This "dating" thing sucks....hard.
Nov 18, 2005 at 6:14 PM Post #121 of 170

Originally Posted by acidtripwow
Man it's horrible out there. Is it me or has the whole world gone crazy?!

...whole world's gone crazy. Didn't you notice?
Nov 18, 2005 at 7:06 PM Post #122 of 170
Scrypt's post is everything I would have said but didn't know how to say.
Nov 18, 2005 at 7:48 PM Post #123 of 170
Is the moral of the story 'keep the orpheus'?
Nov 18, 2005 at 8:17 PM Post #124 of 170

Originally Posted by pabbi1
Is the moral of the story 'keep the orpheus'?

It just goes to show, that we can rationalize anything we want, to make a purchase seem like a favorable thing to do
Nov 18, 2005 at 9:50 PM Post #126 of 170

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Today My wife is plain-Jane, modest, humble and down to earth.

Mine, too. But she's the most beautiful thing I see day to day. She's brilliant with children in that her love has traction in lots of ways. She thought Liam was having problems stratigiesing test and she's started to write tests about the books he's reading at home. So much more than I can write about.

But I've got hardly any advice for you, Tube, but to do the things you love, and love the people you find on the way. And maybe some old school advice: don't be a sailor and follow your dick any way it points. OTOH, take every chance to love those around you; one day you'll find someone who knows how to love you back. But remember you have to surrender to their love for them to surrender least you've got to try.

And life is a lonley adventure much of the time.
Feb 21, 2006 at 9:09 AM Post #127 of 170
Reviving this thread....mainly because I just got dumped

What's wrong with the women I am dating? I kept communication channels open, planned dates, did the flower/gifts/dinner "routine", remembered important dates, share feelings, cuddled (I love that
), etc. and all I get are heartaches.

I now feel depressed....and have an urge to spend money to upgrade my systems....
Feb 21, 2006 at 12:49 PM Post #128 of 170
You win some, you lose some. (Ok, so some of us lose more often than winning and vice versa).

Perhaps she left because she didn't think you're the right person for her. That doesn't mean you did anything wrong or should change your personality to match her wants and needs.

So, cheer up dude. Rest assured, most people have had similar experience.

I also just broke up with my girlfriend of 1 year recently. I must admit that I was the one who did the dumping. She was nice and very pretty (a very, very delightful face to behold).

But, after a year, I just didn't feel that we were clicking. She needed a nice homely mellow guy who can be there 24/7, while I have this craving ambition to start my own business and accomplish something more in life. She always wanted more time from me, and I always felt that I'm just letting my goals and dreams slip by when I end up spending my entire weekends (the only personal improvement time I have from working as an employee) "chilling out" with her.

After a while, I just felt too tired to even talk to her. She gets upset, I get annoyed. So, I pulled the plug before this thing turns for the worse.

Somedays I think I'm making a serious mistake. Yet, I wonder if I'm just being a bit shallow since I'm more attracted to her wonderful looks than mutually compatible personality.

On the other hand, I'm also a bit replused by some of her family members - namely a jerk of a dad who flirts and who pretty much leaves her family to fend for themselves, but wants to marry off his daughters to rich people. Which, makes me a bit uneasy because I come from a well to do family. But, then I'm essentially penalizing her for her dad's flaws. This is all too complicated for my brains.

Well, I suppose I'll find out if I made a mistake someday.

Great, this has somehow turn into a theurapuetic rant.
Feb 21, 2006 at 12:58 PM Post #129 of 170

Originally Posted by soundboy
Reviving this thread....mainly because I just got dumped

What's wrong with the women I am dating? I kept communication channels open, planned dates, did the flower/gifts/dinner "routine", remembered important dates, share feelings, cuddled (I love that
), etc. and all I get are heartaches.

I now feel depressed....and have an urge to spend money to upgrade my systems....

Once you find yourself doing "the routine", it's probably over anyway. The right women will constantly keep you on your toes and force you "out of the box", so to speak.
Go out and get yourself some really nice speakers. And some Atmasphere monoblocs. Yeah, that's it.

Feb 21, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #130 of 170
Yeah, being the dumpee absolutely sucks. I've been on both ends. Your feelings of depression and what not just shows how much you had invested in the relationship so feel good about your courage and willingness to open yourself up. Tyll's post just above is very good advice.

