They're back - The HF-2 now available again!
Jul 19, 2010 at 8:44 PM Post #91 of 223
Cringed at the title... Their should be they're.
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:38 AM Post #92 of 223
I'm honestly surprised why Todd/Grado would even bother with this, it seems like every time they do something related to the HF-2, the waaaahmbulance is making full night patrols.
After I saw the petty complaining about the "blurry" text and the subsequent complaints about the typo or that train wreck of a B-stock sale which really brought out the worst in some people (it's really unsightly to see grown men cry), I sure as hell would've had enough to say, 'never again'.
Whatever their motives are, profit or not, I commend them for putting up with this.
You guys really have to see things into perspective, this is a hobby, and it's "just"a headphone. Think about it a little, how does the fact that more people get to own this headphone take away any enjoyment from you, are you really that small? They are also priced the same as the first batch, so that is also a non-factor. Perhaps Grado weren't completely honest or clear on how limited these headphones are, but is it really that big a deal that warrants rage-boycotting and the like?
Another reason I can think of is if certain people only bought them to resell for a profit and see this new batch as a threat to that purpose, can't say I feel the least bit of sympathy for that.
But seriously, take a step back and a deep breath if you're really getting all worked up over this, and think about if it's really that important to you.
Jul 20, 2010 at 11:34 AM Post #93 of 223

You guys really have to see things into perspective, this is a hobby, and it's "just"a headphone. Think about it a little, how does the fact that more people get to own this headphone take away any enjoyment from you, are you really that small?
Perhaps Grado weren't completely honest or clear on how limited these headphones are, but is it really that big a deal that warrants rage-boycotting and the like?

I don't think anyone in this entire thread has complained about more people getting to own and enjoy this headphone.
I was told that once the HF-2s last year were sold, they'd be gone for good. Then I was told once the "new" B-stocks were sold, they'd be gone for good. I think it's fair to not want to do business with liars. If they wanted to make it a 1,000 or 2,000-run headphone, why didn't they do it from the beginning? It's a money grab building off the initial hype-train.
This thread is starting to repeat itself -- it's the same complaints and arguments with the same retorts.
"It's great that more people get to own and enjoy the HF-2." (true)
"TTVJ and Grado have lied." (true)
"It's just a headphone (true; albeit marketed in a shamelessly duplicitous way), chill out."
Jul 20, 2010 at 12:24 PM Post #94 of 223

I'm honestly surprised why Todd/Grado would even bother with this, it seems like every time they do something related to the HF-2, the waaaahmbulance is making full night patrols.
After I saw the petty complaining about the "blurry" text and the subsequent complaints about the typo or that train wreck of a B-stock sale which really brought out the worst in some people (it's really unsightly to see grown men cry), I sure as hell would've had enough to say, 'never again'.
Whatever their motives are, profit or not, I commend them for putting up with this.
You guys really have to see things into perspective, this is a hobby, and it's "just"a headphone. Think about it a little, how does the fact that more people get to own this headphone take away any enjoyment from you, are you really that small? They are also priced the same as the first batch, so that is also a non-factor. Perhaps Grado weren't completely honest or clear on how limited these headphones are, but is it really that big a deal that warrants rage-boycotting and the like?
Another reason I can think of is if certain people only bought them to resell for a profit and see this new batch as a threat to that purpose, can't say I feel the least bit of sympathy for that.
But seriously, take a step back and a deep breath if you're really getting all worked up over this, and think about if it's really that important to you.

It's also a matter of principle, which your post either fails to grasp or acknowledge, or both. People have a right to feel aggrieved if they believe that they have been misled, and people have been misled here. Whether it is a deliberate deception or gross incompetence, the result is still the same.
Jul 20, 2010 at 2:02 PM Post #95 of 223
I don't think anyone in this entire thread has complained about more people getting to own and enjoy this headphone.  
I was told that once the HF-2s last year were sold, they'd be gone for good. Then I was told once the "new" B-stocks were sold, they'd be gone for good. I think it's fair to not want to do business with liars. If they wanted to make it a 1,000 or 2,000-run headphone, why didn't they do it from the beginning? It's a money grab building off the initial hype-train.
This thread is starting to repeat itself -- it's the same complaints and arguments with the same retorts.
"It's great that more people get to own and enjoy the HF-2." (true)
"TTVJ and Grado have lied." (true)
"It's just a headphone (true; albeit marketed in a shamelessly duplicitous way), chill out."

