Trinity Audio Engineering - What the future holds
Jun 9, 2017 at 2:24 AM Post #1,982 of 2,949
Anyone who read my posts all through the various trinity threads know I have more than supported and defended them , as i have said i understand production and worked in first offs/prototype and 99 percent of first builds go wrong, also I understand supplier issues and when trinity have made statements about production i have always said "ok I get that".
Im not one who has waited the longest my wait is just over 5 months on one of the items i am owed (im owed 2 items) but even im losing confidence now in what is actually going on, i also dont think they have purposely mislead and do believe they tried/thought they could meet most of there promises/deadlines. Also the way there business model is structured i honestly can expect through manufacturing problems upto 6 month delays on an item.
I also thought after the last big update thats it! they have sorted out issues, staff shipping, production issues etc but im still only seeing a few iems.
I realy dont know where I stand now am I actually going to receive my iems? If I am then when? Do i just cancel and be done with it? I realy am on the fence with all of this now
Trinity if you are reading this thread I want to continue to support you , bob your a good guy and great designer/audio engineer, but give me a reason to carry on supporting you.

P s sorry if punctuation or spelling or grammar not brilliant all this done on my phone just before work , not the easiest.
Yeah, now double that loss of confidence since a lot of people have waited over a year in all likelihood. I feel like I'm still one of the earlier people to receive my Hunter and it still took 51 weeks from order to delivery....
Jun 9, 2017 at 4:15 AM Post #1,983 of 2,949
I ordered the Hunter last year so I had something besides my CIEMs for snowboarding lol. They were guaranteed to deliver before the holidays after the first delay. I was disappointed, but the delays were tolerable. But what is happening now confirms the suspicions I had that caused me to cancel my Hunter order in the end. They really were lying all along. Ever since February when Bob said production was complete and they were just doing extra rounds of QC, every update has been pure lies. So glad I bailed when I did.
Jun 9, 2017 at 7:39 AM Post #1,984 of 2,949
Yeah, now double that loss of confidence since a lot of people have waited over a year in all likelihood. I feel like I'm still one of the earlier people to receive my Hunter and it still took 51 weeks from order to delivery....

Like i said in my previous post I do understand upto 6 months delay from expected due date (i.e trinitys expected start shipping) if ordered pre order allowing for problems such as manufacturing, shipping , supplied parts etc, and do still feel some wanted trinitys blood way too soon, and bashed them way over the top.
I am also still not going to bash trinity, they in my opinion have made some big mistakes, but what company doesnt? I recently have had to deal with Samsung selling me something that wasn't in stock and had to wait 3 months for it.
I have been more than happy with what they have supplied me before ,the master and sabre.
I bear trinity no I'll will and in future because there end product is usually in my opinion "great" I would definitely give them another go, but i feel the lack of transparency and the constant miss information on the 2 products i am waiting for makes me feel I might pull out on this current situation even at a 30% loss on my hunter.
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Jun 9, 2017 at 9:10 AM Post #1,985 of 2,949
I ordered my PM6's on 6/28/16 as a birthday present to myself because at the time they were going to ship in the middle of September. Here I am nearly a year later still waiting and the last update from this weeks is that the manufacturer was sending the next batch in "2 more weeks" to Trinity HQ where they will have to be assembled, QC checked and then shipped. We all know two weeks in "trinity time" is likely a month or more.

