The way I see it... suspicion on some head-fiers
Mar 30, 2008 at 8:10 PM Post #46 of 102

Originally Posted by jp11801 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Man do I wish I was handy and had the skill set to do this. The amp I would want to build (211 or 845 set amp) is way to complex for most builders DIY or pro to do right (or at least the way I would want it.

You mean like this?


I'm not quite ready for that, either!
Mar 30, 2008 at 9:50 PM Post #48 of 102
Oh no, I finally got busted! I've been shilling for years for:

Meier Audio
Todd the Vinyl Junkie
Ray Samuels Audio
Singlepower Audio
Audio Cubes
Stefan AudioArt
Virtual Dynamics
Audio Technica
Ultimate Ears
Rudistor Audio
Moon Audio
ALO Audio
Tice Audio
Nitty Gritty
Audio Desk
Talon Audio
Martin Logan
Newform Research
Niles Audio
Perpetual Technologies
Polk Audio
Soundline Audio
Gingko Audio
Bel Canto
Monster Cable
Kimber Kable
Audio Aero
David Berning Audio
Verastarr Audio
Outlaw Audio
Angstrom Research
Antique Soundlab
Best Skins Ever
Creek Audio
Audio Valve
Sonic Horizons
Radio Shack
Auric Illuminator
Walker Audio
Star Sound Technologies

...and, yes, Buttkicker and Bose!

I'm sure there are many more manufacturers and retailers that I'm forgetting. This list is just what I could come up with by wandering around the house and observing. All are companies that I've done business with and have had good things to say about in terms of their products and/or services.
Mar 30, 2008 at 9:54 PM Post #49 of 102
i've been here long enough and have read enough to see which products and manufacturers people constantly support and which they denigrate. are these people given direct compensation for doing this. i doubt it. do they have a personal or good relationship with these manufacturers and as their friends want to see them thrive. probably. but that's different from what has been suggested in the OP.
Mar 30, 2008 at 10:08 PM Post #50 of 102
I didn't want to say anything, but I get the feeling certain people are shilling stale phallus-shaped pastries...
Mar 30, 2008 at 10:32 PM Post #51 of 102
Reviewer Chip Stern says, in a Positive Feedback essay:

"These legions of Mini-Me’s dutifully parrot the language and jargon originally expounded by such tribal elders as Harry Pearson and J. Gordon Holt to communicate nuances of resolution, then emulate and promulgate the received wisdom of other elitist wannabes in a gigantic circle jerk on Audio Asylum, Audiogon, and sundry chat rooms. (Never mind the covert cells of paid hacks lurking surreptitiously therein to mount campaigns of disinformation against certain manufacturers, while anointing false prophets for a fee.) I certainly don’t wish to denigrate the contributions of Harry or Gordon, nor to dismiss the earnest seekers after truth who turn to the aforementioned circle jerks for jewels of insight that might enable them to achieve system synergy and enjoy a deeper experience of music, but the manner in which the message has been passed down loses something in the translation, and is a colossal collective turnoff to nonbelievers and potential converts. Thus, in slogging through thousands upon thousands of obsessive postings, one gets less of a sense of joy through immersion in music than of the self-referential/self-serious side of our thing—watered down, secondhand versions of vintage Harry Pearson, wherein it seemed as though all of the battles for the soul of high end audio were being determined by heroic jousts in his living room."
Mar 30, 2008 at 10:34 PM Post #52 of 102
I WAS wondering how Wmcmanus got his house the the Cayman Islands...


Originally Posted by Kirosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I didn't want to say anything, but I get the feeling certain people are shilling stale phallus-shaped pastries...

So says the man shilling stale salty scoutish pastries...

In all honesty though... if there is shilling going on, it's in the great minority.

Fanboyism and lack of objectivity on the other hand...
Mar 30, 2008 at 10:45 PM Post #53 of 102
I agree with an earlier statement that many fervent reviews from low post-count users are a reflection of not having heard enough gear. I've seen many friends and also myself fall subject to it in the past. Heck, it's what the phrase "IMO" in reviews and resale on the FS forums are designed for. For pretty much every product known to this forum, you can pick out at least 2 or 3 users who have made posts which paint them to be awesome gear, and they ignore suggestions/comparisons by all others. As users post more, and see the effect their posts have on others (flames, scoffs, derision etc), they/we learn when and where to really speak. The ones who carry on the longest are the ones of which I might have stronger suspicions. The average person with a general sense of their place in the community would eventually cool/calm down and realize just to get on with enjoying their gear, rather than rabbit on about it. But someone who was a marketing 'plant' would keep going no matter what. The best way to combat this kind of thing is look for other posts by a given the user, see who they pick fights with, and see when and where they back down (if at all). If their posts are leading a lemming-like cavalry of one over an abyss, for seemingly no reason, then that would lead me to believe either a) the poster is a bit unbalanced (VERY neurotic), or they could be a plant. NB: we're all a LITTLE bit neurotic, esp those of us in a subjective hobby like this.

