "bad" supplier after Master 4.
Hunter and Master 6 were announced last June and took 6 months to start production(although they were supposed to be delivered like Sept/Oct) but thats because they had to change from the Master 4 supplier due to quality and were told all was good with new company lined up.
Let me understand. They find a new manufacturer but do not run some test runs for quality and sound. Hunter and Master 6 went into production in Dec 2016, if there were production issues why not explain that in Jan, Feb, March, April instead of telling everyone its shipped and most have it but they are not Head-Fi members and they love them.

Please do not forget Trinity provided the updates and information. Trinity, trashed members for asking questions about whether there were other issues, in fact some us were called trouble makers for asking questions and having doubts.
If I were told there was Hunter titanium shell production issue back in Feb/March, I would have easily understood and not had a problem.

Trinity has not treated this community and its members appropriately.

I think I owe you an apology for arguing with you about this in the past. You were so very right and I was so very wrong. I was willing to give trinity a lot of leeway with these issues. But in the couple months since I last posted in one of these threads, my patience has just completely worn out.

And you are totally right. It isnt even the delays. I am not hurting for money, and the fact that I already paid for my PM6's is not a big deal to me. Its the constant lies about production and shipping. I was willing to accept before that they may have originally just been a little too hopeful with their estimates, but at this point there is just no way they were innocent. And they clearly learned nothing each time they apologized as they continued to feed the same wrong information to everyone.

Then people actually started receiving some PM6's and hunters, and I thought finally, can put this crazy mess behind me. But no. They shipped some out and then, oh they need to wait for stock? With 5000 orders shouldnt have just... i dunno... ordered enough parts to actually fulfill all their orders? Im willing to accept supply chain issues, but then again, they have been telling us for months that they were done and shipping, so what the hell?

So, unless the PM6 is just absolutely amazing and has no issues, and I know it wont going by their track record so far (my vyrus has qc issues and needed a replacement, my pm4 had qc issues and needed a replacement... and sounded horrible, and the master... well, no major issues, but quality is a bit iffy again with the filter threads and sound is meh)... I am done with trinity. They seem to offer quite a bang for your buck, but they only really seem to excel with their low end offerings. I am not quite sure they have figured out how to do hybrid setups yet. And with all the issues and lies, well there are other brands more deserving of my money.

I still feel like they probably werent trying to be malicious, and they genuinely thought they could make their dates each time they promised... but as a consumer, it doesnt matter, and I am out. At this point I am only sticking around these trinity threads for any news I can get on the status of my order. 2-3 weeks for more stock of the PM6! Hah, as if I actually believe that.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programs.
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Jun 8, 2017 at 11:26 PM Post #1,978 of 2,949
I think I owe you an apology for arguing with you about this in the past. You were so very right and I was so very wrong. I was willing to give trinity a lot of leeway with these issues. But in the couple months since I last posted in one of these threads, my patience has just completely worn out.

And you are totally right. It isnt even the delays. I am not hurting for money, and the fact that I already paid for my PM6's is not a big deal to me. Its the constant lies about production and shipping. I was willing to accept before that they may have originally just been a little too hopeful with their estimates, but at this point there is just no way they were innocent. And they clearly learned nothing each time they apologized as they continued to feed the same wrong information to everyone.

Then people actually started receiving some PM6's and hunters, and I thought finally, can put this crazy mess behind me. But no. They shipped some out and then, oh they need to wait for stock? With 5000 orders shouldnt have just... i dunno... ordered enough parts to actually fulfill all their orders? Im willing to accept supply chain issues, but then again, they have been telling us for months that they were done and shipping, so what the hell?

So, unless the PM6 is just absolutely amazing and has no issues, and I know it wont going by their track record so far (my vyrus has qc issues and needed a replacement, my pm4 had qc issues and needed a replacement... and sounded horrible, and the master... well, no major issues, but quality is a bit iffy again with the filter threads and sound is meh)... I am done with trinity. They seem to offer quite a bang for your buck, but they only really seem to excel with their low end offerings. I am not quite sure they have figured out how to do hybrid setups yet. And with all the issues and lies, well there are other brands more deserving of my money.

I still feel like they probably werent trying to be malicious, and they genuinely thought they could make their dates each time they promised... but as a consumer, it doesnt matter, and I am out. At this point I am only sticking around these trinity threads for any news I can get on the status of my order. 2-3 weeks for more stock of the PM6! Hah, as if I actually believe that.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programs.
Thank you
Jun 9, 2017 at 1:23 AM Post #1,979 of 2,949
I think I owe you an apology for arguing with you about this in the past. You were so very right and I was so very wrong. I was willing to give trinity a lot of leeway with these issues. But in the couple months since I last posted in one of these threads, my patience has just completely worn out.

And you are totally right. It isnt even the delays. I am not hurting for money, and the fact that I already paid for my PM6's is not a big deal to me. Its the constant lies about production and shipping. I was willing to accept before that they may have originally just been a little too hopeful with their estimates, but at this point there is just no way they were innocent. And they clearly learned nothing each time they apologized as they continued to feed the same wrong information to everyone.

Then people actually started receiving some PM6's and hunters, and I thought finally, can put this crazy mess behind me. But no. They shipped some out and then, oh they need to wait for stock? With 5000 orders shouldnt have just... i dunno... ordered enough parts to actually fulfill all their orders? Im willing to accept supply chain issues, but then again, they have been telling us for months that they were done and shipping, so what the hell?

So, unless the PM6 is just absolutely amazing and has no issues, and I know it wont going by their track record so far (my vyrus has qc issues and needed a replacement, my pm4 had qc issues and needed a replacement... and sounded horrible, and the master... well, no major issues, but quality is a bit iffy again with the filter threads and sound is meh)... I am done with trinity. They seem to offer quite a bang for your buck, but they only really seem to excel with their low end offerings. I am not quite sure they have figured out how to do hybrid setups yet. And with all the issues and lies, well there are other brands more deserving of my money.

I still feel like they probably werent trying to be malicious, and they genuinely thought they could make their dates each time they promised... but as a consumer, it doesnt matter, and I am out. At this point I am only sticking around these trinity threads for any news I can get on the status of my order. 2-3 weeks for more stock of the PM6! Hah, as if I actually believe that.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programs.

Anyone who read my posts all through the various trinity threads know I have more than supported and defended them , as i have said i understand production and worked in first offs/prototype and 99 percent of first builds go wrong, also I understand supplier issues and when trinity have made statements about production i have always said "ok I get that".
Im not one who has waited the longest my wait is just over 5 months on one of the items i am owed (im owed 2 items) but even im losing confidence now in what is actually going on, i also dont think they have purposely mislead and do believe they tried/thought they could meet most of there promises/deadlines. Also the way there business model is structured i honestly can expect through manufacturing problems upto 6 month delays on an item.
I also thought after the last big update thats it! they have sorted out issues, staff shipping, production issues etc but im still only seeing a few iems.
I realy dont know where I stand now am I actually going to receive my iems? If I am then when? Do i just cancel and be done with it? I realy am on the fence with all of this now
Trinity if you are reading this thread I want to continue to support you , bob your a good guy and great designer/audio engineer, but give me a reason to carry on supporting you.

P s sorry if punctuation or spelling or grammar not brilliant all this done on my phone just before work , not the easiest.
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