Tralucent T1 appreciation thread - post your experiences and questions here
Feb 24, 2014 at 3:48 PM Post #496 of 546
Soundbear, i had not issues because i got T1 only half year ago and it was new T1. As concerns charging i was lucky not to see much difference between using wall charger or PC, i use iPad charger for this case and works well, but i will try stick to PC though i am too lazy to wait and not always have PC with me :)

Surfing safari ... Hahahaha, apparently teaching whales to sing :D
Feb 26, 2014 at 9:39 PM Post #497 of 546
I was just looking around for batteries after some discussions about the battery affecting the sound and found that 520mAh is about the nearest I can find to 650mAh as per the one supplied direct from Tralucent. Has anyone found a readily available battery which meets the needs of the T1 for optimal sound quality?
Feb 26, 2014 at 9:44 PM Post #498 of 546
  I was just looking around for batteries after some discussions about the battery affecting the sound and found that 520mAh is about the nearest I can find to 650mAh as per the one supplied direct from Tralucent. Has anyone found a readily available battery which meets the needs of the T1 for optimal sound quality?

I have found some 650mAh 9V, though they must be bought in sets of x2, they're about $26 AUD. There not many options on eBay Australia (and nothing I can find in our country) they must be shipped over (if that is possible with battery regulations)

I have bought a cheaper rechargeable just to test for now before I go ahead and fork over $20-$25 dollars.
Feb 26, 2014 at 11:13 PM Post #499 of 546
I have found some 650mAh 9V, though they must be bought in sets of x2, they're about $26 AUD. There not many options on eBay Australia (and nothing I can find in our country) they must be shipped over (if that is possible with battery regulations)

I have bought a cheaper rechargeable just to test for now before I go ahead and fork over $20-$25 dollars.

Cool. Let us know how it goes...
Feb 27, 2014 at 8:03 PM Post #502 of 546
I think batteries can be shipped so long as they're not in a device, but I could be wrong.

So by that logic, if Gavin ships you a new T1, he has to remove the battery and ship it separately????   Hey, I took my meds today, its game on!!LOL!!  
Listen, I think you and H20 have been Down Under too long, why don't you come Up Over here, you can stay at my place, drink some Richmond,Va home brewed beer
, I'll even get a roo and a Mazda RX8 GT for you and a Porche 911 for H20 and you guys will feel right at home!!   (By the way, have you heard of, they are based out of Australia. )
Feb 27, 2014 at 11:23 PM Post #503 of 546
  So by that logic, if Gavin ships you a new T1, he has to remove the battery and ship it separately????   Hey, I took my meds today, its game on!!LOL!!  
Listen, I think you and H20 have been Down Under too long, why don't you come Up Over here, you can stay at my place, drink some Richmond,Va home brewed beer
, I'll even get a roo and a Mazda RX8 GT for you and a straight-jacket for H20 and you guys will feel right at home!!   (By the way, have you heard of, they are based out of Australia. )

According to Australian postal regs, we can't send anything via air mail if it has a battery installed. They don't seem to actually check because I was able to send my AK100 to Vinnie in the US for the RWA mod, but if they ask you what's in the parcel and you tell them, they won't accept it for air mail - only sea mail. I don't know it the same applies for postage into Australia or if it's just about shipping from Aus to the USA. According to the Post Office it's fine to send a device with it's battery, but the battery has to be separate (i.e. not inside the device, but in the same package is fine).
Thanks for the invite. Maybe I'll take you up on that if I get anywhere near Virginia ever. Never heard of Swim Smooth, but I like their website swimming dude animation!
Feb 28, 2014 at 7:59 AM Post #504 of 546
Well, if that's the regs case, then you guys can just move here and live with me!   Just think, the best sound ever under one roof!   You probably know Flysweep already has stock in the Bottlehead Crack!!   
Mar 7, 2014 at 12:56 AM Post #505 of 546
The battery arrived today, was easy to install and running the last hour or two. I really can't be sure I'm not detecting any significant differences though something has changed, It does sound cleaner than I remember in the mid range, less congested, the stage seems to be wider than I remember, also the volume pots a touch more sensitive, I don't need to turn it quite as far to get detail to push out. Without an actual switch that would allow me to instantly switch between the two battery's it's rather hard to A/B. Takes to long to switch the battery's over and keep a fresh audio memory. I'm going to leave this battery in and continue using it for now.