I'd also like to say that people should NOT be making BIG gear purchases based on anything but their own hearing/opinions, especially if they have had to save for a long time for it. It amazes me when I see people who have had to sell gear they like just because they needed cash in the short term. You shouldn't be in a hobby if it's going to run you into the ground financially. I think this plays a part in a lot of ppl's actions because you can see the number of young'ns buying line-outs and amps for their ipods, then IEMs, etc. And that kinda stuff can be a LOT of money for them. People REALLY fire up about this 'pastime' when a (relatively, for them) large amount of money is involved, and as stated earlier, than introduces a whole slew of skewed thinking (even from genuine hifi fans who aren't 'shills'). To be honest, I think there are more harmful ppl on here who AREN'T paid shills than those who are paid lol. And as above... take a FISTFUL of salt with anything said on here. Use your own ears.
Mar 30, 2008 at 10:56 PM Post #54 of 102
I kind of understand where he's coming from. I'm not really a fanboy of much, thought I prefer certain things such iTunes software and hardware, and Etymotics for IEM's. I only talk/give advice about things I have, or I will tell someone what I've read. I'm definitely not gonna try and tell someone somethings better than the other unless I know so. I think one thing you'll always hear me gripe about are Senn CX300's though
Mar 30, 2008 at 11:02 PM Post #55 of 102

Originally Posted by Naris /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So says the man shilling stale salty scoutish pastries...

Scouts sell pretzels? Damned restraining order...
Mar 31, 2008 at 12:28 AM Post #57 of 102
Wayne, the point is not whether we endorse certain products. We all do that.

The problem is when people have a financial stake (e.g. commissions, free gear, etc.) in exchange for opinions and steering purchasers.

When you go to a car dealer, you know they're going to try to sell you something. You expect that.

If the car dealer secretly puts your neighbor on commission to sell you a car, that's something else.

I believe that everyone receiving income or compensation has to be designated as a member of the trade. I think the existing policy is fair, as long as every MOT is labeled as a MOT.
Mar 31, 2008 at 12:33 AM Post #58 of 102
This is all fascinating to read for me, as I made a significant financial jump into head-fi based on what I read in head-fi, as well as knowing that, without listening beforehand to the gear I was purchasing, I was taking a chance. I also got caught up in a couple of flavour-of-the-month choices, but I don't regret those, as the latter - the Apogee Duet, was for podcasting/skype as well as as a DAC, so it killed two birds with one stone.

Overall, what I feel is missing is appropriately qualified opinions. By that mean, for example, I read a AKG K501 vs. Senn 600 review here that did an excellent job of stating entirely along the way where the reviewer was coming from with each statement made.

More so than anything that's missing are people writing comments and reviews of gear based on comparisons to live music listened to. I count myself lucky to have been introduced to hi-fi through a store run by a family who were heavily involved in classic music performances locally. When they matched systems, they were doing so based on what a real performance sounded like. What people here seem to continually forget is that their preferences are preferences for different coloration's.
Mar 31, 2008 at 1:02 AM Post #59 of 102

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wayne, the point is not whether we endorse certain products. We all do that.

The problem is when people have a financial stake (e.g. commissions, free gear, etc.) in exchange for opinions and steering purchasers.

When you go to a car dealer, you know they're going to try to sell you something. You expect that.

If the car dealer secretly puts your neighbor on commission to sell you a car, that's something else.

I believe that everyone receiving income or compensation has to be designated as a member of the trade. I think the existing policy is fair, as long as every MOT is labeled as a MOT.

Oh, trust me, I got the point. I just don't happen to believe that it's too terribly widespread, especially in the context in which it was presented in the opening post of this thread. In other words, I don't believe that there are many paid shills out there.

As others have said:

1) there is a lot of fanboyism but that is to be expected and is usually pretty easy to spot, so you take it with a grain of salt.

2) there are a lot of people (usually new members) who don't have much listening experience with competing products and thus may unintentionally overstate the "sonic glory" of whatever their most recent purchase was, and again, that's easy to spot. Yet, they're not liars! Just inexperienced listeners and really having fun with something that, to them, represents a new discovery.

You know the threads: "My first EARGASM!!! The Grado SR-60" Or the Sennheiser HD280. Or the Koss Porta Pro. Or maybe even the Grado PS-1 or Sennheiser HD650. But still, easy to spot and your BS filters then go to work.

What I am more concerned about are the "friendly reviews" that occur from time to time by certain people who receive gear from MOTs on an extended trial basis, or are given discounts that others wouldn't be offered, etc. None of this sort of thing is allowable per our Terms of Use, but as a practical matter it can be quite difficult to spot, let alone know the real facts behind the situation, let alone do anything about it from an enforcement perspective.

But what's cool about Head-Fi is that we have a lot of members and a lot of competing MOTs who sell the same sorts of products, and the minute one of our more experienced members starts to look, and act and smell like a shill, someone will call him out on the matter. The person who calls out the supposed shill may not be right about it, and the person being called out may be offended and puff up his chest in protest. He may even put a red herring in his signature saying that he's not affiliated with such and such company.

Yet, whenever there is even an appearance of impropriety, it simply won't go unnoticed, nor will it won't go undiscussed. Thus, the average informed reader will soon become aware of the situation and can then draw his or her own conclusions as to how much weight to give to the supposedly biased person's comments. For the most part, I find that this sort of member to member regulation (keeping each other in check) works quite effectively.

As for identifying and labeling MOTs, that's an ongoing issue that we're always working on, but there is a never ending backlog. It's also a time consuming process, not only the identifying and labeling part, but also the necessary communication that is required as followup with each and every new MOT who is added to the ranks. In most cases, they transition from being a regular member to being an MOT seamlessly, but not always. But the main issue there is just keeping on top of it.
Mar 31, 2008 at 1:12 AM Post #60 of 102

Originally Posted by Naris /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I WAS wondering how Wmcmanus got his house the the Cayman Islands...

Ya mon! I'm on the take with 87 audio companies! I keep saying good things about their products and services and have been rewarded with all sorts of goodies (a set of golf clubs, a beauty of window air conditioner, a case of Colt Malt Liquor, 4 tickets to see Peter Pan on Broadway, and a lifetime supply of toilet paper for being so full of it... sh!!!, I mean sh!!! it).

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