There may not have been any statements in this thread about people being upset at more people being able to enjoy these headphones, but that is certainly an aspect of their desire to limit production.  The increased production allows more people to enjoy these phones, and any statements made indicating that production should not be resumed would absolutely prevent more people from enjoying these headphones.  The point was that acting in such a selfish manner, or speaking in a selfish manner, does nothing to help others enjoy these headphones.
There was such a tremendous response in Head-Fiers snatching up these phones, and plenty of reviews on here touting how great they were.  Why wouldn't Grado and Head Fi want to try and provide more members (members only remember?) the opportunity to buy them.  These headphones are supposed to be a treat to the Head Fi community, and making another run to feed demand isn't a bad thing. 
The vitriol on display here about lying is silly to me.  The amount of "black magic" in the audio world, especially in the higher dollar range is incredible.  The pseudo science some of these companies push onto people here barely draws a peep.  Quite the opposite really, as people come on here touting the same products and its effects.  The irony is surprising.
They said the headphones would be a limited edition.  They are.  Nowhere in the original HF2 post did it say anything about a specific number, and going through page after page, there was speculation that the number would be similar to the HF-1s produced.  There was a nice post in that thread speculating the price was set around what the HF-1s were going for and that by setting the price high enough and making enough units they could kill off the profit ended resale.  Prices of the HF-2 were getting to be around $100 more than retail here in the FS forums, not to mention places like eBay.  If there are more members who want the phones, they should make more.  It doesn't change the fact that they said they would be "limited", because they still are.
It's also a matter of principle, which your post either fails to grasp or acknowledge, or both. People have a right to feel aggrieved if they believe that they have been misled, and people have been misled here. Whether it is a deliberate deception or gross incompetence, the result is still the same.

I see where you are coming from with this, but I disagree that people have been mislead.  Re-read through the original HF-2 thread.  I think people are confusing speculation with fact, and reacting to the speculation.  Again, nowhere in the original post about the HF-2s did it ever say anything other than "limited".  How things developed after that has always been in a state of flux, which is good for people who want the headphones.  But it is bad for people who don't want others to have the headphones.
Jul 20, 2010 at 3:22 PM Post #96 of 223
Having read the entire thread, I feel bad for those who jumped on the HF-2's as soon as they came out, and a bit more for those who paid a premium to buy these used.
The issue here isn't about the headphone itself, or if its going to benefit a new comer. The issue is for those who could've
A) Waited a while to buy the HF-2 after listening to it at a meet and not taking a "risk"
B) Waited a while to buy it after listening to it at a meet and not have the urge to buy it immediately cos there is a risk of it selling out.
I for one was in situation B. I had the website open everyday, pondering if I should hit the checkout button or not, without getting to hear or see these headphones. While its easy to say "big deal you can sell it if you don't like it" I for one would still like to make sure as much as possible that there is a higher chance that I will like the product.
Then there is the issue of those who ended up paying more than they would for an average used headphone. Even say they didn't pay extra, a lot of them atleast paid the new price for a used item. Had they known these were making a comeback, they could've simply waited. Its not like John Grado found these new HF-2's in a treasure chest, this had to be planned. At some point, there shouldve been a comment or statement saying they will be sold in batches, or there will be more at a later date. There were so many comments along the lines of  "buy it its worth it, once they are gone they are gone"  that anyone is going to get the urge to put down money on it cos its their last chance! Or atleast they thought it was.
The issue here is that ethic, that sense of false marketting that irks people who have been following the HF-2's history. Its easy for someone to say limited edition on anything and sell it to afficianados, and then just come back later and say, "due to demand, we made more". This is just plain wrong. No amount of explanation can justify that action. Take this same strategy to say a watch forum or something, and they would be furious.
I for one havent owned the HF-2, but I got a chance to hear it at a meet. Although I wasnt impressed that much, lets for example say that I loved it and thought it was the best thing, I shouldve had the option to wait for this new batch instead of being under the impression that they were gone forever and I had no choice but to buy a used one.
For those who have heard one, like them and want to buy them, or newcomers who are willing to take a chance based on reviews, good for you. But for those who were involved or have been in situations such as above, this is definitely a little dissapointing.
Jul 20, 2010 at 3:28 PM Post #97 of 223

It's also a matter of principle, which your post either fails to grasp or acknowledge, or both. People have a right to feel aggrieved if they believe that they have been misled, and people have been misled here. Whether it is a deliberate deception or gross incompetence, the result is still the same.

Yes, but why exactly do these people feel aggrieved in the first place? That was really my main point, what is the reason why people feel wronged that the limited produced amount of this headphone has increased or exceeded what was projected before? And I say this loosely, as the eloquent person wrote above, I'll take his word for it that no hard numbers were given about this supposed limit.
Even if there was, can someone who is among the offended explain why this is a problem?
I owned an HF-2 until recently, I sold it since it didn't get much use. But even if I didn't and I saw this advertisement for a new batch, I would not have a problem with it at all.
My point being, even if Grado/TTVJ did not "keep their word" about a supposed hard limit on the amount of production, again, as the person above wrote, this is only good for the headphone community since more people get to enjoy these.

Jul 20, 2010 at 4:12 PM Post #98 of 223

These headphones are supposed to be a treat to the Head Fi community, and making another run to feed demand isn't a bad thing.   
The vitriol on display here about lying is silly to me.  The amount of "black magic" in the audio world, especially in the higher dollar range is incredible.  The pseudo science some of these companies push onto people here barely draws a peep.  Quite the opposite really, as people come on here touting the same products and its effects.  The irony is surprising.
I see where you are coming from with this, but I disagree that people have been mislead.

The bold has nothing to do with this.
The issue here is that ethic, that sense of false marketting that irks people who have been following the HF-2's history. Its easy for someone to say limited edition on anything and sell it to afficianados, and then just come back later and say, "due to demand, we made more". This is just plain wrong. No amount of explanation can justify that action. Take this same strategy to say a watch forum or something, and they would be furious.

