They're back - The HF-2 now available again!
Jul 18, 2010 at 9:38 AM Post #76 of 223

Yes of course, what a surprising question. But maybe I stopped just before or skipped the radically convincing one.  My comments, therefore, respectfully withdrawn.

There's nothing surprising about it given the content of your two previous posts but your gracious gesture is duly noted and appreciated.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:07 AM Post #77 of 223


I feel it's actually the other way around.

I don't think it's so much of a limited edition anymore as it is a product that will be timely discontinued when there is no longer demand. If production ends and there are still prospective buyers left wanting this model, I will be surprised. Like you said, it's just smart business.

I actually have a pretty well-diversified portfolio. Return on this isn't a concern. Duplicity is. If this was an HF-3 run, I wouldn't feel the vibe of a dishonest cash grab. I would also find no issue if these were sold as a single solid run of 1,000 or 10,000 or however many units; or if these weren't called limited/special edition and were just sold indefinitely. These options would have been infinitely better ways of dealing with this. No headaches, no drama, no fiasco.

Agreed. For those newcomers chiming in, there is a history preceding this rancour and by typing HF2 and clicking on SEARCH, all will be revealed. This is not simply a debate being conducted within a vacumn. It means something to those of us who were around here at the time the HF2 was offered for purchase to Head-Fier's and I like 3X0, do feel justifiably cynical of this latest reprise of the HF2. For those of you who think that the number of HF2's produced for sale will be limited to 1000, there is nothing to suggest that this will be the case if history is any guide.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:49 AM Post #78 of 223
I agree with these posts from this fellow members as I feel the same way.
This is playing a dirty trick on your "beloved community". After all the true colors show up, and the color is green from money, because in "hi-fi" it is all they care about. 
Then why post at all if you don't want to become involved, especially if you have nothing of your own to add? I read Uncle Eric's post and I don't share his viewpoint, and I am not alone. You are the beneficiary of this situation and I don't begrudge you. But please try and respect the views of those who feel a bit duped, after entering into a purchase of a headphone in good faith, that was touted as being limited to 500 in number, when it wasn't really at all. A deal is a deal, and I'm afraid that the counter arguments citing the goodwill behind the HF2, the benefits that it has generated for the Head-Fi community and it being a fantastic headphone for the price, are sounding rather hollow to me now.

I feel like I got played hard by Grado, Head-Fi and to a very small extent Todd (not very much though, he was great with me trying other pads and returning them, he's realy just a middle man here but doesn't get off scot free because I'm pretty sure he's benefiting monetarily too.) Grado getting some ire is obvious; Head-Fi because well, server costs be damned, look at all the sponsorships and advertising on the site - are you kidding me? (Think about the redesign, lol.) There are numerous forums with just a few simple banner ads that seem to run fine. Whoever's pockets get lined from donations must not have any ethical problem with milking the people who create their content and make the site what it is (the users) by pulling the 'it's a donation to the community!!11' line. This whole debacle has made me cynical about the whole HiFi industry again when after quite a while of being disgusted with all the bs that goes on I'd come back around.
I jumped on these from having only ever owned an SR80 but having tried a few other well-regarded but moderate price headphones and I knew I loved the Grado sound. Limited edition! Only 500 made! Oops, typo...but hey, suck it, we aren't to go through the bother of correcting a rediculous mistake for our 'special community' and they're limited edition remember! Ok, they are good phones so whatever. Oh wait, we've got some b-stock!! Ok, they went fast enough. Oh wait, we've got more phones that are new, not b-stock and will sell at the original price! Haha, got ya! Yeah, good job John Grado, you just treated your most loyal group of fans with utter contempt and it seems extraordinarily petty if he actually cared about resellers and profiteers at all anyway - after all it was all about showing appreciation for the community right?!
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I enjoy my HF2's very much but never would have jumped like I did if I hadn't thought they would at least hold their value which until these latest ones are gone they haven't and will remain depressed longer than they would have...with time I'm sure they will but otherwise I'm fine buying used gear when I intend to keep it for the long term - I would have bought some used HF2. Never again Grado, you've soured me entirely with this duplicitous, misleading and frankly false advertising and promotion, all directed at your supposed 'greatest fans' to boot! Just shows me what Grado really thinks of the HeadFi community: a bunch of suckers willing to drop $$ on stuff that has some ostensibly 'special community' and 'limited edition' cache.