Thanks again to Loquah for testing the units.
Mar 7, 2014 at 5:09 AM Post #506 of 546
  The battery arrived today, was easy to install and running the last hour or two. I really can't be sure I'm not detecting any significant differences though something has changed, It does sound cleaner than I remember in the mid range, less congested, the stage seems to be wider than I remember, also the volume pots a touch more sensitive, I don't need to turn it quite as far to get detail to push out. Without an actual switch that would allow me to instantly switch between the two battery's it's rather hard to A/B. Takes to long to switch the battery's over and keep a fresh audio memory. I'm going to leave this battery in and continue using it for now.

Thanks again to Loquah for testing the units.

Sounds like you're finding the same ambiguity that I did. What battery is it?
From my experience between yours and mine I'd say the best test is to spend some time listening with one battery and then the other and see which one you're drawn to return to more. If it's neither, something is still not quite right. You should find yourself wanting the new battery in there if it's the right battery.
Another test is just doing some relaxed listening and waiting for the T1 to bring a smile to your face when you're not even really paying attention. I found the original battery in yours couldn't do that, but mine with the updated battery does it often.
Good luck and keep us informed!
Mar 7, 2014 at 5:33 AM Post #507 of 546
Sounds like you're finding the same ambiguity that I did. What battery is it?
From my experience between yours and mine I'd say the best test is to spend some time listening with one battery and then the other and see which one you're drawn to return to more. If it's neither, something is still not quite right. You should find yourself wanting the new battery in there if it's the right battery.
Another test is just doing some relaxed listening and waiting for the T1 to bring a smile to your face when you're not even really paying attention. I found the original battery in yours couldn't do that, but mine with the updated battery does it often.
Good luck and keep us informed!

After further listening I definitely think it sounds better, the stage is wider and it just sounds cleaner, fresher all round.

However the cheap battery I bought from eBay which is only 300mAh went flat rather quickly, when I try to charge it the red light on the back of T1 starts to pulsate rather aggressively instead of staying solid red (I had asked if this battery was suitable). Because of this (and I think it sounds better) I've stopped the charging process straight away and purchased the 600mAh battery I had in my eBay watch list.

The battery I purchased  (the cheap one) is nickel metal hydrate and I think that might be causing the crazy charge light. The new battery I have just ordered is lithium (same as the original) I just didn't want to risk destroying the charging circuit in T1 and took it off charge rather quickly.

So, now the amp sits there again until the 2nd new battery arrives.
Mar 7, 2014 at 4:18 PM Post #508 of 546

After further listening I definitely think it sounds better, the stage is wider and it just sounds cleaner, fresher all round.

However the cheap battery I bought from eBay which is only 300mAh went flat rather quickly, when I try to charge it the red light on the back of T1 starts to pulsate rather aggressively instead of staying solid red (I had asked if this battery was suitable). Because of this (and I think it sounds better) I've stopped the charging process straight away and purchased the 600mAh battery I had in my eBay watch list.

The battery I purchased  (the cheap one) is nickel metal hydrate and I think that might be causing the crazy charge light. The new battery I have just ordered is lithium (same as the original) I just didn't want to risk destroying the charging circuit in T1 and took it off charge rather quickly.

So, now the amp sits there again until the 2nd new battery arrives.