I feel so silly for supporting them at this point and just deflated and disappointed in them. This wait and the lack of the truth coming out of them is appalling that someone would choose to run their business and treat their customers so poorly.
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Jun 9, 2017 at 11:00 AM Post #1,987 of 2,949
Like i said in my previous post I do understand upto 6 months delay from expected due date (i.e trinitys expected start shipping) if ordered pre order allowing for problems such as manufacturing, shipping , supplied parts etc, and do still feel some wanted trinitys blood way too soon, and bashed them way over the top.
I am also still not going to bash trinity, they in my opinion have made some big mistakes, but what company doesnt? I recently have had to deal with Samsung selling me something that wasn't in stock and had to wait 3 months for it.
I have been more than happy with what they have supplied me before ,the master and sabre.
I bear trinity no I'll will and in future because there end product is usually in my opinion "great" I would definitely give them another go, but i feel the lack of transparency and the constant miss information on the 2 products i am waiting for makes me feel I might pull out on this current situation even at a 30% loss on my hunter.
My issue with them is not the wait, the QC issues, or the fact that without my approval they decided to change the product I had paid for. My issue with them is that I was mislead for a couple of months before I had to contact a second employee from their company to get some type of resolution, and I put up the emails from them as proof. As I said before, had they been honest with me from the beginning I would still support the company, but I was given contradictory information from 2 employees, and only when I forwarded them each other responses I got a more or less satisfactory answer. The problem with the Atlas Delta is not that it was out of stock, is not that I had to wait a couple more months for it, is that it was never produced and the company first lied about it (most were shipped and only the last batch had QC issues) and then changed the product for another without the consent of their consumers. This goes beyond a lack of transparency on their part, they knowingly misled their customers.
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Jun 9, 2017 at 11:10 AM Post #1,989 of 2,949
I think about to cancel all my orders. Jake told me 05/24 my AD/Master should be shipped the next week and Icarus is estimated late May and until today no update, nothing. Ordered Icarus IV 05/19 - got no Hyperion, others ordered the same day and get a Hyperion? I'm tired of all the delays, lies and lack of communication. crap happens, but that's not how to treat a customer.
Jun 9, 2017 at 11:21 AM Post #1,990 of 2,949
I think about to cancel all my orders. Jake told me 05/24 my AD/Master should be shipped the next week and Icarus is estimated late May and until today no update, nothing. Ordered Icarus IV 05/19 - got no Hyperion, others ordered the same day and get a Hyperion? I'm tired of all the delays, lies and lack of communication. crap happens, but that's not how to treat a customer.
Do it. Sincerely you'll feel better afterwards. It was truly a learning experience for me on what not to put up from a company.
Jun 9, 2017 at 11:26 AM Post #1,991 of 2,949
Well, today I finally got my refund from Trinity. Due to the exchange rate I ended up losing $7 but is something I'm willing to live with and not really Trinity's fault (about the only thing in this whole ordeal that isn't). So to recap, they had my money for almost a year, I ended up with no iem and the only thing I got were wasted months of my life dealing with their excuses. I am just glad to be over with this ordeal, and from now on I will be much more picky on who gets my money for a product.
Jun 9, 2017 at 11:33 AM Post #1,992 of 2,949
Like i said in my previous post I do understand upto 6 months delay from expected due date (i.e trinitys expected start shipping) if ordered pre order allowing for problems such as manufacturing, shipping , supplied parts etc, and do still feel some wanted trinitys blood way too soon, and bashed them way over the top.
I am also still not going to bash trinity, they in my opinion have made some big mistakes, but what company doesnt? I recently have had to deal with Samsung selling me something that wasn't in stock and had to wait 3 months for it.
I have been more than happy with what they have supplied me before ,the master and sabre.
I bear trinity no I'll will and in future because there end product is usually in my opinion "great" I would definitely give them another go, but i feel the lack of transparency and the constant miss information on the 2 products i am waiting for makes me feel I might pull out on this current situation even at a 30% loss on my hunter.
I mean, I'm happy with their product, and you're right, companies make mistakes, but they didn't make a mistake that seemed reasonable to begin with; lie to the customer. You said it yourself in a more polite way: lack of transparency. Yes, that's their main mistake, but the problem isn't even necessarily that, it's the further actions on top of a lack of transparency. Saying something like "production is delayed, we're having some problems" without elaborating counts as lack of transparency, but what they did was falsely cover up their issues. It's not the act, it's the covering up that creates the issue; it's the string of misleading information (alternative facts, if you will) that put them in the position they're in. I'd bet that many people, while annoyed with the delays, would have less desire to lynch the company if, 4 months ago, they said that they encountered production problems. It would've annoyed people, but it would've been understandable given the fact that they had supplier issues previously with the PM4 too. Instead, they just kept asserting people were receiving products and when more and more people started to post here stating that no one had gotten products, they said that most of the outstanding orders to be delivered were to Head-Fi members, which is a weak excuse in itself since, logically, most early orders should've come from Head-Fiers and they would be the first to receive items if you ship orders out in anything resembling an orderly fashion.
I don't wish for Trinity Audio to fail either. They offer products that sound good at competitive prices (well, slightly less competitive since the recent price increases). But working with the facts we can see they clearly lost, and still haven't gotten back, a handle on how to communicate to their customer base. Even if you wish no ill will, you've done well to take a step back or zoom out and look at all that's happened. If you weren't yet a customer and you knew nothing of their [mostly] high-quality products, would you consider buying from Trinity Audio given what's happened over the past 6 months? Because even as a person who bought and is enjoying their flagship product, I probably wouldn't.