Jul 18, 2010 at 11:15 AM Post #79 of 223
OK, I think some of the newcomers don't understand what a lie is!
I'm angry that I was lied not that I could not sell HF-2 or else (never thought about selling until now... in my mind they were collectibles as Todd and others told us)
If you like being lied or lie other people just to snag some products, It's OK..but I do not agree with this type of marketing...
(one-of-a-kind is suppose to be one of a kind, the same as should be with limited editions, some buy them for this reason only and we should respect that...we as costumers or producers)
regular_smile .gif

And please do not come on us with this type of things like: "selling on profit"..some of us did not sold them from one reason. (maybe the single one). 
I know you're happy, I think would be so if I were in your shoes,  but on the other hand I would not even try telling others that this is the correct move from Grado...
If you are trying to tell that Grado lose money in this process and the HF-2 is something like a gift from them, I don't buy it...
As I can see, these headphones were meant to be SOLD... this is the prime reason, that some seem to forget. Even with this 40$ donation to Head-f1! (I think first was 50$)
I did not bother much about lousy quality control (hello F1 fans
), as I thought Grado was a small company and customers should somehow protect them and bla bla bla, but saying one thing and doing another is unacceptable, no mater who you are. ---this makes you a Liar

Tell me...what confidence should we have in Grado now?...they do not even do what they tell!
Maybe later we'll see an Head-Fi version (not F1) 
  some would definitely pass on the other side, (Guess which one!) and latent head-f1ers would not be so latent anymore.
Jul 18, 2010 at 5:36 PM Post #80 of 223
^Well spoken, that is the point. A lie.
Jul 18, 2010 at 8:20 PM Post #81 of 223

OK, I think some of the newcomers don't understand what a lie is!
I'm angry that I was lied not that I could not sell HF-2 or else (never thought about selling until now... in my mind they were collectibles as Todd and others told us)
If you like being lied or lie other people just to snag some products, It's OK..but I do not agree with this type of marketing...
(one-of-a-kind is suppose to be one of a kind, the same as should be with limited editions, some buy them for this reason only and we should respect that...we as costumers or producers)
regular_smile .gif

And please do not come on us with this type of things like: "selling on profit"..some of us did not sold them from one reason. (maybe the single one). 
I know you're happy, I think would be so if I were in your shoes,  but on the other hand I would not even try telling others that this is the correct move from Grado...
If you are trying to tell that Grado lose money in this process and the HF-2 is something like a gift from them, I don't buy it...
As I can see, these headphones were meant to be SOLD... this is the prime reason, that some seem to forget. Even with this 40$ donation to Head-f1! (I think first was 50$)
I did not bother much about lousy quality control (hello F1 fans
), as I thought Grado was a small company and customers should somehow protect them and bla bla bla, but saying one thing and doing another is unacceptable, no mater who you are. ---this makes you a Liar

Tell me...what confidence should we have in Grado now?...they do not even do what they tell!
Maybe later we'll see an Head-Fi version (not F1) 
  some would definitely pass on the other side, (Guess which one!) and latent head-f1ers would not be so latent anymore.

Well spoken indeed, Cheers!
I for one bought my HF-2 used, I am the third owner.  While the price I may have bought them for could have been higher than the original asking ($430 USD + Shipping to CDN + Custom charges and on top of that coversion to Canadian dollars), I don't know nor I care as much.  I bought them because I like the grado sound, I read review and because I thought they would be a limited production I would never get a chance to really hear one so I jumped on the used market to get my hands on it 
Key word here is "limited production" and the insinuating assumption (via todds and grados part) that they would no longer be available.  Misspelling due to quality control, meh, B-stock I don't really care, the whole 519 issue, sure it's a small problem.  But, the fact they're reproducting these so called "limited production" units, bother me because it is a blatant lie. 
Newer member rejoice as these are great headphones and they are worth their price.  I completely agree with this thought process.  But, I think for most members the idea of them being lied too is a bit more to chew off than one would think.  So, what did we learn?  Well, Grado was true to their word on the HF1.  HF2 they didn't keep their word.  For the future HF3 who knows what'll happen.
I still love my HF2!  And, those who will be getting the new production units, enjoy.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:04 PM Post #82 of 223

^Well spoken, that is the point. A lie.