For future reference, you may want to ask yourself what sort of relationship you're looking for. Considering your age, Jennifer (I read your profile) may have had marriage in her sights and maybe you didn't? Please note that I'm just taking a wild guess here. That's what happened when my gf dumped me. I was planning to marry her but not for a few more years but she wanted marriage now.

I agree with cpw. Routine is not a good thing, and women know when guys are just going through the motions without the passion.

Good luck, soundboy. Don't do anything too drastic.
Feb 21, 2006 at 5:41 PM Post #131 of 170
This whole dating thing is just a big game. You win some you lose some and you can't take anything too serious if it doesn't go the right way.

But I feel ya, I'm just falling for this amazing woman after dating a ton in the last year. It really helps to date different women so you find out what you're really looking for and what makes your heart jump. You can't just settle for a some random girl just because she's ok with you. Gotta find the right one.

I actually like being dumped better than having to tell her. I feel horrible afterwards and being dumped I can sort things out for myself. You're usually prepared for it anyways, because there's usually a reason for being dumped or something leads up to it.
Feb 21, 2006 at 6:00 PM Post #132 of 170

Originally Posted by socrates63
For future reference, you may want to ask yourself what sort of relationship you're looking for. Considering your age, Jennifer (I read your profile) may have had marriage in her sights and maybe you didn't? Please note that I'm just taking a wild guess here. That's what happened when my gf dumped me. I was planning to marry her but not for a few more years but she wanted marriage now.

I agree with cpw. Routine is not a good thing, and women know when guys are just going through the motions without the passion.

Good luck, soundboy. Don't do anything too drastic.

Oops....time to update the profile. Jennifer was actuallly my ex as of a couple of months ago. In that relationship, I was actually the one who wanted to marry her and she kind of played cat-and mouse. In fact, I received a e-mail from her last night blaming me for our "e-mail relationship" even though she's the one who never answer her phone.

When I mentioned "routine", I guess I should say "the usual game of sending gifts/flowers/having dinner". The girl that dumped me gave me all the encouraging signs for the past month, yet just called me and ended the whole thing in a 3 1/2 minute call. I am suspecting it's her mother, whom I've met on a couple of occasions....I guess I am not "high class" enough for her daughter, who described her parents as "materialistic" (her word).
Feb 21, 2006 at 6:27 PM Post #133 of 170
I know a few girls that would definitely say yes if I asked, but they're not exactly my type. They're sweet, nice, but not too interesting. All the ladies I do enjoy being with are usually devil women. Sexy, flirtatious, but will play you like a ps2. Almost every girl that's showed great interest in me has had a boyfriend at the time, and when I find out, they act as if they didn't know.

Maybe it's my own fault, I never get the opportunity to give em a glimpse of how I feel, and I find that if *I* don't make a move, they'll never. (this goes for females in general, regardless of type) I'll spend time on the prowl, but not go in for the kill. Is it wrong to steal someone else's girlfriend? I've always been against it, but if these girls are scoping other guys, than their man must not be satisfying them in soem way.

Also, I'm too afraid of commitment, I've seen so many relationships around me go sour. Ones that you wouldn't even expect. Plus, a lot of these girls are my friends, and I'm afraid we'll end up hating each other if something happens. Also afraid I'm not good enough, even though my friends say I'm a fairly cool n fun fella. Women are so varied, you can't really tell what each one wants. Eh, I gotta stop being an idiot and do something. Next time I meet a great girl, I'm gonna give it a shot. Well, at least try to hehe.
Feb 22, 2006 at 12:16 AM Post #134 of 170

Originally Posted by soundboy
Reviving this thread....mainly because I just got dumped

What's wrong with the women I am dating? I kept communication channels open, planned dates, did the flower/gifts/dinner "routine", remembered important dates, share feelings, cuddled (I love that
), etc. and all I get are heartaches.

I now feel depressed....and have an urge to spend money to upgrade my systems....

Just received my "walking papers" via "Dear John" e-mail....
Feb 22, 2006 at 3:19 AM Post #135 of 170
Don't worry and cheer up.
You all will find someone worthy of you as soon as the "other guy" is done reaming her out. In the meantime, how about being a Hero and save some little fellow from the "gas chamber" at the SPCA. They love you back, lots, and like to play and cuddle. And when walking a puppy, they make a great chick magnet.

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