Themed Monthly Avatar Committee (TMAC) discussion thread
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Sep 10, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #8,101 of 12,550
  They taste infinitely better when totally bad/rotten/diseased/corrupted/spoilt/corrupted/compromised/congealed/coagulated/toxic/inedible/putrefied/off/nutritionally challenged/gross/etc. etc.
Not as good as a good pineapple, though.

Well those are pretty high standards to uphold. Nothing's as good as a bad pineapple, even.
Nutritionally challenged. That's good. I'll remember that.
I had the RE262 for a short time. I ended up returning them to Head Direct (I think that's who I bought them from at least).... I wasn't impressed with the sound at all. At least compared to what I had at the time. Compared to the IE80s with the tape mod and pure silver cable (as well as the MDR-7550) left me very underwhelmed.... :frowning2: I really set my expectations too high on that purchase but based on what I read I figured it would be very good. I read the entire thread and was very excited to get them thinking it would be the pairing I needed for the Studio V. Boy was I wrong.... That pretty much was the last straw with me making blind purchases (in general). While the 262 had decent mids. The treble was unrefined and on the harsh side. Bass was lacking in quantity. It's quality was ok I guess. Nothing to right home about. The sound staging was on the small side but acceptable for a dynamic IEM. I think anyone looking for this signature but a noticeably better IEM overall would have been set with the Sennheiser IE7. At one point you could have gotten these IEMs refurb for $92.00. I think even the MDR-7550 would be a very good choice and even better than the IE7.
Case in point even my former IE80 and MDR-7550 could not compare to the gear I have now. I was always chasing after gear to improve upon what I had and I'm at that point where it's not really possible anymore lol.... Anyways it would be interesting to hear your impressions on the 1Plus2 if you ever get a chance. Would probably shed some light on exactly what I'm talking about :).
It's been quite a journey here. I remember first starting off with the Bose IE2 thinking they were the ****. Started of with the older version of the Sansa e280 and under RMA they sent me a new prototype e280 v2. Which was using the same chip the Sansa Fuze would later use. I immediately noticed that improvement and it got me wondering if things could improve further. That brought me here to headfi and I started off with the IE8s. I remember first listening to them and was not very impressed. Was thinking did I just waste $260 on these IEMs? But within 20 minutes I started to hear the difference. Started noticing how refined they were and how spacious they were. Within hours the bose sounded horrible lol. Funny how much an upgrade can make gear that you previously found very good to sound flawed suddenly... :frowning2:

I've finally found another person who found the treble to be slightly unwieldy and not as smooth as people professed them to be! Good showing. The bass was fine for me, but my baseline for bass (no pun intended) is still the K702 so...everything seems bass heavy.
It's certainly small. I've found that with clean-sounding IEMs which happens to have proper amounts of decay, their stages usually share a similar shape. A small, slightly forward sphere of sound, be as it may. What I certainly found impressed with the RE series is how the transients weren't blurred or etched, and the dynamics were polite and not in your face. Just really, really clean. But thicker than the RE272 or the RE252 which I did vastly prefer over it. The 252 stage was even more oblong and stretched out. The IE7 is a bit too etched in comparison. Not nearly as polite.
Chasing the dragon is fun, but one day we'll all have to put down the shrooms. I'm just here for the fun. And maybe some foreign esoterica. I've heard amazing before. The SR-007 MK1. That was what I wanted most things to aspire to. Not the sig mind you, but everything else. Now I just need that presentation in an IEM and I can settle to find more fascinating sounds and gear, but with the comfort of having a reference to go back to.
Well technically I did hear the 1Plus2....once. It was GG's tour pair (the non-updated version) and the channel was dead in one of the earpieces. I'll probably have to set up something more formal later on. The new ones seem to be some sort of ubermensch's IEM. Never have I seen this sort of positive (and mostly positive, mind you) response last for so long.
Unlike you, I've pretty much just settled my purchases within the same tier of cost until recently. Not for any idealistic/impoverished reasons. Just wanted to try as many things as possible.
This stuff always does my head in when I try to understand it. Bear with me a bit, since I confuse myself whenever I even try to articulate this stuff. From what I've seen, the DF curve features a peak between 9-10 kHz. Now, I hear this peak a little lower, at around 7.6 kHz, in every single headphone I've ever tried. Yet the FF curve doesn't have this peak, and when I tested with my speakers, I heard what might have been a stunted peak (since the speakers weren't in a completely anechoic space and thus were reverberating somewhat off the walls) but nothing on the same order of magnitude as what I hear with headphones. So I hear a DF-like curve with headphones and a FF-like curve with speakers. That makes sense so far.
Here's where it gets confusing. The peak I hear in the mid-treble on headphones is lower than it appears on any of the measurements, so it's clearly not designed into the headphone itself, or else I would hear it in the same place as the dummy did. So it's something about the interface between the ear and the headphone that causes this peak. The only conclusion I can make is that there is something inherently DF-like about stopping the ears up with a pair of headphones.
If this is the case, then in order to make a pair of headphones sound like a set of speakers in a room, you'd need to minimize that mid-treble peak somehow. The trouble is that, as my experience demonstrates, it doesn't fall in the same place for each person, so you couldn't just engineer a dip into the headphone design at a precise frequency in order to compensate. The way I've been doing it is with a parametric EQ. In my experience it does make things sound more natural with this peak (and a few others intrinsic to the headphone itself) compensated for.
How crazy does all of this sound? Now you know why I have trouble wrapping my head around this stuff. There's got to be a simpler explanation I'm missing, or else some of my assumptions or understanding of the fundamental concepts involved might be wrong.

