The way I see it... suspicion on some head-fiers
Mar 31, 2008 at 3:21 PM Post #76 of 102
If I had a dollar for every post I made, I still wouldn't make minimum wage. Why anyone would bother trying to make a buck by posting on a hobby board is beyond me. It's better to either make the hobby your out and out real job (like making amps and such) or just stick to your job job and post here for fun.
Mar 31, 2008 at 3:35 PM Post #77 of 102

Originally Posted by warrior05 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
... This is a very subjective hobby we are in and if you latch onto something that sparks your audio listening fire then it is hard not to get excited about it and share it with others.

I would take it a bit further: it would be a #@^&* shame if we couldn't do that any more.
Mar 31, 2008 at 10:08 PM Post #78 of 102
I can't be the only one who has heard the stories, seen a small sneak peak of the backstage intrigues. I was under the impression that things had really greatly improved, but then again, I'm far removed from those backstage intrigues, and no longer in a place where I'd even hear about them.

It's not about money, at least to the ones doing the shilling. It's about... I don't know, self importance? 30 seconds of fame on a tiny slice of the internet? You'd have to ask them, and honestly, who is going to come into this thread and say "Yeah, I'm totally a shill! Buy the stuff I like so that I can get the ultra-new prototype of the coolest new amp. It explodes when you turn it on, but once that's solved, it's gonna be so cool! Buy it!"

Hears a story that I've heard before, I can't even remember the names, but I don't think it really matters: Headfier has a lot of a certain MOT's stuff, digs the sound, writes glowing reviews in good faith, is simply honest about what they like. Gets chummy with MOT - and there's nothing wrong with that. We're a friendly place and MOTs should be able to roam their native habitat and move freely within the herd. MOT starts sending headfier ultra-new stuff, and is allowed to talk about it. There's nothing wrong with that either, and everyone knows what's what. The headfier decides they don't like what they hear in a product, and writes a fair review of it. No harm, no foul, we're supposed to all be honest. Then MOT starts harassing headfier off of the forum and IRL.

Headfier ends up realizing they were a shill the entire time. MOT moves on to the next one. Headfi is none-the-wiser.

I know people who get new stuff from their favorite MOTs will jump all over this as some kind of attack, so "let me be clear." - This isn't the usual way of things. But sometimes, you do hear whispers of these Headfi Forum Legends.

And it's one of the tougher challenges for the mods and the community, to allow free discourse and allow friendships to develop, while keeping everything honest. I think it is mostly honest, but sometimes, you have to make that judgment call on a case by case basis on what you're reading.
Mar 31, 2008 at 11:00 PM Post #79 of 102
I would never buy a piece of hi-fi without auditioning and enjoy the process using the music I like and know intimately. This is not the case with my head-fi experience. As I have not managed a 'meet' yet my recent head-fi journey has also been entirely based on 'reviews', opinions and appreciation threads from this site. The music is still involved but only as a backing track to trawling this wonderful database of contradictions. Caveat emptor and enjoy the music
Apr 1, 2008 at 3:35 AM Post #80 of 102
I try to present my honest opinions in every post. I also try to present the pros and cons of all the products I review and comment on. I don't think I have yet found a perfect... anything in this hobby. cans, amps... whatever it is has been, I have found flaws in it.
Apr 1, 2008 at 3:52 AM Post #81 of 102

Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why anyone would bother trying to make a buck by posting on a hobby board is beyond me.

I have to totally agree with this. I can't see any of the big operators, Sennheiser, AKG etc, bothering with it. Their big markets are not Head-Fi. As for the smaller operators, the gain would be very small and very short term. Sooner or later any shill or the like, will get sussed out.

There is plenty of rampant fanboyism though. Who cares, it is a hobby after all.

Apr 1, 2008 at 4:33 AM Post #83 of 102

Originally Posted by Fitz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Who you callin' a mere fanboy? I'm quite an extraordinary fanboy thank you very much.

fitz, i saw your mug in headfi: hot or not - extraordinarily what? poor taste in glasses? big nose? second last word?

*whispers to self in glee* "got him this time".
Apr 1, 2008 at 4:37 AM Post #84 of 102

Originally Posted by Kees /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think you are wrong.
There are members that have a commercial interest and they are marked as MOT.
The others that seem to push certain brands are just fanboys. And sometimes they feel really important because some MOT treats them as a critic that has to be taken really seriously.
I don't think there are any commercial plots against HeadFi-integrity.

Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner.
Apr 1, 2008 at 5:28 AM Post #86 of 102

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
fitz, i saw your mug in headfi: hot or not - extraordinarily what? poor taste in glasses? big nose? second last word?

*whispers to self in glee* "got him this time".

This is how not to be a particularly cool Head-Fier.
Apr 1, 2008 at 6:15 AM Post #87 of 102
indeed though, your choice in headphones is quite amazing and i am looking seriously at a pair of akg - you being one of the biggest adverts to akg i can imagine.

im quite sure that if i went to your place, stole your phones and ate your dinner - as long as i did not speak, no one in your house would realise that shigzeo is the one eating the food and fouling the loo - we are in fact, equally handsome (hope that does not count against us).

i hope to not have hijacked this thread.
Apr 1, 2008 at 6:38 PM Post #88 of 102
In the cable forum, a poster just inadvertently revealed that he had worked on a commission basis with Virtual Dynamics. He mentioned that he and other posters had been approached by other vendors too. Caveat chator.

See ya
Apr 1, 2008 at 7:44 PM Post #89 of 102

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think it's more likely what was complained about in another thread somewhere, that Head-fi is filling up with inexperienced people writing like they know what they are talking about, when they don't.

Should be a sticky.

I see a lot of this going on. Not all of the time but I'm seeing more of it.

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