I couldn't have responded better.
I was told that these headphones would not be offered again when I made my purchase.
Jul 20, 2010 at 4:41 PM Post #100 of 223

Even if there was, can someone who is among the offended explain why this is a problem?
My point being, even if Grado/TTVJ did not "keep their word" about a supposed hard limit on the amount of production, again, as the person above wrote, this is only good for the headphone community since more people get to enjoy these.

Some of you keep defending John Grado's actions because of some hogwash about it being for the greater good, yet you continually ignore the people that missed the original buy-in and paid extra to own these after-the-fact.  Even then, you had people paying full-price for a used headphone because they were told that they're out of production and were unable to buy a new pair.  With no warning or explanation, the headphones are back in production and people who did purchase one after-the-fact rightfully feel cheated.  With the information that these headphones would be back in production in a year, they would never have been sold used for full-retail or higher.
If John really was the great guy you people are claiming he is and was doing this for the good of the community because of the prices these were selling used, he would have sold new batches of the HP1000 and PS1 years ago.  Stop fooling yourselves into thinking this is some great mystical event that will suddenly bring peace to our humble wartorn village.
Jul 20, 2010 at 7:00 PM Post #101 of 223

The bold has nothing to do with this.

I couldn't have responded better.
I was told that these headphones would not be offered again when I made my purchase.

And yet they decided to make more for the community, good for them.  You were happy to buy them when you did, and anything after the sale has nothing to do with your purchase.  You didn't know how many units were being built or sold when they first offered them up, because nothing in the original thread gives out that information.  It just said "limited":
Also, it is a limited edition - and once the time and/or total sales has been reached there will be no more of the HF-2.

In another thread this was stated:
As it stands now, we are going to make the cutoff for the HF-2 at 500 headphones or July 31st. – whichever comes first. There are currently about 400 orders placed.

As you can see the concept of "limited" was in flux and never firm, and was changing over time.  The HF-1s also had a short second run, if you recall.  So it isn't like this was a completely new scenario.
Jul 20, 2010 at 7:32 PM Post #102 of 223

And yet they decided to make more for the community, good for them.  You were happy to buy them when you did, and anything after the sale has nothing to do with your purchase.  You didn't know how many units were being built or sold when they first offered them up, because nothing in the original thread gives out that information.

The bold part is completely true. I think the italicized would read better as "And yet they decided to make more for their own profit."
I don't regret having purchased the HF-2 per se. I do regret having done business with TTVJ and Grado however --- once again, it's my single biggest mistake since joining these forums. My opinions of the HF-2 have not changed at all.
The quotes you've provided only further confirm the duplicity, at least to my eyes. Choose to pay more attention to the "As it stands now" if you wish; I myself pay more attention to the two quotes as a whole.
Jul 20, 2010 at 8:50 PM Post #103 of 223
And does head-fi really need $24,000 to $40,000 with all their ad revenue? I think not.
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:21 PM Post #104 of 223
I would have rather tuned into this thread and found out that people were still generally coveting the HF-2 because it sounds fantastic and does things with sound that no other Grado does--all for a very reasonable price. Instead, many choose to not covet it due to its current slightly less limited availability? That is very disappointing. I assumed that this community was about sharing in the best ways to listen through headphones, period. If it is now possible for more of us to share in the special experience, why protest? And yes, what they sound like and, hence, what is most 'special' about them, is not lessened by their resumed production. (I assume this will mean very little to the scorned minority, some with their HF-2's sitting hermetically sealed and unused, waiting for a day when they are worth 2 or 3 times their MSRP.)      
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:41 PM Post #105 of 223

I would have rather tuned into this thread and found out that people were still generally coveting the HF-2 because it sounds fantastic and does things with sound that no other Grado does--all for a very reasonable price. Instead, many choose to not covet it due to its current slightly less limited availability? That is very disappointing. I assumed that this community was about sharing in the best ways to listen through headphones, period. If it is now possible for more of us to share in the special experience, why protest? And yes, what they sound like and, hence, what is most 'special' about them, is not lessened by their resumed production. (I assume this will mean very little to the scorned minority, some with their HF-2's sitting hermetically sealed and unused, waiting for a day when they are worth 2 or 3 times their MSRP.)      

and honestly if i were Todd or Grado, albeit a money maker, i wouldnt release any more special "head-fi" anything. im sure todd has gotten plenty of pms or emails stating how this is wrong blah blah blah... when i last spoke to todd he said he would never do a b-stock sale like that again.  i can only image what hes saying now.   everyone here loves that these headphones were made for us, members of this forum. if you want special treatment like that to continue, you cant bitch about every little thing you see as a problem.  if they were to do nething like this again, i could see the head-fi donations going down per headphone and they would be doing it strictly to make money.  we should feel appreciation that they do this and donate the amount they do to keep this site beautiful.
and no starting off a post saying "i appreciate them BUT" doesnt count. i hate it when people do that "i mean no disrespect BUT" of course theyre gonna say something disrespectful after.

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