The curves are for reference only (a collected consensus) if I recall correctly. And they use that wishy-washy political term because they get people like you and me who experience the peaks differently. We all have slight variations which is why I'm a bit critical on the HRTF-antis. So unfortunately, yes, we'd still have to adjust accordingly to what we hear. Simply nothing the manufacturers can do about it. The responsibility falls unto us. Unless they install a Realiser into every existing headphone.
Unfortunately I don't have an AES account - So you'll have to do with the only raw DF graph I have on disk.

  good info,I'll update the first post for any any more incoming suggestions for November. Easier to check later.


Sep 10, 2013 at 2:54 PM Post #8,102 of 12,550
  Umm, you'd be surprised at the number of disgruntled PMs I get about that... and from who (not the usual suspects).  I'm starting to get the sense that an implosion may be imminent.  Anyway...

I'm not surprised at all. There's only so much bs people can take.

It just seems to happen from time to time, cyclic nature of group discussions and all that.  Actually, now that I think about it, it's not unlike being in a family (albeit a slightly dysfunctional one)?
  Wait, before anything else, here's something special!  If you ever get to feeling good about about yourself, check out  Holy cup, that thing is crazy! 
  And wait until you get to the end!

I could do that. 

LOL, no you couldn't! 

I'll wait until Magick gets back in the morning.  I have a feeling he may know.  

It's past morning. We're all in the same time zone. Looks like your promise fell short :frowning2:
So who is it?

It's the Taskmaster!  Now HE (if you know his power) CAN doodle that cup!
 Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif  
Oh I opened it... finally.  But I haven't heard it.  I only opened it because the box was taking up too much room.  
  Are you thinking of getting one?  I can take down some impressions if you are.  

Nope, already had one. Back when MEElectronics was hyped and while I was still lurking. But it's good to know that you care :D 
Actually, the funny thing was that the most recent post with the term A151 I dug up through search connected to your username was in the Portable thread. I think I was away then so couldn't answer it. Apologies, but I find your misery to be, sort of, just a tad bit, funny. 
 Probably because no one used to help me. For months.

  Well I didn't know you were going solo there... I did jump in once I knew though! 

 Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif  
Oh wait, you must not have heard the Q350 yet... 

Like I said, I've probably forgotten all about them - even if I did hear them (it's likely) if I can't recall the sound it's a bit moot. Sigh...
But I doubt they'll come close to the level of the Total Musical Turd.
(if you don't know what I'm referring to, search up the term, and you'll find one rather prolific user pioneering the term. There are other variants of it, scattered, but it's definitely worth finding them, a great laugh)

Ohh... it's a reference to something!  Okay, I'll have to look that up. 

 Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif  
Now it's all splintered into a thousand different threads... ugh.  

 I thought you had pioneered the Intro forum? 
 I mean the load was heavy and you got mod status around the time when it got introduced? That's what I got after going backwards reading some of the posts. Or did you have no hand in it?
Well a large part of why I posted there in the first place was to avoid the splintering on the normal subforums. Now that's taken care of, so I don't have much complaints. The quantity and quality of advice isn't as good as it used to be though - at least on the big threads there was a preconvinced "template" of criteria you needed to list out. Now it's a free-for-all and the state of it's a bit sad.