That's interesting! I was wondering what your reaction to using a new battery in the T1 would be like. My hunch all along was that it's just a case that you'd rather a different sound signature than the one that emanates through the T1, and I thought that  that predisposition would outweigh any subtle improvements a new battery would bring. I say this because you alluded to what I thought were legitimate critiques (seemingly lacking detail, and closed in soundstage) as your reasons for thinking your T1 was defective, with the battery in suspect. I think it's interesting because you thought you had a dissenting view of the T1, whilst I can cite two of what I feel are premier reviews of the T1 that may be inclined to agree with you.
Here's an excerpt to Clieos' review:
"As far as RMAA goes, T1 pretty much passes with flying color. The FR curve is dead flat from 20Hz to 20kHz. Noise is almost as low as O2 (or at least the limitation on what I can measure with my setup), and isn’t an issue of course. The only area that T1 doesn’t measure as well is stereo crosstalk. With O2 at -61.6dB on 16ohm load, T1 only measures -52.5dB. Still, it is a good enough number. Output impedance is measured and calculated at around 0.55ohm using a 47ohm load and a 1kHz tone. Power over the same load is slightly higher than O2 and almost matching that of Leckerton Audio UHA-4, which means it should have plenty of juice to spare. For the 20 or so portable amps I measured in the past, the best of them has very little to no power drop when I tested them from a 47ohm to a 23.5ohm load. T1 on the other hand not only has no power drop, it actually outputs 3% more power with the lower impedance load. That’s really something I never see on another amps and an indicator that T1 might works very well with low impedance IEM, especially since its has a low output impedance already."
The second germane extract is from Shigzeo's review:
"Sound – Stereo Image
Unlike the Rx, the T1 has a somewhat compressed stereo image. Typically, solid state amps push anywhere from 70-90dB unloaded. The T1 pushes 63dB from an iPod nano 6G. It’s not a good score, but it’s not a doomer either. Amps with very wide stereo images tend to sound crisp, clear, and oftentimes, scratchy. It is one of the pains we’ve had to come to live with when dealing with digital audio. In the case of the T1, sound is a bit more ‘analogue’ in that you get neither too great nor too little separation between channels. Intimacy is another term for it. Of course, greater stereo intimacy can also mean smaller soundstage."
Shigzeo later surmised that this subpar stereo image might in fact be a design choice. The above two findings square with my own listening impressions of the T1. You won't get that razor sharp, and strident detail retrieval. It's very smooth, yet very detailed. I hear the music first, and then if I want to, I can zone in on the details in the music. That is, the details don't stand out in contrast to the music, but rather complements it. I find that it minimizes the 'digitalness' of the sound from my iPhone 4, and so gives the sound a natural presentation that is quite layered. I also like it's portrayal of vocals, and find them to be refined, and focused, with good weight. I also like how the T1 is able to sustain the weight of piano notes...
​I personally don't find the T1 as 'uncoloured' as a few folks in the thread do. To me it's slightly warm, but maintains a good representation of the source. Arguably it's fairly neutral. I've had quite a number of portable amps and have returned/sold all of them because I thought they offered terrible value for the subtle improvements they brought. To be quite frank, the improvements the T1 brings relative to listening unamped are still subtle. Perhaps, I have grown to now recognise and relish these subtleties, or maybe I have learned to curb my expectation bias, because I've been very pleased with the T1. 
Mar 7, 2014 at 9:52 PM Post #509 of 546
  That's interesting! I was wondering what your reaction to using a new battery in the T1 would be like. My hunch all along was that it's just a case that you'd rather a different sound signature than the one that emanates through the T1, and I thought that  that predisposition would outweigh any subtle improvements a new battery would bring. I say this because you alluded to what I thought were legitimate critiques (seemingly lacking detail, and closed in soundstage) as your reasons for thinking your T1 was defective, with the battery in suspect. I think it's interesting because you thought you had a dissenting view of the T1, whilst I can cite two of what I feel are premier reviews of the T1 that may be inclined to agree with you.
Here's an excerpt to Clieos' review:
"As far as RMAA goes, T1 pretty much passes with flying color. The FR curve is dead flat from 20Hz to 20kHz. Noise is almost as low as O2 (or at least the limitation on what I can measure with my setup), and isn’t an issue of course. The only area that T1 doesn’t measure as well is stereo crosstalk. With O2 at -61.6dB on 16ohm load, T1 only measures -52.5dB. Still, it is a good enough number. Output impedance is measured and calculated at around 0.55ohm using a 47ohm load and a 1kHz tone. Power over the same load is slightly higher than O2 and almost matching that of Leckerton Audio UHA-4, which means it should have plenty of juice to spare. For the 20 or so portable amps I measured in the past, the best of them has very little to no power drop when I tested them from a 47ohm to a 23.5ohm load. T1 on the other hand not only has no power drop, it actually outputs 3% more power with the lower impedance load. That’s really something I never see on another amps and an indicator that T1 might works very well with low impedance IEM, especially since its has a low output impedance already."
The second germane extract is from Shigzeo's review:
"Sound – Stereo Image
Unlike the Rx, the T1 has a somewhat compressed stereo image. Typically, solid state amps push anywhere from 70-90dB unloaded. The T1 pushes 63dB from an iPod nano 6G. It’s not a good score, but it’s not a doomer either. Amps with very wide stereo images tend to sound crisp, clear, and oftentimes, scratchy. It is one of the pains we’ve had to come to live with when dealing with digital audio. In the case of the T1, sound is a bit more ‘analogue’ in that you get neither too great nor too little separation between channels. Intimacy is another term for it. Of course, greater stereo intimacy can also mean smaller soundstage."
Shigzeo later surmised that this subpar stereo image might in fact be a design choice. The above two findings square with my own listening impressions of the T1. You won't get that razor sharp, and strident detail retrieval. It's very smooth, yet very detailed. I hear the music first, and then if I want to, I can zone in on the details in the music. That is, the details don't stand out in contrast to the music, but rather complements it. I find that it minimizes the 'digitalness' of the sound from my iPhone 4, and so gives the sound a natural presentation that is quite layered. I also like it's portrayal of vocals, and find them to be refined, and focused, with good weight. I also like how the T1 is able to sustain the weight of piano notes...
I personally don't find the T1 as 'uncoloured' as a few folks in the thread do. To me it's slightly warm, but maintains a good representation of the source. Arguably it's fairly neutral. I've had quite a number of portable amps and have returned/sold all of them because I thought they offered terrible value for the subtle improvements they brought. To be quite frank, the improvements the T1 brings relative to listening unamped are still subtle. Perhaps, I have grown to now recognise and relish these subtleties, or maybe I have learned to curb my expectation bias, because I've been very pleased with the T1. 