Precisely. I saw this thread from the front page and was going to post exactly this. Putting other HF2 issues aside the core of the objection revolves around the flat out lies from Grado, but it's already been said. I will only add that it kind of amazes me that for some reason so many people are willing to suck up to Grado and whoever else in this case when other companies get absolutely raked over the coals for much less in other cases. This new production makes the advertising and promotion for the original run outright lies and shouldn't be acceptable to anyone regardless of the reasoning.
(btw did it occur to anyone else that Grado is willing to produce a new run for sale but flatly rejected the idea of fixing the typo'd F1's when it was noticed on the original 'limited' run of 500?
 Someone sure loves this $pecial community!)
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:12 PM Post #83 of 223

(btw did it occur to anyone else that Grado is willing to produce a new run for sale but flatly rejected the idea of fixing the typo'd F1's?
 Someone sure loves this $pecial community!)

There would have been far more controversy had they fixed the typographical error for this run. In any case, I won't be recommending TTVJ or Grado in the future to anyone.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:23 PM Post #84 of 223
No, I meant that instead of offering to fix the typo for the first production run Grado just decided to make a new run, obviously still with the typo. If they had fixed the typo for the new run I can only imagine the uproar! (It's gotten enough attention as it is
) - I've fixed the quote you made to be more clear.
Jul 19, 2010 at 7:57 AM Post #85 of 223
I think this is a really poor and short sighted decision by Grado and Todd. It's flat out misleading to the public to claim that something is limited edition when it turns out not to be. I love my HF-2 and was fortunate to have snagged one during the B-Stock sale but I'm done doing business with either company. Absolutely shameful disregard of it's customers.

Jul 19, 2010 at 10:16 AM Post #86 of 223

I think this is a really poor and short sighted decision by Grado and Todd. It's flat out misleading to the public to claim that something is limited edition when it turns out not to be. I love my HF-2 and was fortunate to have snagged one during the B-Stock sale but I'm done doing business with either company. Absolutely shameful disregard of it's customers.


says the FORTUNATE guy to snag a b-stock one, not even one of the original purchasers. so i guess the sense of entitlement goes to b-stock owners as well?
Jul 19, 2010 at 10:43 AM Post #87 of 223

the sense of entitlement

The only way this makes sense is if you're an advocate of anti-consumerism. I believe all consumers are entitled to not be lied to. Do you feel differently, that organizations have the right to deceive their customers?
This isn't about the number of units, it's about the way it's being handled. Even the thread title laughs in the face of ethical marketing -- "Their back - The HF-2 now available again!" (sic). These aren't units that were left behind from the last sale -- these are literally units that are being newly manufactured since the close of the initial run almost a year ago. The promise then was that once they were gone they'd be gone for good. This is deplorable.
Argue for new headphones for nascent head-fiers all you want, but I can't see how you could (in good conscience) defend a liar.
Jul 19, 2010 at 1:07 PM Post #88 of 223

Seriously... would anybody who bought them assuming there's be 500 have not bought them if they were told there'd be 1,000?
I understand being upset if I paid considerably more on the used market after the first run was done, thinking I'd not get an opportunity to buy at the opening price.  That would bug me.

I wouldn't have cared if there were 100,000 made I would have bought one.  In fact I would have preferred it if they had, since then I wouldn't have had to pay an above market price for my set! 
My only problem, well there are two, with what's happened is that I could have waited and gotten them cheaper if I had known that, if I waited, I could get in on the second run.
Also, it does certainly seem that this community was lied to by at least the Grado company.  There may be others in the chain that also seemed to lie as well but I don't know who it might be.  I may be in the minority but I give Todd a pass because he probably just went on what he was told by Grado Labs.
Other people might be OK with that.  But I'm not.
Though it's a good thing that more people will be able to hear this headphone! 

Jul 19, 2010 at 3:19 PM Post #89 of 223
That is the best we can do as "punishment" and as members of this "Special community". I won't recommend either after this lie.
There would have been far more controversy had they fixed the typographical error for this run. In any case, I won't be recommending TTVJ or Grado in the future to anyone.

Jul 19, 2010 at 4:49 PM Post #90 of 223

says the FORTUNATE guy to snag a b-stock one, not even one of the original purchasers. so i guess the sense of entitlement goes to b-stock owners as well?

Sorry, your post makes no sense. This has nothing to do with entitlement. Had I known that A-Stock would later be available, maybe as a collector I would have opted to pay the extra $70 for a new pair that does not say B-Stock on the box. Yes, I was fortunate. I also wasted 6 hours of my life refreshing Todd's website in order to buy the "last B-Stock pairs of the limited HF2 headphone". The issue here is not about more people getting the chance to get hold of the HF2, the issue is being told that they were a limited edition phone and being lied to as a customer.

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