Nope, wasn't me!  I think Currawong did that.  In some ways it's better... though it's an awful lot to keep up with.
 Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif  
You got your hands on the 1P2/Parterre right? Now that's something I do rather care about.... *wink**wink*

STILL haven't received it!  Ugh, it's taking a long time to get here...  However I have heard the 1p2 before, and will again this weekend albeit not with the Uber cable.  My first reaction when I heard it was "holy cow, there is nothing in my head!  HOW DOES IT DO THAT?"
 Originally Posted by lee730 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just recently. The other thread really isn't hospitable at all and I'm tired of the attitude or entitlement if you take my meaning.

  Umm, you'd be surprised at the number of disgruntled PMs I get about that... and from who (not the usual suspects).  I'm starting to get the sense that an implosion may be imminent.  Anyway...

  I'm not surprised at all. There's only so much bs people can take.

 Okay, someone's going to have to let me in (if they want) on just what the heck's going on here. I think we're on the same wavelength but then again I don't think we are at all. I was a bit gruntled but probably for a completely different reason altogether.
If anyone doesn't mind, mind PMing? Talking behind backs is not something I usually do though, but I sort of don't want to touch on toes while on the forums so it'd be nice to know what to look out for.

Sorry mate, I spill no beans.  TBH it's not that dramatic, just grumblings here and there.  And if you believe that...
  Nothing beats a good shag carpet...

I think you're missing a couple of words there, but yeah. 

  And I completely forgot to mention - Our lovely tds wanted me to give you guys a ghetto callout. Or something.
Anyways yo wassup dawg it's yo homedawg t-to-the-d-to-the-s, peace dawg, SWAG.
But seriously if anyone was worried about him, seems he's doing fine for now.

His chair is always open and waiting for him! 

  So what's my reward? I'd like some natively grown pineapples and/or soy sauce from your backyard if you don't mind :D

Well, we're fresh out of pineapples, so here's a durian.

  I'm use to sound staging that emulates a true speaker setup. Images from the front of you. Close your eyes and you can picture the band in front of you, not in your head (I'm in the second row, dead center with the band on stage). Where you can pick out each distinct instrument and place where it is coming from in that sound staging. So in terms of realism and accuracy I'm quite spoiled.

I'm actually going to an LAOCAS event this Sunday where I'll get to enjoy some Kingsound electrostatic speakers.
The ER4s, and I'm going to steal a term from Muppet although she used it for the TG334 rather than the ER4, is a relay machine. And I mean that in an slightly different way than it was intended (i.e. a metaphor to explain transparency). The presentation is almost for the sole purpose of dissecting information and relaying it to the ears as efficiently as possible. And this is an amazing prospect and experience in itself. Back when I was practicing with my band, that would be my lifeline - all I would ever need.

It's a rather unique experience I must say.  I think it's about as close as one could get to an audiophily signature and presentation without having any sense of euphonics whatsoever.  I do wish I didn't have to jam the things that far in to get it to stay, but meh, minor inconvenience.
  Well I guess the best way to describe it in your terms would be 3D.

I believe the term we use for that is holographic, no?
  I can see the appeal for having a very intimate sound. But generally I find that to get tiring very fast and annoying. I feel more like the music is being forced on me rather than me listening to the actual presentation.

Wait, is that why you weren't big on the Kaede?
  Started of with the older version of the Sansa e280 and under RMA they sent me a new prototype e280 v2. Which was using the same chip the Sansa Fuze would later use. I immediately noticed that improvement and it got me wondering if things could improve further. 

I've got one of the old-school e280 here on my desk, and even with Rockbox tweaks, it doesn't sound good at all....we've come a long way since I used it as a source for the work stereo in the kitchen for a while, but it's been replaced in that duty by a rockboxed Fuze+ (which sounds pretty good but could never be a primary DAP due to the touchpad controls).  

I gave mine away to someone that could use it.  It was a great little pocket music machine way back in the day, when I didn't care about presentation nearly as much as I do now, but its time has well come and gone.
good info,I'll update the first post for any any more incoming suggestions for November. Easier to check later.

Noob in da house!

Hmm... I'm not so sure about that.  Might warrant further investigating.
Sep 10, 2013 at 3:14 PM Post #8,103 of 12,550
Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So unfortunately, yes, we'd still have to adjust accordingly to what we hear. Simply nothing the manufacturers can do about it. The responsibility falls unto us. Unless they install a Realiser into every existing headphone.

Hey now there's an idea!  Ear canal correction! 

Sep 10, 2013 at 4:24 PM Post #8,104 of 12,550
Hey now there's an idea!  Ear canal correction! 