Good post.

I placed the old battery back in last night (as the new one was giving mentioned problems) sure enough it went back to sounding rather average again.  I lost power from the volume pot that was just hours before more sensitive. and the stage compressed, I lost that strong channel separation I'd been hearing.

We need to keep in perspective to anyone who wasn't asking on the forums or sent the amp to be tested with another you would probably still pass it "just the way it is". I also like what you mentioned about the weight in paino notes because that was rather obvious to me yesterday (new battery). I'm a little disappointed I cannot continue to use T1 it's in  sound state with the new battery as I was quite enjoying it for sometime and preferred the sound with my ER4S over my JDS C421. 
Mar 7, 2014 at 10:31 PM Post #510 of 546
Good post.

I placed the old battery back in last night (as the new one was giving mentioned problems) sure enough it went back to sounding rather average again.  I lost power from the volume pot that was just hours before more sensitive. and the stage compressed, I lost that strong channel separation I'd been hearing.

We need to keep in perspective to anyone who wasn't asking on the forums or sent the amp to be tested with another you would probably still pass it "just the way it is". I also like what you mentioned about the weight in paino notes because that was rather obvious to me yesterday (new battery). I'm a little disappointed I cannot continue to use T1 it's in  sound state with the new battery as I was quite enjoying it for sometime and preferred the sound with my ER4S over my JDS C421. 

I know it's not ideal, but can you charge externally in the meantime?

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