I think about to cancel all my orders. Jake told me 05/24 my AD/Master should be shipped the next week and Icarus is estimated late May and until today no update, nothing. Ordered Icarus IV 05/19 - got no Hyperion, others ordered the same day and get a Hyperion? I'm tired of all the delays, lies and lack of communication. crap happens, but that's not how to treat a customer.
I'm not going to point you either way, but I'll state the facts of what we know.
- The team has peddled the "shipping to you next week" bit to many people about various products for the past 4 months.
- The Icarus 3's product page recently change estimated ship date to June (this month). Seeing as that ship date was altered to May when April passed by, I'm not sure how much faith you want to put into this new June delivery date.

Do what you will with this knowledge.
Jun 9, 2017 at 12:29 PM Post #1,993 of 2,949
OK, this will look like a hatchet job, but in view of all the questions as to the veracity of Bob's statements, here's the timeline, all on April 3rd. It's worth review. No-one hated on him, everyone offered support.
How much of this was ever true? Some, for sure, but it's sad to even have to ask that question of someone who was judged one of the best company heads on Head-fi.
After these, we got silence followed by "this or next week, guaranteed" from Trinity, ad infinitum.
Sorry...took 5 minutes due to the new easy multiquote functions. :wink:
April 3rd...
Let me start by saying that I first owe quite a few people an apology with my aggressive behaviour on this thread. This is not my typical outlook or attitude and tend to be the glass half full guy. So to any I may have offended or upset or just felt I was plain rude I would like to apologise unreservedly.
Perhaps I should I explain myself, first of all the main issues have been time lines for both the master 6 and Hunter and all the changes that had to be made, then large delays with drivers, the shells for the Hunter dragging on forever as they are a nightmare to make and then with everything been hand done on the hunter and Master 6 it has been a giant struggle to get everything done within a time frame we set, added to the work load and my disabled son being very ill has not helped my mindset. I just wanted to give you guys some idea why I went from nice guy to complete idiot. I don't expect any sympathy for any of the above as its not needed or deserved and also why I have not mentioned it before, our issues should not be yours.
So lets get on to whats been happening, well we bit off more than we could chew, big time! Having all these orders is great and financially fantastic however our crew is exceptionally tiny. Shipping has not been happening as fast as we wanted which has been hampered by having to build gear as we go (Hunter/Master 6). Add in some staff illness and we get set back each day.
We have some Hunter and Master 6 to work through and finish build (about 290 total) left to make. I think the biggest issue is the Master 6 and Hunter as this project went on so long and I know
you guys want your new gear but I just hadn't realised the mountain of a task of making these the way we have. Again all i can do is apologise.
Everything else we had in build was pretty much done on time, Master, Vyrus V2, AD and Air.
Huge swathes of people have had confirmations and have stuff on the way.
Now here is the bit you will either be on board with or not. We need your continued support to finish these final few hunter and master 6 builds, I need to ask for more of your patience. I know many of you will want to tell me to go screwk myself and I can't say as I blame you if you did. Our aim has always been about bringing high end audio to you without the cost and as things have gotten more complex so has the challenges, we can only learn from it.

If any of you feel that your patience has been tested to the limit email me at and get you out of your order without penalty although I hope honestly many of you don't wish to chose that option as these have all been built especially for you.

I just want to make it clear it is only the Master 6 and Hunter that we had been so far behind on due to the hand built nature and components delays.

I have had to stay away from the forums for a short while to get things handled, deal with my son and get my mindset right for the final push.

I am back, lets discuss , let me try and make amends and any that feel the need to part ways lets try and do so in an amicable way.