They're already starting to use ear canal scanners (not sure what they're called) to make CIEMs without having to make impressions the traditional way. All they have to do is create some sophisticated software that analyzes the accoustics of the ear canal and output an EQ curve that's unique to that ear.
Sep 10, 2013 at 4:45 PM Post #8,105 of 12,550
It just seems to happen from time to time, cyclic nature of group discussions and all that.  Actually, now that I think about it, it's not unlike being in a family (albeit a slightly dysfunctional one)?
I'm actually going to an LAOCAS event this Sunday where I'll get to enjoy some Kingsound electrostatic speakers.
I believe the term we use for that is holographic, no?
Wait, is that why you weren't big on the Kaede?
I gave mine away to someone that could use it.  It was a great little pocket music machine way back in the day, when I didn't care about presentation nearly as much as I do now, but its time has well come and gone.

True but family is family. This is a forum and I see no need to act dysfunctional like that :). Maybe with family we'll naturally be more lenient and forgiving. But to a complete stranger? There's no reason to IMO.
Sounds expensive....
I guess that would be a better term. Mine's still quicker to type lol :wink:
Regarding the Kaede. In part what you said didn't help the issue. Then again IEMs like the 334 are even more forward and intimate sounding. The Flat 4 on the other hand has a rather large head staging which many mistaken for sound staging. It's sound stage does protrude somewhat out of the head but not by a whole lot. The Kaedes lower treble and upper mid range was just simply too emphasized for me. It destroyed many tracks. Even tracks that aren't particularly poorly mastered. Things would just stick out like a sore thumb and it would pull me out of the presentation. Basically turned me off and I couldn't enjoy the IEM. I definitely feel it was more forward than my Sui and in that more intimate. The vocals were definitely more upfront and more nuanced.
My e280 ended up breaking. Always had some sort of issues with them. Replaced it with a Fuze I think.
Sep 10, 2013 at 7:51 PM Post #8,106 of 12,550

  Hey now there's an idea!  Ear canal correction! 

You know my ideas are all genius. Maybe you should start laminating them. Eh? Eh?
So I'm imagining in the future, we'll have CIEMs with non-vented (somehow they'll make it work) graphene-coated drivers (or full on graphene) in one isolated chamber, and a DSP/microscanner in the other. But even then I guess people will be herolding for the purity of untouched drivers and there'll be a backlash for nostalgic "vintage armature" fads. Damn you people why can't you conform to scientific progression!
  LOL, no you couldn't! 

Oh you don't know what I do in my free time. 
I could probably do the outside, but it'd probably be smushed from being in my bag all the time, so I probably wouldn't be able to do the outside.
It's the Taskmaster!  Now HE (if you know his power) CAN doodle that cup!

The Taskmanager eh. So instead of the Bat Signal, does he respond to the Ctrl-Alt-Del Signal? 

  Well I didn't know you were going solo there... I did jump in once I knew though!  

And somehow in 2 months you managed to catch up to my post count there. Check out the stats on the thread, I was surprised too.
Of course I had uber-long chains so it was as if I put 10 posts in one so technically I got conned out of 2900 posts..
Ohh... it's a reference to something!  Okay, I'll have to look that up.  

Cough it has something to do with a sparrow.
Nope, wasn't me!  I think Currawong did that.  In some ways it's better... though it's an awful lot to keep up with.

I can't even keep up with a response anymore. And that's my excuse for being lazy and not helping.
You guys should post an outline of some general guidelines and criterias to follow though. Just an idea. Don't shoot me for it. Maybe link to that great piece on how to ask for help the FOSS people use.
STILL haven't received it!  Ugh, it's taking a long time to get here...  However I have heard the 1p2 before, and will again this weekend albeit not with the Uber cable.  My first reaction when I heard it was "holy cow, there is nothing in my head!  HOW DOES IT DO THAT?"

Witchcraft. Anyone who has 4 FitEars CIEMs, is planning to get two more CanalWorks IEMs, and has the 1P2 under his belt as his own personal brainchild must be no less than a LV250 Archmage.
I think you're missing a couple of words there, but yeah.  

..."on a"...
Oh! Oh, we have a sick mod over here. 

His chair is always open and waiting for him!  

The thread is now about S&M toys.

Your laughter stings like the stench of a million durians.
It's a rather unique experience I must say.  I think it's about as close as one could get to an audiophily signature and presentation without having any sense of euphonics whatsoever.  I do wish I didn't have to jam the things that far in to get it to stay, but meh, minor inconvenience.

More innuendo referencing deep penetration by our lovely sick mod. How this thread has gone downhill.
The term musicality ticks me off for whatever reason. I much prefer euphonic.
Hmm... I'm not so sure about that.  Might warren further investigating.

