Those who waiting Xin amp, post and get your date of arrival !
Apr 30, 2007 at 5:58 AM Post #961 of 3,962
wOoohOoo...ordered a SuperMini IV on April 17. Thought that it's going to be a 4 month way but hey....i'm getting more optimistic about it coming earlier!
Apr 30, 2007 at 6:44 AM Post #962 of 3,962

Originally Posted by aluren /img/forum/go_quote.gif
well i wasn't trying to be bitter, just that all the excitement and impressions on the supermicro got me anxious!! speaking from a previous xin order, i got an email notice of shipment for my supermacro and it only took 3 days to arrive. so you should be getting yours soon.

Well staying in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) means a longer wait for me. Seeing that EFN got his package in less than a week after receiving the mail of shipping, I'm still hopeful of getting it soon.

But your's should be there sooner. Happy waiting
Apr 30, 2007 at 10:54 AM Post #963 of 3,962
Order date
Date : 25 Dec 2006 - 08:06
Order ID : 38157800

back frm HK yesterday, n WOW Xin Supermicro IV arrived.
May 5, 2007 at 3:05 AM Post #967 of 3,962
You know what? If I am Dr.Xin's marketing consultant I will tell him to put all this info on his website. Turn the whole "waiting for Xin amps" into a community binding experience.

I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing a big display of the most recent shipment's date of order, number of days it took, or even having the receiver reports back on shipping time etc. Of cause the lucky guy with shortest waiting time get his name in honorable place, until someone else beats him.

But oops! it's going to take more of Dr.Xin's time so, must be a fansite instead. Anyone interest in building one? Hehe
May 6, 2007 at 9:39 PM Post #969 of 3,962
Hi guys,

You know when you order your Xin Product. And then you get that sales e-mail from IS the price that is listed there the final price or is there still sale tax to be included or what not?

Thanks guys,

May 7, 2007 at 7:20 AM Post #970 of 3,962
These are good times for hifi equipment mfrs. The global economy is booming and the middle class has money to spend, burning holes in their pockets. But for small mfrs., this can be a nightmare. Competition increases, the backlog mounts, people start complaining and it's impossible to find qualified staff to reduce the backlog.

There are two extreme responses to this:

The first is for the mfr. to tell the truth about the backlog and then make good on his commitment, even if it involves a 6-month wait.

The second is to give a highly unrealistic delivery date that the mfr knows he can not meet (a lie) and fend anxious-to-angry customers off with more stories (lies).

There are lots of shades in between.

Where does Xin lie on this scale?
May 7, 2007 at 11:15 AM Post #971 of 3,962
Bigizzy - purchases via Paypal HAVE to be charged immediately - that's is how Paypal works. When you pay via a CC - it is NOT charged until day of shipping by Dr. Xin. There are no financial surprises. No tax. Simply, you are charged for what you order at the prices posted, and the shipping cost posted.

Frihed - to class Dr. Xin, Headphile, or other such people as Mfgrs. is a bit of a misnomer. They need to be recognized more as artizens and do not work on an assembly-line basis.........and what they do is highly personal for them. They do whatever they do because they psychically enjoy their craft, as much as any renumeration. They are pleasing themselves (and I would not wish them to anything else). You need to accept them and their products for what they are, and enjoy them....... or not. They are scrupulous in being very fair to their customers, and deliver very high quality, unique products. Those who carp about how an individual runs his own business should conserve his energy and simply move on to a cooky-cutter-styled manufacturer.
May 7, 2007 at 5:23 PM Post #972 of 3,962

Originally Posted by BushGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Bigizzy - purchases via Paypal HAVE to be charged immediately - that's is how Paypal works. When you pay via a CC - it is NOT charged until day of shipping by Dr. Xin. There are no financial surprises. No tax. Simply, you are charged for what you order at the prices posted, and the shipping cost posted.

Thank you very much BushGuy.


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