April 3rd....
Being realistic it will take me around 3-4 weeks to finish the final ones. It maybe less time than that but better to make it longer. Don't want to repeat the same mistake. PM6 and Hunter had shipped, just not all of them.

Master, Vyrus, AD and Airs etc are shipping now, all of the UK Master, Vyrus and AD should be cleared by tomorrow.

We had the Air made in two batches and we now have all US allocation on the way over now. I will update on KS when USA ones have shipped out, I would expect 2 more weeks and every Air will have shipped globally.

Thank you.

We have been shipping them as we build them. Vast majority have headed to Asia.

I will try and be on here daily as and when possible.

I have always been proud of our open communication policy and currently feel quite ashamed of how i handled this. Lesson learned.

Most Airs in Asia have shipped although i think we still have a tiny amount left to ship there.

Icarus III is in production now, will be a great little unit and we will be shipping out a sample to a head-fi member to get some early impressions, there will be no tweaks or changes and is in full production.

[QUOTE="Bobtrinity,The time line is pretty safe knowing how much we have already moved.

We all know what came after this, and the much later updates on Trinity's website.
:frowning2: :frowning2: :frowning2:
Jun 9, 2017 at 1:39 PM Post #1,995 of 2,949
I mean, I'm happy with their product, and you're right, companies make mistakes, but they didn't make a mistake that seemed reasonable to begin with; lie to the customer. You said it yourself in a more polite way: lack of transparency. Yes, that's their main mistake, but the problem isn't even necessarily that, it's the further actions on top of a lack of transparency. Saying something like "production is delayed, we're having some problems" without elaborating counts as lack of transparency, but what they did was falsely cover up their issues. It's not the act, it's the covering up that creates the issue; it's the string of misleading information (alternative facts, if you will) that put them in the position they're in. I'd bet that many people, while annoyed with the delays, would have less desire to lynch the company if, 4 months ago, they said that they encountered production problems. It would've annoyed people, but it would've been understandable given the fact that they had supplier issues previously with the PM4 too. Instead, they just kept asserting people were receiving products and when more and more people started to post here stating that no one had gotten products, they said that most of the outstanding orders to be delivered were to Head-Fi members, which is a weak excuse in itself since, logically, most early orders should've come from Head-Fiers and they would be the first to receive items if you ship orders out in anything resembling an orderly fashion.
I don't wish for Trinity Audio to fail either. They offer products that sound good at competitive prices (well, slightly less competitive since the recent price increases). But working with the facts we can see they clearly lost, and still haven't gotten back, a handle on how to communicate to their customer base. Even if you wish no ill will, you've done well to take a step back or zoom out and look at all that's happened. If you weren't yet a customer and you knew nothing of their [mostly] high-quality products, would you consider buying from Trinity Audio given what's happened over the past 6 months? Because even as a person who bought and is enjoying their flagship product, I probably wouldn't.

I'm not going to point you either way, but I'll state the facts of what we know.
- The team has peddled the "shipping to you next week" bit to many people about various products for the past 4 months.
- The Icarus 3's product page recently change estimated ship date to June (this month). Seeing as that ship date was altered to May when April passed by, I'm not sure how much faith you want to put into this new June delivery date.

Do what you will with this knowledge.

I truly dont know what to think at the moment , in the beginning of the delays/promises i do think some not all were to quick to judge , and some definitely were just way over the top but not all that were voicing there frustration were wrong , i did stress all along with my support of trinity that i understood frustrations.
I would love my hunter and i am now in the dilemma of more waiting, not knowing when il receive my products (delta as well) or cut my losses ? and honestly I dont know which path to choose.
Also I would hate anything to happen to trinity audio , bob for what it's worth seems a genuine guy who's passionate about what he does, i think he just took on to much , to many pre orders and inevitably there seems to have been issues in production with most products which led to making a he'll of a lot of promises they just haven't kept.
I think trinity need to stop offering more products and deal with the issues in hand and then and only then will they see light at the end of the tunnel.
I am going to have a think over the weekend on if i am still going to support them through this , in ways i want to ,1 i want my hunter and 2 i want trinity to succeed because they have given me 2 great products so I know they can do it .

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