Sep 10, 2013 at 8:28 PM Post #8,107 of 12,550
It's amazing how this thread can explode some days, then other days proceed forward as barely a trickle.
I tried using slices of pineapples as IEMs, but I found the sound sharp, thin, and almost astringent. Not sweet at all. I think mine weren't ripe enough.
Sep 10, 2013 at 9:02 PM Post #8,108 of 12,550
Starting to like these guys a lot...


And they're a local L.A. band too!

Sep 10, 2013 at 9:34 PM Post #8,109 of 12,550
It's amazing how this thread can explode some days, then other days proceed forward as barely a trickle.

I tried using slices of pineapples as IEMs, but I found the sound sharp, thin, and almost astringent. Not sweet at all. I think mine weren't ripe enough.
What about durians? I'd imagine them to sound muddy, like old beats.
Sep 10, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #8,110 of 12,550
Well those are pretty high standards to uphold. Nothing's as good as a bad pineapple, even.

Nutritionally challenged. That's good. I'll remember that.

I've finally found another person who found the treble to be slightly unwieldy and not as smooth as people professed them to be! Good showing. The bass was fine for me, but my baseline for bass (no pun intended) is still the K702 so...everything seems bass heavy.

It's certainly small. I've found that with clean-sounding IEMs which happens to have proper amounts of decay, their stages usually share a similar shape. A small, slightly forward sphere of sound, be as it may. What I certainly found impressed with the RE series is how the transients weren't blurred or etched, and the dynamics were polite and not in your face. Just really, really clean. But thicker than the RE272 or the RE252 which I did vastly prefer over it. The 252 stage was even more oblong and stretched out. The IE7 is a bit too etched in comparison. Not nearly as polite.

Chasing the dragon is fun, but one day we'll all have to put down the shrooms. I'm just here for the fun. And maybe some foreign esoterica. I've heard amazing before. The SR-007 MK1. That was what I wanted most things to aspire to. Not the sig mind you, but everything else. Now I just need that presentation in an IEM and I can settle to find more fascinating sounds and gear, but with the comfort of having a reference to go back to.

Well technically I did hear the 1Plus2....once. It was GG's tour pair (the non-updated version) and the channel was dead in one of the earpieces. I'll probably have to set up something more formal later on. The new ones seem to be some sort of ubermensch's IEM. Never have I seen this sort of positive (and mostly positive, mind you) response last for so long.

Unlike you, I've pretty much just settled my purchases within the same tier of cost until recently. Not for any idealistic/impoverished reasons. Just wanted to try as many things as possible.

The curves are for reference only (a collected consensus) if I recall correctly. And they use that wishy-washy political term because they get people like you and me who experience the peaks differently. We all have slight variations which is why I'm a bit critical on the HRTF-antis. So unfortunately, yes, we'd still have to adjust accordingly to what we hear. Simply nothing the manufacturers can do about it. The responsibility falls unto us. Unless they install a Realiser into every existing headphone.

Unfortunately I don't have an AES account - So you'll have to do with the only raw DF graph I have on disk.


Now wait just a darn minute! I'm willing to put up with a lot in this thread - but a FR graph??? That's simply going too far. TOO FAR, I say!!
Sep 10, 2013 at 10:13 PM Post #8,111 of 12,550
The next avatar might be familiar to many of you...

The Blue Falcon was just about the only superhero that really wasn't the star of the show. The star was really Dynomutt - a robotic dog that was essentially a superhero version of Scooby-Doo. Dynomutt originally aired in 1976 and was yet another Hanna-Barbera production. The Blue Falcon's voice was provided by Gary Owens, of Laugh-In fame.
Sep 10, 2013 at 11:13 PM Post #8,115 of 12,550
  It's amazing how this thread can explode some days, then other days proceed forward as barely a trickle.
I tried using slices of pineapples as IEMs, but I found the sound sharp, thin, and almost astringent. Not sweet at all. I think mine weren't ripe enough.

Blame it on me, it's never busy when I leave you kids alone. Hmm, I wonder why that would be?
Looks like they needed some real heavy burn-in.
Now wait just a darn minute! I'm willing to put up with a lot in this thread - but a FR graph??? That's simply going too far. TOO FAR, I say!!

Looks like I've pushed things too far. To be fair, this thread is now about S&M.
What about durians? I'd imagine them to sound muddy, like old beats.

I'd imagine you'd have to shower for days to get the smell off of you. Why on earth would you want to do that? 

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